Lucian is a girl of age 10, she is about to attend her mother, Everly's funeral, her father, Orion is the tall man holding Ms. Luci's hand. All dressed in black they proceed to look somberly onto there beloveds grave. Lucian was told not to sob upon entering the church, she was specifically instructed to keep a straight face and show her strength to the people of Slivers. This of course is quite heavy on a 10 year old girls shoulders, who had lost her mother to the disease that is taking the people of Silvers into a early grave. Lucian knows her mother showed her the most affection throughout her 10 years of living. Her father is a much more stern man cold from the wars that have been plaguing the citizens of Silvers. These are hard times she has no use for emotions that will get in her way. She must show her father that she is a capable young women, who can show the people of her beloved town that now is the time to not give into the darkness.
6 years later...
Lucian is 16 now, she has flourished into a young woman, her father Orion is now entering his early 40ties. It has been 6 years since the funeral to this day Lucian ponders to that night in December, her nonchalant father gripping onto her small hand as the walk to the casket, she had witnessed her father shed a single tear while looking upon the box. Lucian had known then her father deep inside truly cared for her mother, Everly. Lucian has begun to understand the fragility of life, how it can shatter in an instant. She had been to many funerals for the dieased victims. Lucian is next in line for the throne and so it will become her duty to fix the era in which she lives in. The nightmares and the screams of the people will be her duty to destroy the monsters that haunt them. Lucian has watched her father care for the people of Slivers, with far more delicacy than he'd had ever shown her. Her father will marry her off to man as the traditions go. But that is not the path Lucian seeks, she understands the potential in herself. No man could ever truly understand her even if true love is in the equation. Lucian is a woman of few words, some say it is because she not intelligent, but that is far from the truth.
4 years later...
Lucian attends another funeral this time without her father holding onto her hand. He lays a few feet away from her in a dark box soon to be put under the earth and eventually forgotten about. She finds strength within her ability to keep her emotions hidden. She shows no fear no sadness, or distraught. Instead she stands tall, finally ready for her destiny, to be a queen. She will show her people the sheer will she had been born with. She will show them her generosity and kindness but also her sternness. She isn't there mother but there leader. She will lead them out of the dark ages.
8 years later...
She has become one of the strongest queens of the ages. She has won many battles, but the wins will never make up her loses. The disease is far less awakened. Some people believe they have undoubtedly defeated it. But Lucian knows better, it is not gone, not yet it still lingers in the air. She has signed a peace treaty with a neighboring kingdom and upon there agreement she must marry one of there people. Instead of choosing a wealthy ambassador or a person of loyal decent her eyes laid upon a commoner, that had caught her eyes. His eyes were grey just like her father's had once been, just like her mothers. She had many meetings with this particular man in secret. He did not know that she was a queen, but he sensed there was something aloof about her. So he asked her one day "why, a beauty such as you, with hair as pink as the morning light and eyes of grey, would take interest in a humble man as me?" She laughed a real laugh loud and joyous. "You sir, are my dawn, the person who can make me smile, marry me and I shall unveil all my secrets to you" he had agreed and so they married and she spent all night explaining to him where she had come from and her duty to her people.
2 years later...
She is with child. She rules her kingdom with her king beside her. She has since united many other nations. She is in her prime, her kingdom is at peace there are no more wars, no more word of the disease that once had plagued the lands. She is at peace within herself.
8 months later...
Her baby boy had finally been born, her husband names him Dawn. They adore the boy, and Lucian enjoys the days of motherhood. She teachers her son the right way to rule, with a steady hand and a heavy heart. The boy was but 5 years of age when he catches the incurable disease, he dosent last long being sick and upon his funeral his mother cries untill the sun dies. She cries untill she cannot weep anymore. The people of Silvers have never seen her so fragile, so broken. Even in the days of war she had never shed a tear of the valiant soldiers of Silvers. The people became very afraid as the queen mourned her loss, she stayed locked up inside her castle, the king took over her duties and ruled the land while his wife was in shambles. "She will never be able to recover" the doctor informs the king. The king is furious he takes his rage upon the people. He shows no more grace no more kindness. The queen ends up throwing herself out of the tower after hearing the state that her husbands in. The land of Silvers is in the state of disarray. Fires burning taxes being heightened, and crimes going unpunished. It will never be the same. The king takes on many more wives and mistresses. The people uprise at his disloyalty to the queen, they fight and fight overthrowing the castle and killing the king. The land of Silvers eventually burns to the ground. With everything gone, and broken.
And this is the end
<3 I was bored and made up a dumb little story <3

From The Heart <3 (Poems And Short Stories)
PoetryRandom poetry? Just for practices and such, lots of them will be deleted 😂, but here's for the ones who'll stay