Today would be your 73rd birthday, if you were still here we would have a big celebration, and laugh, play games, and eat one of your wonderful cakes. We would be at your house, and as you would always ask me "how was school" I would be answering with a small reply. But that hasn't happened in several years now. I haven't seen your house in a long while. I haven't seen you either. I miss you. I miss listening to you talking about birds, and watching you watch the birds. I miss lots of things, and I wish you were here but I suppose that would be selfish of me. You were suffering, and now your free of all that pain. You held on to life as tightly as you could. And I want to thank for that, you didn't give up, you fought and fought. I love you so much, you were basically our mother at times when our real mother was to depressed to move.
<3 I hope heaven treats you well, maybe your watching the birds and drinking your coffee <3

From The Heart <3 (Poems And Short Stories)
PoetryRandom poetry? Just for practices and such, lots of them will be deleted 😂, but here's for the ones who'll stay