Its a somber time when your asleep
I whisper secrets to you that you'll never hear
I cry sometimes aswell.
But that dosent matter;You see, you rest so peacefully.
Its so serene watching you breath as your chest falls only to rise once more
Yes, I am very alone at night...I lie awake for hours wishing someone could keep me company,
I try and try but closing my eyes is pointless
But yet in those moments I am not entirely alone:Your body is less then an inch away from mine.
Your concensus is in a place I cannot reach
Your eyes do not meet mineIt makes me hate the moon
Oh, how I wish for the sun to rise and the clouds to clutter the skies.
So I can watch your lashes flutter while your mouth sings my name.I feel so entirely alone sometimes when the stars decide to shine
Its my fault I know, if I could find an antidote;
A simple fix so I don't have to feel the burn inflame my skull with lies.But asking you to stay awake would be selfish
And so I won't but insist that you sleep instead
And I will wait here until you wake and see your lovely smile as the sun colors your face in a warm orange

From The Heart <3 (Poems And Short Stories)
PoesiaRandom poetry? Just for practices and such, lots of them will be deleted 😂, but here's for the ones who'll stay