The witch had finally been cast out of her beloved coven, she had finally made the mistake of her life. It wasn't because she didn't try hard enough, it was more like she had tried to hard. She had always been the black sheep amongst her peers, the one all the snide comments were towards. She took in all the negativity the other beginner witches bestowed on her and stored it in a jar, and once the jar was filled to the brim, it was destined to burst. Una has lived a life of misfortune. Her parents were unfit to raise her and so she lived with her grandmother. Of course they didn't necessarily have a relationship like in "Little Red Ridding Hood". It was much more complex then that, all the frustrations at school and at home made her an infamous brat. Known for being sarcastic and sassy. Yes, she was a hellfire just burning for chaos in her home life. At school she was much more quieter and kept to herself. The other kids went to far one day and she cast the only spell she can confidentiality cast. She had cast it onto herself on accident one time, so she had a much better understanding of it then the other kids. So, when the topic of the day was on the history and the way of casting it, little Una felt overjoyed when the teacher asked questions. She was of course to shy to raise her hand and answer them, but instead answered them in her own head, imagining the teacher praising her smarts. The other kids quietly noticed her whispering to herself in her own little world. They laughed inwardly and raised there eyebrows to eachother. After class Amber, the meanest girl in the school stopped Una in the hallway. Pointing her finger at poor Una calling her insults that she has heard a thousand times before. But this time Amber said something else that she had never said before. Amber had mocked Una's parents, she may not live with them but they still have a space deep in her heart. Una was filled with rage and hate, she turned Amber into an amphibian. She was caught by the students and several teaches. They took her to the coven to plead her case, but nevertheless Ambers parents are rich and highly renowned. Her poor grandmother begged them to give Una another chance. She told the council that Una has been revoked. The leader asked Una if it were true but she stayed silent. She had finally given up, she was done with all of the unfairness. She instead had a plan of her own to get back into the coven.

From The Heart <3 (Poems And Short Stories)
PoesíaRandom poetry? Just for practices and such, lots of them will be deleted 😂, but here's for the ones who'll stay