Over the years my friend, I have grown with you, matured with you, laughed with you
You have shown me kindness and patience, I look forward to all the moments I get to spend with you
I love being with you, I love creating stories with you, you are my sunshine, my one and only
I am honored to be considered a best friend, and I am honored to be marrying you today (march 18, 2021)
I look forward to our future, and the different paths we will follow
My life has become brighter with your light, you make me feel loved and appreciated
I know whatever my troubles may be, I can always confide in you, our scars may differ but even so our lives are intertwined, wrapped in silk and glass, we are one
This is my vow to you:
As we age, I promise to love you always, even in your worst moments
I promise to be by your side, always
I swear my loyalty to you
I shall cherish you until our last moments
I will carry you when you fall, and when you are hurt I will do my utmost best to mend you back together
I vow to always be your friend until the end of time
I love kal.. Ren.. Jen..... <3<3 friendship marriage vow <3

From The Heart <3 (Poems And Short Stories)
PoésieRandom poetry? Just for practices and such, lots of them will be deleted 😂, but here's for the ones who'll stay