You speak of silence, but silence is hard to hear, and so I will wait until you raise your voice
I will listen, as you listen to me, I will not cross the line, so don't worry
I know my place, I know your voice, I hear your silence and I understand it
Take all the time you need, very soon everything will change, so savor these moments, for they will not last
Let's enjoy this time we have left, and create many memories we can bring into our new life
This will not be the end, later it will seem as small as a shard of glass that once cut you, but the pain will be long gone
You can make it, you are very strong and have overcame so many things, a lioness hiding in the grasses to strike
A true fighter, stronger than steel, ready to swing you sword, your blade will not remain double edged, it will become one
Fight and overcome with your silence, you use it as a weapon and take what is yours
I will wait untill I am called upon, I will lay low in the shadows for you, so sleep with both of your eyes closed
Follow the path your heart tells you to take, I will be there every step of the way<3 dedicated to my lil buddy <3

From The Heart <3 (Poems And Short Stories)
PoetryRandom poetry? Just for practices and such, lots of them will be deleted 😂, but here's for the ones who'll stay