Im such a fool,
Your so strong and kind...
Unlike me;
Who's weak and disposable.Never again!
Im going to smarter next time,
I forgot my place...
I forgot where I was...
All I wanted to do was fly again.To feel the wind and your body against mine.
The sand flying,
And the stars shinning.
Feeling your arms wrapped around me in a safe cocoon.As we fell into the earth I awoke...
I got ahead of myself,
I needed to be humbled,
Im feeding off of there home, not mine.
It is not my world;
Though i wish it was.No matter how much progress I believe I'm making,
Nor making myself more acquainted with his family.
I will always be isabelle...
And I will always bear the same stains.
Im still the same tainted girl.The one no one should touch,
Other hands have been all over me.
There prints completely incase me with dirt;
They passed me around like a blunt,
My soul shaking like the smoke.The soil i was born into does not own such magnificence.
Such glamer and love,
My roots are rotted and split;
My family barely coexists with each other.
Everyone lives in there room,
Thats where I'd be right now if I was home.But yet here i lay next to him as he sleeps peacefully.
I feel the warmth emitting from his body,
I can feel his breaths.
Hes to good for someone like me;
There to good.
I don't deserve any of this,
All I do is cause chaos.They already have enough stress,
I shouldn't add onto it.
Im selfish;
I don't want to leave.
I wish to stay,
Even if it causes havoc.
Im a horrible human being.So pitiful and useless.

From The Heart <3 (Poems And Short Stories)
PoetryRandom poetry? Just for practices and such, lots of them will be deleted 😂, but here's for the ones who'll stay