Well I'm back... To talk about him again! We have been having Wonderful nights filled with passion... Not like that you weirdos!
I think I'll be able to open up about my story soon! I want to tell him those things but it's hard. With time, all I need is time. I can do this! I just need a little more time.
You know what's funny? Its like I can still feel his warm hands on me. I used to only feel my ghosts ice cold fingers on my back from time to time. I wish he could've been my first, but I'm happy I'm his first, it's cute.
I gotta go to bed but my minds a haywire right now. I don't know if all of this passion is just me trying to get my mind off a specific thing or if it's really me? It kinda scares me a little bit.
I think me and El can do this, I know I've had all these doubts. All of these questions if he is being truthful. But throughout this hole ordeal he hasn't shown me any reason to doubt him. I'm happy I have someone I count on. I don't think I've ever really had someone like that. It's different with lil k, there my best friend in the while world, and I wouldn't ever trade them.
Oh! There we go, we got some other human beings in there! I'm gonna go. I have to sleep I'm anxious to see what my mom's gonna do in the morning....

From The Heart <3 (Poems And Short Stories)
PoetryRandom poetry? Just for practices and such, lots of them will be deleted 😂, but here's for the ones who'll stay