Chapter Twenty

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*November 1st, 2018*

I woke up feeling like crap so I took some of the medication my doctor had prescribed for me. I was in the middle of getting my hair done half an hour later and morning sickness hit me like a ton of bricks.
"Vic, you okay?" Jess noticed and finished curling a chunk of my hair.
"She's gonna puke." Lia told her so she didn't start another.
"No I'm n- yes I am." I realized she was right and ran to the bathroom. She held my hair back as I threw up and I was so grateful.
"I can tell you still feel like shit. We were running early actually. Anything you want that I can go run and get for you?" Lia rubbed my back.
"You remember those peppermints Mum used to get us when we were sick so our stomachs would feel better?" I mumbled into my hands as I tried to resist the urge to vomit.
"Yeah, some of those?" She asked and I nodded.
"And peppermint tea too." I added.
"Sure. I'll be right back." She told me and I agreed.
"Liam (:
How're you feeling, love?"
"Liam (:
Have you thrown up?"
"Yeah. Jess was just doing my hair and morning sickness hit me bad. Lia is going to get me peppermints though so worst case scenario I have one in my mouth when I walk down the aisle."
"Liam (:
Will you be able to say your vows with it? Or will it look weird in pictures? You know how picky you're going to be with the pictures"
"True. Let's just hope I feel better by then. I'm gonna actually take a quick nap while Lia is gone so I'll see you at 2, baby (: I love you xx"
"Liam (:
Feel better, Princess (: I love you too xx"
I fell asleep and woke up to the morning sickness again. Lia walked in just as I finished throwing up and she frowned.
"Brush your teeth quick. I found the mints. You can sleep while Jess does your hair as long as you promise you won't be cranky when we wake you up." She told me and I immediately agreed. I brushed my teeth, took more of my meds, and put a mint in my mouth before falling asleep in the seat where Jess was doing my hair.

"How's she feeling?" I heard my mum.
"Really shitty. She threw up twice earlier but I think her meds are helping." Lia told her.
"Her hair looks beautiful, great job, Jess." My mum smiled.
"It's nearly 1, we need her awake." My mum reminded her.
"I'm up." I mumbled.
"How're you feelin, sweetie?" She put a hand on my forehead to feel if I had a fever.
"Better. Tired. Wanting a peppermint." I laughed a bit.
"Tea and peppermint are to your left." Lia told me and I was extremely happy.
"You are amazing, Lia." I mumbled as I took a drink.
"Tori, we still need to do your makeup. Come on, love. I know how you feel but you're running late." My mum reminded me.
"Fine." I nodded and chugged my tea.
"How's your stomach feeling?" She asked as they started my makeup.
"Okay. Still not great but certainly better than earlier." I explained.
"I never got morning sickness this bad. Ever." She frowned a little.
"This kid just better be cute." I mumbled. Luca walked in with food just then and the smell made me sick to my stomach.
"Luca, out right now." My mum told him.
"Why?" He asked.
"Your sister isn't feeling well and the smell of the food is making it worse." She explained.
"Shit, Tor, you're sick on your wedding day?" He put the food outside and walked in.
"Yes." I mumbled and he grabbed my meds.
"Wait, this is doxylamine. Either you're pregnant or-" He started and stopped once he saw our eyes widen a bit.
"You're pregnant." He realized.
"Dammit. Why do you have to be a doctor." I sighed. Luca was a doctor, Lia was an OB/GYN, and Bella was an attorney. I was the only one without a big job, but I did have a degree in nursing.
"Tor, that's awesome!" He told me.
"Thank you, Luke. Would you mind handing me one of those pills? It's time for me to take them again." I asked and he did. I took it quickly and he headed out so they could finish getting me ready. I started feeling a lot better just as they finished my makeup and we had to get my dress on. Once it was on Lia helped me get my shoes on.
"Oh shit. Lia, where's my deodorant?" I asked my sister.
"Should be in that bag!" She told me as she pulled her own dress on.
"It's not!" I told her.
"Found it!" I yelled. I grabbed another mint quick and Lia walked in.
"God, you look perfect." She teared up a little.
"Why're you crying?" I hugged her.
"Cause! You're my baby sister! You're not mine anymore. You're Liam's. You cried at my wedding too, you can't judge." She laughed as she wiped her eyes. My siblings and parents all walked in and my dad looked like he was going to cry.
"Dad, if you cry, I'm going to." I tried to blink back tears.
"You're our baby! You're the last one not married and now you are and it's emotional for us!" My mum wiped her eyes. I was already emotional from hormones so I was on the edge of crying.
"Luca, Bella, we love you guys but you need to go and, Mum, you should too." Lia decided and they all agreed. My mum gave me one more kiss on the cheek and Luca and Bella hugged me before they all left.
"You feeling better?" Lia asked and I nodded.
"Good. We need to go. Come on." She hugged me. We all walked over to the doors and got there just after Liam got to the altar. Our wedding party (4 bridesmaids, 4 groomsmen) walked down and it was just me and my dad left to go.
"Go." My aunt in the back smiled that it was our turn. The music started and the doors opened. Liam's jaw dropped and he gasped a bit once he saw me. Our photographer took a picture of him and I smiled at him. I started crying a little and carefully wiped my eyes. We finally got to Liam and I was so excited.
"Who gives this woman to this man in marriage?" The officiant asked.
"Her mother and I do." My dad spoke up.
"Thanks, Dad." I kissed his cheek and stepped over to Liam. I handed my bouquet to Lia and and turned to face Liam. He grabbed my hands but I pulled one back and wiped my eyes quickly before grabbing his again. "Welcome everyone. Victoria and Liam have chosen you, those special and important to them, to witness and celebrate the beginning of their life together as husband and wife. Today, as we create this marriage, we also create a new bond and sense of family - one that will undoubtedly include all who are present here today." He started and I cringed slightly at my legal name. Liam chuckled a little and squeezed my hands.
"No other human ties are more tender and no other vows more important than those you are about to take. Both of you come to this day with the deep realization that the contract of marriage is sacred as are all of its obligations and responsibilities." He continued and I noticed Liam giving me a little smirk.
"Liam, please repeat after me." He told Liam.
"I, Liam James Payne, take you, Victoria," He began and Liam repeated.
"To be my lawfully wedded wife," Liam repeated again.
"To have and to hold from this day forward,"
"For better or for worse, for richer, for poorer,"
"In sickness and in health,"
"To love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part." Liam finished as he looked into my eyes a bit.
"Victoria, repeat after me." The officiant told me and I nodded. I knew I was about to cry and I had to keep my voice from wavering.
"I, Victoria Margaret Marino, take you, Liam," I started and Li could tell I was about to cry so he squeezed my hands. I went through the whole thing and managed to prevent my voice from wavering but Liam smiled a little. He squeezed my hands and I smiled up at him. Leo was our ring bearer and he handed us the rings before hugging my legs. Everyone laughed and it gave me an opportunity to wipe my eyes quick.
"I, Liam, give you, Victoria, this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you." Liam slipped the ring on my finger.
"I, Victoria, give you, Liam, this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you." I slipped the ring on his.
"You may kiss your bride." The officiant smiled. I wrapped my arms around Liam's neck as he grabbed my hips.
"I love you." He smiled as he kissed me.
"I love you too." I smiled. We kissed for a minute until we remembered we were in front of our families.
"I now present Mr. and Mrs. Payne!" The officiant grinned and we headed out of the room.
"How're you feeling?" He wondered as we walked out.
"Much better." I grabbed his hand.
"Good. How's our little guy doin?" He pulled me into his side.
"Good." I kissed his cheek.
"I still can't believe you're pregnant. It hasn't sunk in for me yet." He mumbled into my hair.
"My mum said it didn't for my dad until he held Luca. Once you hold Bryce it'll probably sink in." I leaned into his side.
"True. God, I love you." He rubbed my back.
"I love you too." I smiled.
"Have you eaten today?" He asked.
"No. I couldn't really get up or move without getting the urge to puke until around 1:40." I shrugged.
"You need to eat. You're not just eating for you now, you're eating for our little guy too. When you don't eat you're affecting him too." He reminded me.
"Shit, you're right." I realized.
"I am. Please make sure you eat enough." He whispered.
"I know. Let's enjoy the rest of our wedding." He smiled and I did the same.

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