Chapter Five

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"Hey, Liam." His friend smiled as we walked in. 

"Hey, Todd. This is my girlfriend Tori. Tor, this is my friend Todd from school." Liam introduced me to his friend. 

"How long have you two been together?" Todd asked. 

"About three months I guess." Liam looked down at me. 

"You guess?" Todd was confused. 

"Technically we've officially been together about an hour. Non officially, 3 months." I explained. 

"Oh wait, you're the girl they said cheated on her boyfriend! I saw that on twitter!" He realized. 

"Yeah." I blushed. 

"C'mon, don't make her feel bad, man." Liam groaned. 

"It was with you wasn't it!" Todd laughed. 

"You can't tell anyone!" Liam told him. 

"I won't. Let's just finish the paperwork." His friend laughed. 

"This place comes furnished, so you're done unless you don't like what's here. Congrats. Here are the keys." His friend handed him the keys after they finished up the paperwork. 

"Sweet. Thanks." Liam smiled and his friend left. 

"You wanna go break in our new bed?" Liam smiled a little and I did the same. 

"Sure." I smiled and kissed him. He carried me upstairs and I pulled his shirt off. He pulled mine off too and we got to the bedroom door. My legs were wrapped around his waist and he couldn't find the door knob. I laughed a bit and opened the door for him without breaking the kiss. I unbuttoned his jeans and he carried me into the bedroom. It was gorgeous and I absolutely loved the color scheme of gray and turquoise. Once we got over to the bed I slid his jeans down and he slipped them the rest of the way off. He started to slip my leggings off and groaned when they didn't slide as easily. 

"Your ass looks amazing in them but they're a pain to get off of you." He mumbled into the kiss. 

"Get off me for a second and I'll take them off." I kissed his neck. He reluctantly rolled off of me and I got up. I slowly bent over as I pushed my leggings down, teasing Liam like crazy. I heard him getting the bed ready and pulling back the covers until he saw me. I carefully got the leggings off my feet and turned around to see him. 

"Get your sexy ass over here." He moaned a bit and I ran over to him. I pulled him into bed and he kissed my neck. He undid my bra and just as he was about to pull it off my phone rang. 

“Shit, ignore it." I moaned as he kissed my neck. We let it go to voicemail and I slipped his boxers down. He did the same to me and my phone rang again. 

"Son of a bitch." I cursed as Liam rolled over next to me and handed me my phone. 

"Hello?" I answered it. 

"Tor? We have a major problem." Jess sniffed into the phone. 

"What?" I was concerned. 

"Well you know how my wedding is in December?" She asked, her voice wavering. 

"Yes?" I nodded. 

"I just found out I'm 4 months pregnant. I'm due in early October." She cried. 

"Shit, Jess, you can't be performing while you're pregnant!" I realized. 

"She's guitar, right?" Liam whispered.

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