Chapter Seven

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"No, don't wake them up. One sec. I want to take a picture of them." I faintly heard Karen smile. 

"Why?" Geoff laughed. 

"They're so cute! I'm glad he found her." She smiled and Liam squeezed me tight. 

"She is good for him." Geoff nodded. 

"He was getting sick again with the kidney thing and she convinced him to go to the doctor. She's amazing for him. He's lucky to have her." She told Geoff. 

"Seriously? That's practically impossible." He gasped. 

"She told him how worried she was about him and he caved so she would be happy. He didn't want to see her upset so he went. He really loves her. Our baby boy is growing up." Karen explained. 

"Yeah, he is." Geoff agreed and Liam stretched a bit so they knew he was awake. 

"Hey, sweetie. You feeling better?" She asked him. 

"Much. The medicine definitely helped." He nodded quietly and I woke up. 

"Morning." I smiled as I stretched. 

"You really convinced him to go to the doctor?" Geoff asked. 

"Yeah. I told him how scared I was of losing him and he wanted to make me happy so we went. They said it could've been a lot worse if we waited much longer." I looked down at Liam's chest a bit. 

"But I went and now I have the medication that will help and I'm okay." He rubbed my back and kissed my forehead. 

"She has every right to be worried, Liam. She loves you and you know you would've been far more of a wreck had the roles been reversed." Karen told him. 

"I know." He got really quiet and I felt sad. 

"It's okay. You're better now." I kissed him. 

"I love you." He smiled a little and kissed me. 

"I love you too." I smiled. 

"We're going to go make breakfast, feel free to go back to sleep if you're tired." Geoff gave us a look behind Karen's back that showed he knew what we had done.

"We're going to." Liam yawned as I blushed but agreed. 

"We'll try to keep it down." They smiled and shut the door behind them. 

"That's so embarrassing." I blushed as Liam pulled me on top of him. 

"I'm tired." I mumbled. 

"Me too. Go back to sleep." He kissed my forehead. 

"Hey, baby." I smiled sleepily as I saw him awake a few hours later. 

"Hey." He smiled and kissed me. We continued kissing and his hands moved to my ass. Just then the door started opening quietly so we stopped (we weren't making much noise really so they hadn't noticed) and I laid back down on Liam. 

"Nope, they're still asleep." Karen whispered and shut the door. 

"We should take a picture together." Liam rolled me to his side. 

"We should." I agreed and kissed his cheek. I had one hand on his collarbone and he rubbed my back. We both made weird faces and laughed when we saw ourselves on the screen and he took a picture as we laughed. 

"You're so cute." He smiled and kissed me. 

"So are you." I chuckled and kissed him back. 

*August 29th, 2013*

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