Chapter Twenty One

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*February 17th, 2019*

"Babe, are you ready to go?" Liam yelled to me. We were getting ready to go to my 25 week checkup which was where we were going to find out if our baby was a boy or a girl.
"Yeah! Give me a sec." I told him and pulled on a shoe before hurrying out to him.
"Ready to find out if we were right?" He smiled a little and I kissed him.
"Of course. I wanna go buy some baby clothes after though." I blushed a little.
"We should. And then we can go to the paint store and get the paint for the nursery." He suggested.
"Sounds great. I'm so excited. I can't believe I'm over halfway done." I hugged him.
"I know." He kissed me.
You and Liam want to fly out here soon? We haven't seen you guys in forever."
"Sure. We're heading to the doctor now, how about I call you after?" I suggested and she agreed.
Is today when you find out what the baby is?"
"Yup! What do you think?"
I think it's a girl. What do you guys think?"
"We both think it's a boy. We've been calling it a boy since the day we found out I was pregnant."
Call me after! Good luck"
I had already done an amnio the time before but she wanted to do the gender check that time to be sure. We left and got to my doctor right on time.
"You ready to find out?" I smiled a little.
"Definitely. I'm excited." He smiled as he grabbed my hand.
"You two are adorable." An older couple smiled. They looked to be in their late 30s so we were quite a bit younger in comparison.
"Thanks." We both smiled.
"Are you married?" She asked.
"Yeah." Liam agreed.
"How long?" He wondered.
"Nearly 4 months." I squeezed Liam's hand.
"And how far are you?" She wondered too.
"25 weeks." I explained.
"That's the best time, truthfully." She told us.
"How many kids do you have?" I asked.
"4 plus this one on the way. Our oldest 2 are twins though and are actually in college." He explained.
"Really? How old are you two?" Liam asked.
"39. You guys?" He told us.
"I'm 25, she's 23." Liam told them.
"First kid?" She wondered.
"Yeah. We're really excited." I laughed a bit.
"And if you're 25 weeks that means you're probably finding out the gender today?" She smiled a little and we nodded.
"We're hoping it's a boy. We even agree on a name for a boy." I laughed a bit.
"How far are you?" I wondered, seeing she looked bigger than I did.
"34 weeks. We just want our little girl to be here already." She chuckled.
"Victoria Payne?" The nurse called me back.
"It was nice talking to you, guys!" We smiled and Liam helped me up a bit. We went back and I started shaking a bit.
"Relax." He kissed the back of my hand. I nodded and he helped me onto the table. She asked a few questions before finally putting the gel on my belly.
"You ready?" She smiled a bit.
"Yes." We both said immediately.
"It's a boy!" She showed us and Liam hugged me tight.
"Have you guys discussed names?" She wondered.
"We like Bryce." I told her as I grabbed Liam's hand.
"That's adorable." She smiled as she continued the ultrasound.
"Here's his little face." She told us and Liam squeezed my hand. She printed a couple pictures for us and we got to head out after making our next appointment.
"Hey, Mum." I smiled as I called her and put her on speaker in the car.
"How'd it go?" She wondered.
"It's a boy." Liam smiled and I kissed him.
"That's great!" She smiled.
"When should we go there? It has to be soon, I can't fly much after March." I explained.
"You guys have anything next week?" She asked.
"Nope." We both shook our heads.
"How about Thursday then?" She suggested.
"Sure. We'll book the tickets when we get home." I smiled.
"Sounds great." She smiled and hung up. We went home and Liam grabbed his computer so we could book plane tickets. He pulled me into his side and I turned on a movie while he pulled up our flight options. All of the sudden I felt the baby kick for the first time and I gasped.
"What? What's wrong?" Liam was super worried. I grabbed his hand and held it to where Bryce was kicking.
"Is that him?" He smiled a little.
"Yeah." I kissed his cheek.
"That's amazing." He kissed me.
"I'm exhausted, so I'm gonna take a nap while you book tickets, then we can go shopping after." I mumbled.
"I'll make us some lunch. Get some sleep." He whispered.
"Thank you." I kissed him and fell asleep.

I woke up a little while later and felt tons better.
"Oh, you're awake. I was gonna come wake you up. Lunch is ready." He smiled a little.
"Thank you." I got up and kissed him.
"Of course." He kissed me back. We ate lunch quick and headed out.

We went to a store to buy bedding and some clothes and I was really excited.
"Keep in mind we still have 15 weeks till he's due." Liam chuckled as I started grabbing clothes for the baby.
"I know! I love clothes shopping. Plus after you get the nursery painted and the furniture together I can get his room set up perfect while you're gone. I'm gonna have 2 months." I smiled weakly. He had a tour for two months from when I was 29 weeks to when I was 37 weeks.
"I am so sorry I have to leave. When you go to the doctor while I'm gone I expect a full report of what the doctor says, okay?" He kissed my forehead.
"Okay. As long as you're there when he's born I don't mind." I kissed him.
"I can do that." He smiled and kissed me. We bought some clothes and a crib and bed stuff and decided we had had enough.
"Let's just stop at the paint store quick and get the paint for his room." He kissed my forehead in the car and I nodded. We stopped and got paint for Bryce's room. It was an adorable light blue with light green and I loved it.
"I will do this. You don't worry about it. I promise it will be done by the time I leave and all the furniture will be done then too. Okay?" He told me as we got home.
"Fine." I rested my head on his chest.
"Let's relax. Come on. You've been standing a lot today and I'm sure your feet hurt." He rubbed my back.
"They do." I mumbled.
"Why don't you go get a movie in for us and I'll make us some hot cocoa and some snacks?" He suggested.
"Sounds great. What movie?" I wondered.
"Whatever you'd like. Just not anything too sappy or sad. I don't want you crying." He laughed a bit.
"Okay." I chuckled and kissed him before walking upstairs. I put in a random movie and Liam walked in a little later as I was getting cozy in our bed.
"You put in a scary movie?" He noticed.
"I did? I just grabbed a random one and put it in." I shrugged.
"It's Saw. You sure you wanna watch it?" He double checked and I shrugged.
"I don't mind. We cuddle more when we watch scary ones." I kissed his cheek.
"Okay." He laughed a little. He sat next to me and pulled me into his side as the movie started. The light was off and it was getting dark outside so I cuddled close to Liam.
"I love you, Vic." He whispered.
"I love you too, Li." I kissed him.

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