Chapter Thirty Two

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*June 22nd, 2042*

"Do you, Andrew James Mehls, take Carter Luca Payne to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do." Andrew smiled.
"Do you, Carter Luca Payne, take Andrew James Mehls to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
"I do." My son smiled.
"You may kiss the groom." The officiant smiled and Carter kissed his husband.
"I now present Mr. and Mr. Payne-Mehls!" The officiant announced and I wiped my eyes.
"Why're you crying?" Liam frowned as he rubbed my back.
"He's our baby. And he's married now. It's only a matter of time before Nick and the twins get married." I sniffed. Nick was sitting to my left and I saw Rachel on his left. I looked at her left hand and saw a diamond ring so I gasped.
"Nicholas, what's on your girlfriend's ring finger?" I asked cautiously.
"It's an engagement ring on my fiancée's ring finger." He hesitated.
"Since when?" I asked.
"Last night." He assured me.
"You realize you're not even 19 yet?" I whispered so Liam wouldn't hear.
"I do. But she and I have been together for 4 years. I know she's the one." He reminded me.
"I'm going to trust your judgement here and I'll tell your father for you. You have the best mother ever." I told him and he side hugged me.
"Thank you, Mum." He smiled a bit. I kissed his cheek and he groaned but I turned to the twins who were to Liam's right.
"Mick, Gracie, no getting engaged until you're at least 23." I told them and they groaned.
"Why 23?" Mick groaned.
"Because that's how old I was when your father and I got engaged." I explained.
"Holy shit, Vic, that was 24 years ago." Liam remembered.
"Have we really been together 26 years and we didn't even notice last year when it was 25?" I laughed a little and he agreed as he did the same.
"I love you." I kissed him.
"I love you too, my love." He smiled and kissed me.
"Guys." Nick groaned.
"Your father and I have been together six and a half times as long as you and your fiancée." I reminded him.
"So." He muttered.
"In a few years you guys will have kids of your own and you'll understand." I leaned into Liam's side and we got to go to the reception.
"Let's go my love." He mumbled into my hair and we stood up.
"Shit, Li, you're gonna be 50 next year." I laughed and he tensed up.
"Oh shit." He gasped.
"You're still damn sexy though." I whispered in his ear and Nick groaned as he heard.
"Really, Mum?" He groaned.
"Your mother and I are still attracted to each other. That's a good thing. We could've ended up like Bella and David the last couple years of their marriage." Liam reminded him and I tensed up a bit.
"I'm sorry, love." He mumbled into my hair.
"Who're Bella and David?" Mick asked.
"My sister who passed away when Carter was three." I wiped my eyes.
"Excuse me." I muttered as I walked away and Liam started to run after me.
"Give me a minute, Liam." I told him and he sighed but stayed with our kids. I went into the bathroom and tried to calm down.
"Vic, I'm sorry I brought Bella up." Liam knocked on the door and I let him in.
"You okay?" He shut the door behind himself.
"No." I shook my head as I hugged him tight.
"It's okay." He held me.
"I know. It's just all that combined with the fact that Carter is married and Nick is engaged is just making me emotional." I sniffed.
"I know." He kissed my forehead. I calmed down quickly and he rubbed my back.
"You look amazing today though. Your dress is beautiful." He kissed my cheek.
"Thank you. You look pretty great too." I smiled a little and kissed him.
"I love you, Vic." He mumbled and kissed me.
"I love you too, Li." I whispered and fixed my makeup. We went out to the reception and saw the boys doing their first dance.
"I'm so glad he's happy." I rested my head on Liam's shoulder.
"Me too." He rubbed my back. I had to go out to dance with Carter a couple minutes later and he smiled.
"Thank you, Mum." He told me after the dance started.
"For what?" I asked.
"Everything. Raising me, believing in me, supporting me, all of it." He explained.
"You're our son. Of course we were gonna support you." I assured him.
"You take good care of my boy, okay?" I told Andrew as I danced with him too.
"Of course." He smiled. I went and sat back down and Liam looked uneasy.
"What's up?" I wondered.
"I don't want to ruin Carter's day but us and the twins at least if not Nick need to fly to Ireland ASAP." He whispered so no one else would hear.
"Why?" I asked immediately.
"Lia just called. Your mum had a stroke about an hour ago." He explained and I froze.
"Shit." I cursed. Carter was eating so I went over to him while Liam booked tickets for us and the kids.
"Cart, your dad and your siblings and I need to go." I whispered.
"Why?" He was worried.
"Grandma just had a stroke and we need to fly back to Ireland. I'm so sorry I have to miss your wed-" I started.
"Mum, go. Don't worry about this. There'll be pictures plus you were here for the important part. Go be with Grandma." He hugged me tight.
"You sure you're okay with it?" I double checked.
"Mum, go. Really." He assured me and Liam and the kids ran over.
"Wait, where's Mick?" I noticed. While Liam and the kids said goodbye to Carter I went to look for Mick. I turned a corner and saw her hardcore making out with one of Harry's sons. He had been best friends with Nick and Carter growing up so he was invited along with his brothers.
"Michelle Isabella Payne!" I gasped.
"Shit." They pulled away.
"We're going back to Ireland. Let's go. We'll discuss this later." I was obviously a little pissed.
"Tori-" Cameron started.
"I won't tell your father unless it happens again. Stay away from my daughter. You're nearly 20, she's 16." I reminded him and dragged my daughter away.
"We're discussing that later with your father." I warned her, whispering in her ear as we walked up to Liam, Nick, Rachel, and Grace.
"Discussing what?" Liam asked and Mick's look begged me not to.
"I'll tell you on the plane." I explained.
"Okay. Let's go. Our flight leaves in two hours so we have half an hour to pack." Liam nodded.
"Bye, sweetie. Congratulations, we'll see you in a few weeks." I hugged Carter.
"What happened?" He whispered.
"She was making out with Cameron. Like hardcore making out. Don't tell anyone I told you." I kissed his cheek.
"He's almost 20!" He gasped quietly.
"That's exactly why I'm pissed." I nodded and I heard Grace gasp as Mick told her what happened.
"Bye, bud." Liam hugged Carter.
"Congrats, we'll see you in a couple weeks." He whispered.
"Bye, Dad." Carter nodded and we headed out.

"So what happened?" Liam whispered as we sat down at our gate.
"I found her hardcore making out with Cameron." I explained quietly.
"Cameron?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Styles." I told him.
"Are you kidding me? He's nearly 20!" He was pissed.
"I know! That's why I was pissed!" I shushed him.
"I told him I won't tell Harry as long as he leaves our daughter alone." I said.
"I never said I wouldn't tell Harry." He pointed out.
"Don't. Mick won't speak to me if Harry finds out." I shook my head. I looked over our daughter's shoulder and saw her texting 'Cam (:'
"How did we not pick up on that?" I asked Liam.
"Why do you say that?" He asked.
"They've been really close lately and he's in her phone as Cam with a smiley face." I explained.
"Shit, you're right." He realized it.
"I know. It would be different if she was 20 and he was nearly 24. But 16 and almost 20 is way too much." I nodded.
"I can hear you!" Michelle warned.
"Don't take that tone with us or we will take your phone and laptop and iPad so you will have no way of communicating with anyone." I warned her.
"And if we find out you used Grace's she will get hers taken away too." Liam added.
"That is so not fair!" Michelle whined so I reached over and took her phone.
"Mum!" She gasped.
"Don't. She's just going to take more away if you fight her. Just stop talking to whatever douchebag you're talking to." Nick spoke up.
"That douchebag is your best friend." I muttered but he heard.
"You're talking to Cameron?" He got pissed.
"She got caught practically dry humping him by Mum." Grace spoke up and Michelle glared at her.
"They were like hardcore making out. Ass grabbing, grabbing other inappropriate body parts, all that." I whispered to Nick.
"I'm gonna kill him." He muttered. He pulled out his phone and texted Cameron.
"I told you to never go near my sisters! What the hell!!"
I'm sorry! I'm not using her, I promise, I really do love her."
I tensed up and so did Nick.
"She's 16! You're nearly 20! You can't say you love her like that!"
It's not like we've had sex. We've been together for like a year and haven't in the past year, plus we won't until she's older. Mate, I'm not going to do that to your sister."
I showed it to Liam and while he wasn't happy our baby girl was in a relationship he was more okay with it. I didn't want to push her away because I knew that if she wanted to she could leave home and live with him.
"You can have this back on three conditions. First, you don't move in with him until you're at least 17 and a half, when we'll discuss it if you're still together then. If you do, I'm shutting your phone off and stopping payments on your car." I whispered in Michelle's ear.
"Okay." She nodded.
"Second, you knock off the attitude now. I'm tired of it." I added and she agreed.
"Third, no sex with him in my house at all and not outside of my house until you're at least 17, and only then under extreme circumstances like an anniversary in which case you come talk to me and we'll make sure your father doesn't find out." I finished.
"Thank you, Mum." She hugged me.

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