Chapter Twelve

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*November 22nd, 2015*

"Ni!" I smiled and ran to my best friend.
"Tor!" He smiled and hugged me tight, but I didn't care he was all sweaty from performing.
"How've you been?" He whispered.
"Good. You?" I rubbed his back.
"Pretty go-" He started but stopped when Patrick walked up next to me and kissed my temple.
"Are you guys dating?" Niall asked.
"Yeah. Ni, I told you we are. We have been since February." I reminded him.
"Right." He remembered but was still pissed off.
"Niall- oh, hey, Vic." Liam came over to Niall and stopped when he saw me. I tensed up like crazy and Patrick rubbed my back.
"And Patrick." Liam added.
"Are you guys dating?" He asked.
"Yeah. We have been for like 9 months now I think. Yeah it was February." Patrick put his arm around me possessively.
"Congrats. Niall, Jill just got here." He turned back to Niall.
"Who's Jill?" I asked.
"My girlfriend. We've been together since January." Liam explained.
"We broke up the end of January." I reminded him.
"Yeah. I know." He looked straight at me and walked away.
"God, he makes me angry." I teared up.
"Vic." Patrick frowned.
"No. Don't call me Vic." I shook my head while I wiped my eyes.
"Why not? He just did." He looked hurt.
"Exactly. He called me Vic. All it does is remind me of him and right now I don't think I can handle that." I started walking away. I walked through one of the doors and ran straight into a girl. She was gorgeous. I was honestly pretty jealous of her.
"Oh, I'm so sorry." I apologized.
"Don't worry about it. I'm Jill." She stuck her hand out toward me with a smile and I froze.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Tori." I smiled back.
"Ohhh." She realized.
"Yeah. Exactly." I looked at my feet.
"I'm just gonna go. Liam's looking for you though." I walked away as I tried not to cry. I walked back over to Patrick and he hugged me tight.
"Can we go please?" I sniffed.
"Sure." He whispered. My jacket sleeves rode up a bit and Niall gasped.
"Tor, did you break your arm?" He asked.
"Oh, yeah." I nodded.
"C'mere." He dragged me off to a side hallway.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Is he hurting you again?" He asked quietly.
"Ni-" I started.
"Answer my question, Tor." He cut me off.
"He was drunk one night. He got a little out of hand." I looked at the ground.
"Shit." He sighed.
"I met Jill." I spoke up.
"Really?" He wondered.
"She's gorgeous. He replaced me less than a week after we broke up with someone way prettier than me and shows absolutely no remorse for what he did. God, why did I have to fall for him." I sobbed into Niall's shoulder.
"Shh, love, it's okay. I booked our hotel room, it's at that really nice hotel from when you came on tour with us first." He smiled. We were in Phoenix where my first concert with them had been.
"What room?" I asked.
"504, why?" He was confused.
"That's where me and Liam first got together. In that room." I said quietly as I started crying again.
"Shit, I'm sorry." He hugged me tight. I was sobbing into his shoulder and Liam walked in.
"Shit, sorry, I didn't know." He apologized.
"Liam, get out." I told him.
"Get out, Liam!" I repeated.
"Oh- okay." He nodded quietly and walked out.
"Why'd you freak so bad the second time?" Niall asked.
"He called me Vic. He's the only one that called me that and it was while we were together. That was like the best time of my life and now it's gone." I explained.
"Let's get back to the hotel." He suggested.
"Okay. Patrick flies back shortly but I'm flying back with you tomorrow." I told him and he agreed.
"Tor, I'm leaving, babe!" Patrick yelled to me so I ran over to him.
"Bye, baby." I hugged him tight.
"I love you, Princess." He kissed my forehead as Liam walked in with Jill.
"I love you too." I kissed him. We kept kissing and I didn't really mind because I loved rubbing it in Liam's face.
"I really need to go." Patrick mumbled.
"I know, but I don't want you to." I whispered into the kiss and he pushed me up against the wall. He kind of kissed like a dog sometimes but it was better than nothing.
"Technically, I don't need to be at the airport for 45 minutes, so we have about 5." He smiled a little and I did the same. He lifted me up a little and I wrapped my legs around his waist.
"You're really light." He mumbled as he kissed my neck. He wasn't even comparable to Liam in neck kissing, he couldn't even make me moan, and when Liam and I had been together he could make me moan just brushing his lips against my ear.
"Where'd you learn to kiss like that." Patrick moaned as I kissed his neck. Liam had been kissing Jill and we both looked at each other before I looked away.
"I dunno, love." I laughed as I continued to do it.
"Shit, Princess." Liam moaned and I felt a knot in my stomach. Liam used to call me that so it really hurt to hear him calling his new girlfriend that.
"Alright, my love. You need to go before you miss your flight. I will see you tomorrow." I kissed Patrick.
"See you tomorrow, Princess. I love you." He hugged me tight.
"I love you too." I mumbled as he lifted me up a little before leaving right as Jill did. Liam and I were left alone in the random room and it was really awkward.
"So you call him 'my love'?" Liam asked.
"Yeah?" I was confused.
"You used to call me that." He looked at the ground a bit.
"Well you used to call me Princess and you call her that too." I crossed my arms over my chest.
"Are you jealous?" He wondered, a little amused.
"Go to hell." I muttered and walked out.
"He calls Jill Princess." I walked over to Niall.
"I'm sorry, Tor." He rubbed my back.
"Let's go to the hotel." He yawned.

Around 2am I woke up and needed to walk around. I threw on a random cardigan over my tanktop and got up. I walked out and walked straight into Liam.
"Excuse me." I mumbled and tried to walk by him.
"Wait." He stopped me.
"No, Liam, move." I tried to push past him again.
"Can you just wait a minute? I have a couple questions." He sighed.
"What." I sighed too.
"First, is that our room?" He asked quietly.
"It's not our room. It's a hotel room." I looked at the ground.
"You know what I mean, Tori."
"Yeah." I nodded.
"Second, what was all that before Patrick and Jill left?" He wondered.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"The eye contact, the jealousy, all that."
"The eye contact was nothing. I'm not jealous. It just pisses me off you call her Princess. That's what you called me." I explained.
"That's jealousy."
"Go to hell. Get over yourself! I'm not jealous of your whore girlfriend." I spat and walked away.
"Screw you! She is not a whore! At least she never cheated on her ex." He raised an eyebrow at me.
"Go to hell! I can't believe you just said that!" I yelled.
"At least Jill is better than your abusive piece of shit boyfriend!" He yelled back.
"Im done with you." I walked away.
"Yup! Keep walking away! That's how all problems get solved!" He shouted after me and I flipped him off before continuing to walk away.

*July 13th, 2016*

"Tor, will you marry me?" Patrick asked me.
"Oh my gosh." I gasped. I wasn't even sure if I did want to marry him but I knew I did love him and didn't want to lose him.
"Yes." I kissed him and he slipped an engagement ring on my finger.
"My flight leaves in roughly 90 minutes though so I need to go, dear. I'll see you in two days." I pecked his lips and left.

"Ni!" I smiled and ran to my best friend.
"Woah woah woah, left hand." He stopped me so I showed him.
"You're engaged?" He gasped.
"Yes?" I was nervous.
"Are you happy?" He asked.
"Yes. And I'm both exhausted and starving. Let's go get some food." I assured him and we headed back to his flat. We were in the middle of eating and Liam walked into Niall's flat.
"Oh. Sorry. Is that an engagement ring, Tori?" He asked.
"Yup." I took a bite of my food without looking at him.
"What were you wanting, Liam?" Niall asked.
"My shower broke. Can I use yours quick?" He wondered.
"Sure. We're going to bed though so keep it down." Niall told him as he took our dishes to the sink. We went to bed but I got up to get water about 15 minutes later. I walked out and straight into my ex boyfriend.
"Sorry." I apologized.
"Sorry." He apologized at the same time.
"I'm just gonna go this way." I walked around him.
"Vic, can we please talk?" He asked.
"Can you please stop calling me Vic?" I asked.
"Fine. Tori, can we please talk?" He re asked his question.
"About what?" I turned to face him.
"Us." He crossed his arms over his chest a bit. He was shirtless and while it was nice to see I was still engaged.
"There is no us. We've been broken up for a year and a half. I'm engaged. You have a girlfriend." I reminded him.
"Fiancée. We got engaged last month." He corrected me quietly.
"You're just helping my point even more." I told him.
"Love, please. We ended so abruptly." He begged.
"Fine. What do you want to talk about?" I got a glass of water.
"Are we friends? Enemies? Exes that were at one point best friends and now don't even talk? What the hell are we?" He asked.
"I don't know. Why do you care?" I asked.
"Because. For two and a half years we were a huge part of each other's lives and now we're not. It sucks." He looked at the ground.
"So? I don't understand why you still want to stay in touch, Liam!" I sighed.
"Because I still love you!" He blurted out and my eyes widened.
"Tor, I'm sorry." He immediately apologized, realizing what he had just said.
"Go." I told him.
"I said go!" I nearly yelled.
"I'm sorry." He apologized and walked out.
"Shit." I sat down on the couch with my face in my hands.
"Tor, you okay?" Niall poked his head out of his room, obviously having just woken up.
"Fine. Go back to bed, Ni." I assured him and we all went back to bed.

*August 12th, 2016*

Someone knocked on my door around 10pm and I was irritated. I had been trying to fall asleep and I knew it would take me a while to get back to that.
"Yes?" I sighed and opened my door to see Liam.
"Hello." I looked up at him.
"I was here visiting an old friend and I had to come see you." He told me.
"Come in." I let him in. We talked for a while and eventually ended up yelling about us again.
"Liam, what the hell do you want from me!" I shouted
"I want you to marry me!"
"I'm engaged, Liam." I shook my head.
"So am I. But she's not who I really want, Vic."
"We've been broken up for over a year and a half. And stop calling me Vic."
"Liam, no."
"Please. At least think about it." He begged.
"I- I don't know. I need sleep." I decided.
"Just think about it. I'll see you later." He told me and walked out.

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