Chapter Eighteen

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I went back to my flat and showered quickly. When I got out I had a text. 

"Liam Payne 

Hey, love (: I have a really bad migraine right now and they're gonna give me meds for it so I might be asleep when you get here. If I am, climb in with me. Goodnight, I love you, and drive safe xx"

"I love you too, baby. Get some sleep and feel better xx"

"Liam Payne

Thank you, Vic (: go have fun with your family, love"

I got dressed quick and decided to straighten my hair. By the time I was done it was about 6 so I headed over to my parents'. 

"Tori!" My brother and sister ran over to me. 

"I missed you guys so much." I mumbled. 

"What the hell happened to you?" Luca noticed my broken ankle. 

"And did you get a new ring?" Bella saw my engagement ring. I nodded and she smiled a bit. 

"I got a new fiancé too." I laughed and they were confused.

"Patrick and I broke up. I'm engaged to someone else." I explained. 

"Who're you engaged to?" Luca was skeptical. He couldn't stand Liam after we broke up. 

"Luca." I warned. 

"If it's Liam, Tori, I swear to God-" He started. 

"Luca, I will walk out that door right now if you say one bad word about that man." I raised my voice a little. 

"Victoria." He warned and our mum walked in. 

"Luca, calm down. Everyone sit down and Tori can explain." She warned my brother and we all went to sit down. 

"Explain." Luca looked pissed. 

"Liam and I fought a few months ago and he told me he wanted me to marry him because he still loved me. Obviously I said no because I was engaged and he was too. I thought about it and realized yesterday I really do love him so I accepted and he called me and we decided he'd fly here. While he was on the plane I went to break things off with Patrick, which is why I have a broken ankle but Liam went with me to the hospital and stayed with me the whole time." I rambled a bit. 

"So how did Liam propose exactly?" Bella asked. 

"After I got home from the hospital he went to his bag and came over and grabbed my hands and knelt down and asked me. It was really sweet. He's been amazing." I smiled a little at the thought of my fiancé. 

"Why isn't he here now?" Luca spat a bit and our mum tensed up. 

"He's in the freaking hospital, Luca." I growled. 

"Why?" He held back a laugh. 

"He had a seizure at 2am because he had stopped taking his kidney meds. I'm glad you're so amused by my fiancé being in the hospital. I'm leaving." I got up and started walking out. 

"Victoria, sit." My mum stood up but I continued walking. 

"Victoria." She raised her voice and used her mum tone so I sat down. 

"Luca, come with me." My mum told him. 

"Mum-" He started protesting.

"Luca Jonathan Marino, come with me now." She nearly yelled at my brother. The rest of us talked as my mum talked to my brother in the other room. 

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