Chapter Twenty Six

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We were getting ready to get on our flight two days later and I was freaking out.
"Love, relax." Liam rubbed my back.
"Liam." I warned him.
"I know. Just relax. Here, hold him." He handed Carter to me.
"Why?" I asked as I held our sleeping son.
"Cause. It calms you down." He rubbed my back and kissed my temple.
"True. I'm just worried about Bella." I looked at the ground.
"I know, love." He mumbled into my hair.
"Hey, you're the woman who got elbowed in the stomach while she was pregnant a few years ago." The pilot recognized me.
"Oh my gosh! Yeah! That was me. Li, this is the pilot who helped me out after that fan elbowed me." I kissed Liam's cheek.
"Thanks. Seriously. I was a few hours away so I'm glad someone was there." Liam thanked him.
"It's no problem, really. I would've wanted someone to do the same for my wife in that situation. And the little guy is okay?" He asked.
"Perfectly healthy. And exhausted." I chuckled as I rubbed Carter's back.
"That's great. It was awesome talking to you guys." He smiled and we went to our seats.
"Hey, buddy, what seat do you want?" I whispered to Carter.
"Window." He rubbed his eyes.
"Once we get sat down you can go back to sleep, okay, honey?" I rubbed his back.
"Mmkay, Mummy." He mumbled. I put him in his seat and buckled him so he could sleep.
"You wanna sit in the middle or the aisle?" Liam asked me after he put our carryon above our seats.
"Do you wanna sit by him or no?" I kissed him.
"I don't mind either way." He pecked my lips.
"I'll take middle. So that way you're on the outside and it makes me feel safer." I kissed his cheek.
"Sounds great." He kissed me and we sat down.
"You tired?" He rubbed my back.
"Exhausted." I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Sleep." He kissed my temple.
"I don't want to leave you with him alone just in case he gets cranky." I mumbled.
"It's about an hour flight plus we get in at 11pm, so-" He started but got cut off by the pilot coming on.
"We've run into an issue with the fuel tank, we need to have the plane checked out quickly, but unfortunately the mechanics are busy. We're sorry for the delay but it could be up to two hours before we get a mechanic." The pilot explained and we sighed.
"Screw it. I'm sleeping." I cuddled into Liam's side.
"Mummy." Carter groaned after a minute.
"C'mere, honey." I undid his seatbelt and held him on my lap.
"Better?" I rubbed his back.
"Yes. Thank you." He mumbled. Liam wrapped his arm around me and rubbed my arm.
"I love you." I kissed his cheek.
"I love you too. I'll text your mum and tell her we're gonna be late." He kissed my temple.
"Thank you. You're amazing." I kissed him and rested my head on his shoulder.
"Get some sleep, Vic." He whispered and I fell asleep.

"Does he want some apple juice or something?" I heard a stewardess ask.
"Buddy, you want some juice?" Liam asked.
"Yes, please." I heard our son smile.
"Thank you." I heard him grin a second later so I woke up a bit.
"Hey, bud." I smiled at our son.
"Hi, Mummy." He smiled through a mouthful of crackers.
"Flight's gonna take off soon." Liam rubbed my back so I sat up and redid my seatbelt.
"Thank you all for your cooperation, we are ready to begin takeoff, please fasten your seatbelts." The pilot came on and everyone cheered. I buckled Carter in and he was a little whiny.
"What's wrong, honey?" I asked him.
"Cuddle." He groaned a bit as he reached up at me.
"You have to stay in your seat for right now but we can still cuddle, okay?" I told him and he agreed. I hated taking off so I grabbed Liam's hand and he squeezed back tight. We took off and Carter got really whiny, especially once we got up pretty high.
"Mummy." He whined as he started crying.
"Honey, what's wrong?" I frowned. He put his hands over his ears and I realized his ears weren't popping. I undid his seatbelt and pulled him onto my lap.
"Ma'am, he needs to remain in his seat until the seatbelt sign is turned off." A stewardess walked by as I tried to calm my son down.
"Either I hold him or he screams." I told her and she rolled her eyes before walking away.
"Shh, sweetie, it's okay." I whispered as I rubbed his back. I rocked him a bit and he finally fell asleep a few minutes later.
"I think his ears popped." I whispered to Liam and he rubbed my back.
"That's good." He kissed my temple. We cuddled for a little bit but Carter woke up about 45 minutes into the flight.
"Daddy." He reached for Liam. Liam held him for a minute until he spoke up.
"Daddy, potty." He told him.
"Okay, bud." Liam agreed and undid his seatbelt before standing up with our son.
"Be right back." He kissed my cheek and walked over to the bathroom. They came back after a minute and Carter was tired again.
"Honey, your ears might hurt again if you don't stay awake." I warned him.
"Okay." He mumbled.
"Buddy, I think I have some gummy bears, you want some?" I asked him and he agreed. I handed him the bag and he perked right up.
"Thank you." He smiled as he ate one.
"No problem, honey. Here's your favorite show." I handed him my phone with headphones. He smiled more and I cuddled into Liam's side.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too." I kissed him.
"You're such a good mum." He smiled a bit.
"That's funny." I chuckled.
"What?" He asked.
"I'm not a good mum." I shrugged as I looked at our son.
"Vic, you're an amazing mum." He made me look at him.
"Liam, I'm not going to argue with you about this right now." I scooted away from him. I could tell we were about to land so I had Carter turn his show off while we did but I let him eat his gummy bears. His ears popped perfectly and I was ecstatic. We got off the plane pretty quick and Liam carried our bag in one hand while putting a hand on my upper back with the other. I shrugged it off and he sighed a little.
"Mum." I walked over to my mum and hugged her tight.
"How's she doing? I wanna go see her. When can I see her?" I asked.
"Let's go to the hotel first." She told me and I was a bit confused but agreed. Liam and I sat next to each other in the cab but I didn't touch him or let him touch me in any way at all. We got to our room in the hotel and I put Carter down in one of the beds so he could sleep.
"When can I go see her, Mum?" I asked her again as Liam stood next to me.
"Sweetie-" She started as her voice shook.
"No." I realized where she was going with it as I teared up.
"It was right after you guys took off. I'm so sorry, honey." She started crying.
"No, Mum, she can't be gone. Bella can't be gone." I tried not to start sobbing.
"Come here." She hugged me tight as I cried into her shoulder. My siblings knocked on the door a few minutes later and Liam let them in. I hugged Luca and Lia while we all were crying pretty hard. Sure we all fought as siblings but knowing we would never get to see our sister again was dreadful. We all talked and cried for a while but realized we needed sleep. They went back to bed and got into comfier clothes. We had a twin bed and a queen bed so I climbed in the twin because I was still irritated with Liam.
"Night, Vic, I love you." Liam told me quietly from across the room once we were laying down and I rolled over purposefully, making him sigh.

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