Chapter Twenty Seven

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*November 21st, 2022*

"Here's the test you wanted." Liam smiled as he walked in and handed me a pregnancy test box.
"What if it's negative again?" I asked quietly.
"What?" He asked, not having heard me.
"I said what if it's negative again. I don't know if I can keep doing this, Li." I teared up.
"Hey, come here." He hugged me tight. We had been trying for 6 months and every time it came up negative. It had really been taking a toll on me and it was frustrating.
"How about if this is negative, we give it one more shot and take one more test next month, and if that's negative too we go see that fertility doctor Jess told us about?" He suggested, mumbling into my hair.
"Okay." I sniffed and wiped my eyes.
"You take the test, I'll go get Carter some food." He kissed my forehead and I nodded. I took the test and sat in our room as I waited for the ten minutes to be up.
"How much longer?" Liam walked in and rubbed my back.
"Two." I whispered.
"If it's positive, let's order pizza and have a game night with Carter downstairs. If not, I'll go get some Chinese food and we can all three cuddle in bed and watch movies. How about that?" He kissed my forehead.
"Okay." I agreed quietly and rested my head on his shoulder. We cuddled for a minute and just as I was relaxing the timer went off.
"I'll wait out here. You go check." He whispered so I walked in while he waited just outside the door. I picked up the test and to my disappointment, I saw only one line. I set it down as I teared up and walked over to Liam, hugging him tight.
"Good?" He was a little hopeful but I shook my head as I buried my face in his shoulder.
"Dammit. One more shot, then we'll go see that doctor. Want me to go get Chinese?" He wondered as he held me as tight as he could without it being uncomfortable.
"Please." I nodded quietly.
"Mushroom chicken?" He smiled a little.
"Yes please. And fried rice." I mumbled.
"Okay. I'll be right back and I'll rent your favorite two movies. It'll all be okay, my love." He kissed me and headed out.

*December 25th, 2022*

It was Christmas morning and we were both excited. We cuddled for a minute as we waited for Carter to wake up but suddenly I felt like crap.
"What's up?" Liam noticed me looking different. I got up and ran right to the toilet where I threw up.
"You okay?" He asked after I was done.
"Yeah." I agreed before brushing my teeth.
"I'm gonna go run to the drugstore quick and get you those mints before Carter wakes up. You need anything else?" He wondered.
"Pregnancy test. I should've taken it a few days ago. Make it a couple." I kissed his cheek and he headed out.
"Mummy?" Carter walked out of his room a few minutes later.
"Yeah, buddy?" I asked as I took some painkillers for my headache.
"Can we do presents now?" He rubbed his eyes as he ran in.
"After Daddy gets back from the store. Let's go get you some juice." I picked him up and carried him downstairs. Liam got home as I was getting Carter some crackers so I grabbed the bag from him and ran to the downstairs bathroom.
"Well?" Liam asked as I walked out five minutes later.
"Eight minutes." I told him and he nodded. Carter started opening his first present a little later and my phone timer went off. I sighed a bit and got up so I could go check the tests. I stopped outside the bathroom and took a deep breath before walking in and looking at the first test.
One line.
Next test.
One line.
I ran out to Liam and hugged him tight as I teared up.
"Shit, love, I'm sorry. You wanna go see the doctor Jess recommended?" He rubbed my back.
"I don't know." I sighed a bit but he didn't see because my face was still buried in his shoulder.
"What? Why?" He was confused.
"I don't know." I mumbled.
"That's okay." He kissed my forehead and picked me up a little. My phone rang just then and I answered it.
"Merry Christmas! You guys are flying here tomorrow, right?" Lia asked.
"Yup! We get in at 9am." I asked and she gasped.
"Okay! Any news on the baby front?" She wondered.
"Just took two tests and both were negative. We were gonna go see a doctor if it wasn't positive this time but I don't know if I want to." I shook my head.
"How long have you guys been really trying? Not just having sex all the time randomly hoping for it." She asked.
"We stopped preventing in May and started really trying in June. We've been trying for over 6 months and still nothing and it's really taking a toll on both of us." I explained.
"I'm sorry. How bad is it?" She frowned a bit.
"This month is the worst I think." I shrugged.
"Why?" She was curious.
"Cause. It's been 7 months of negative tests. I feel like it's my fault." I looked at my lap.
"It isn't your fault. Cheer up. You're gonna have another baby soon. Plus when you come here we can see if there's any issues that are preventing you guys getting pregnant." She smiled.
"Go enjoy Christmas. I won't tell anyone, don't worry." She assured me and hung up.
"She can help us out while we're there and see if she can figure out why we're not getting pregnant." I told Liam and he hugged me tight.
"You didn't tell me how bad you feel. I know you're upset but I didn't know you feel that bad." He whispered.
"I've gotten pretty good at keeping my feelings in." I mumbled.
"Yeah, but I'm your husband. I should be able to tell how bad you're feeling. I'm sorry. I should've helped you more." He rubbed my back.
"It's okay. Let's be happy. It's Christmas." I kissed his cheek.
"True. I love you." He kissed me.
"I love you too." I pecked his lips and we sat down with our son.
"Mummy, this is for you!" Carter handed me a small box.
"Who's it from, sweetie?" I asked as I fixed a chunk of Liam's hair.
"Daddy." He explained and I raised an eyebrow at my husband.
"Thank you." I kissed Carter's cheek and took the wrapping paper off, finding a ring box underneath.
"Liam." I warned Liam a bit.
"Just open it." He laughed and I opened the ring box to find a simple emerald ring.
"This is beautiful. Thank you." I kissed him.
"Mummy, another one." Carter handed me an envelope.
"Who's it from?" I asked.
"Daddy!" He smiled. I opened the envelope and saw a card. I opened it and something fell out but I read the card first.
I love you so much and even though things haven't really gone our way lately, it's gonna get better (: January 6th, you're all mine (:"
"What the-" I started and Liam chuckled a bit. I picked up what had fallen out and gasped.
"Oh my God!" I hugged him tight. It was front row tickets to Fall Out Boy.
"What about-" I began.
"Carter? My parents are gonna take him for the weekend, we'll get him back the Monday after." He smiled a little.
"You're the best husband ever." I kissed him.
"I love you." He smiled back and kissed me.
"I love you too." I grinned and pecked his lips.

"Lia!" I ran to my sister at the airport.
"Hey! Wanna drop Carter off and head to my office?" She rubbed my back and we agreed. We dropped Carter off at her house and went to her office.
"No one's working today, so I'll do all of it." She explained and decided to draw some blood from both of us. She ran a couple more tests on me and we waited for a bit.
"Everything is completely normal. You'll be ovulating in a couple weeks, so try again then." She smiled and we headed back to her house.

*January 6th, 2022*

"You ready to go, babe?" Liam asked.
"One more curl. Can you get my earrings for me, love? They're on the dresser." I asked.
"Sure! You have your shoes?" He wondered.
"Shit, no!" I realized.
"I've got them! Don't worry." He ran in with my earrings and shoes.
"You're amazing." I kissed him. I was wearing my Fall Out Boy shirt from the last concert we went to when I was 19 and Liam was 21, dark jeans, and black converse with my hair curled.
"I know." He smiled a bit and kissed me back. I pulled my shoes on and put my earrings in before grabbing my phone. We jumped in the car and I grabbed his hand.
"If we want more kids, should we maybe think about selling the house?" I asked.
"It's a big house, I think we'll be okay with at least the next baby, probably two. Personally I think we should save for their college instead of buying a new house." He shrugged.
"Agreed." I kissed his cheek. We got to the concert shortly after and I was really excited. Liam was driving so I decided to get a beer.
"You sure beer is a good idea if we do want kids? Cause it can cause fertility issues." He reminded me.
"Tonight I just want to forget about all of that and have fun. Plus I haven't drank in 8 months, I need some booze." I kissed his cheek.
"Good. That's what tonight is supposed to be about. I'll probably have a beer after we get home." He kissed the top of my head. The concert went great and I had a couple more beers. I was definitely a little tipsy but I was definitely enjoying it. Liam had one since he was perfectly capable of driving after even two. When we got home we sat around drinking beer and I randomly walked over to him.
"Thank you. Tonight was one of the best nights of my life." I kissed his cheek as I sat on his lap.
"And what are ahead of it?" He wondered.
"Number one is our wedding night, then Carter being born, then us getting together the first time, then tonight. It was the most fun I've had in a really long time." I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Shit, I'm almost drunk." I laughed as I realized how tipsy I was.
"Me too." He kissed me and I immediately kissed back.
"Upstairs. Go." I mumbled as it got heated so Liam carried me upstairs.
"I love you." He mumbled as I kissed his neck.
"I love you too." I kissed him.
"We got together for the first time nearly 10 years ago." I realized.
"Shit, you're right. That means we've been together for eight." He agreed.
"Damn." I smiled a little and he kissed me again.
"I love you so much and I appreciate that you want to be sweet but we're both pretty tipsy so we can save the sweet stuff for later." I kissed him hard and he moaned. Clothes came off fast and he reached for his nightstand.
"What're you doin?" I asked.
"I thought we didn't want to keep trying right now." He reminded me.
"Screw it. I don't care at this point." I kissed him.
"I love you so much."

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