Chapter Two

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“So. Since Niall had a thing with that girl we’re not going out anymore. But there’s a minibar with alcohol so we’ll be fine.” Liam laughed. We did end up drinking and since I was only 112lbs it didn’t take much to get me tipsy.

“You’re drunk. Lay down.” Liam laughed.

“I’m tipsy, thank you, and barely that. I’m also exhausted so that’s why I’m being all weird.” I stuck my tongue out at him.

“Why don’t we do something. There’s cards here, you know how to play poker?” I asked and he nodded.

“Why?” He wondered.

“Strip poker.” I shrugged.

“Tor-“ He started.

“What, you scared you’ll lose?” I teased and he was still unsure.

“You have a boyfriend.” He reminded me.

“A, he isn’t here. B, we’re not doing anything bad. C, you’re just afraid you’ll get your ass kicked by a girl.” I explained.

“Fine.” He decided. Half an hour later he was in his boxers and I was only missing my shirt.

“Dammit. I give up.” He sighed after he lost again which would’ve required him to take his boxers off.

“Say it!” I stood up.

“No!” He refused so I walked over to him.

“Say it, Payne, say I win.” I got in his face.

“No, Marino.” He got in mine too. 

“You know what I really want to do?” I whispered.

“What?” He got closer to me.

“This.” I cupped his face and kissed him. He was surprised but kissed back immediately. We ended up in my hotel bed and he pushed my shorts down. 

“You’re drunk. We shouldn’t be doing this.” He pulled away.

“Liam, I assure you the alcohol has nothing to do with this.” I assured him.

“What about your boyfriend?” He asked, his breathing heavy.

“I’ll deal with that later. I promise.” I whispered.

“We could just keep this whole thing a secret.” He suggested.

“This sex or are you suggesting future sex too?” I smiled a little.

“I’m okay with future sex if you are. It's just to keep our minds off other things. Happy and sane.” He smiled.

“I’m gonna have to end things with Patrick eventually though. I'm not a slut.” I sighed.

“You still wanna do this tonight?” He asked.

“It’s just physical. It's about us both getting what we want without hurting anyone else.” I kissed him.

“One thing though, you need to wear-“ I added and he cut me off.

“I’ve got one.” He agreed and pulled away to go get it.

“You’re lucky Niall is at that girl’s house tonight.” I laughed as he kissed me again.

“No kidding.” He chuckled and undid my bra but stopped before he took it off of me.

“No telling anyone, right?” He double checked.

“Could I just maybe tell one of the girls if it gets to be hard enough for me? They wouldn’t tell a soul.” I hesitated.

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