Chapter Twenty Nine

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*August 29th, 2023*

"Happy birthday, baby." I smiled as I kissed Liam's cheek.
"Thank you." He smiled and kissed me.
"Don't get me all worked up, love." I groaned as he kissed my neck.
"It's been 4 months, love." He groaned.
"So?" I asked.
"We were having sex all the time for like a year and then it was just nothing. C'mon." He mumbled.
"Liam, honey, I love you. More than anything." I started.
"Here comes the speech." He sighed so I got up and walked out.
"Tor." He sighed a bit and started to follow me. I texted Jess quick and she agreed to go shopping with me.
"I'm showering, then I'm going shopping for baby stuff with Jess." I told him and walked into the downstairs bathroom.

"You okay?" Jess asked as we got back in her car after shopping around 8:45pm and I stopped for a second as my stomach tensed up.
"Yeah, fine. My stomach just tightened up." I nodded.
"You realize that's exactly how you felt when you went into labor with Carter?" She reminded me.
"It's not- yeah it is. Hospital please." I realized she was right as my stomach tightened again.
"Okay." She drove to the hospital quick. They got me back and as I went to the bathroom my water broke.
"You're 9. You'll be ready to push soon." The doctor was surprised a few minutes later as she checked me.
"We're at the hospital." I heard Jess say from a few feet away.
"Are you talking to Liam?" I asked her and she nodded.
"I don't want him in here." I told her and she was worried.
"Why?" She asked.
"He was being a jerk this morning. He doesn't seem to understand that I don't want to have sex when I'm this pregnant and he still pushes it even when I tell him not to and he's being a dick so I don't want him in here." I wiped my eyes as I started crying.
"He heard all of that." She whispered as she handed me the phone.
"What?" I asked.
"Tor, please listen. I'm sorry I've been a dick. Really. I love you more than anything and I want to be there when our son is born. Please." He begged.
"You're gonna have to make it up to me." I muttered.
"I'll do whatever it takes. Diapers for a year, I don't care. Please, Princess." He pleaded.
"Fine. But hurry up because I'm gonna evidently be pushing soon." I told him before I got another contraction.
"On my way with Carter. I'll be there in 5." He assured me.
"Okay, baby. Love you." I nodded.
"Love you too." He smiled a little and hung up.
"You're ready to start pushing." My doctor told me a few minutes later.
"Can we wait a couple minutes for my husband to get here?" I asked.
"He'd better hurry." She warned. Liam ran in a second later with Carter so Jess went outside with our son and Liam came over to me.
"I'm so sorry." He hugged me tight.
"It's fine. Just hold my hand." I kissed his cheek and he grabbed my hand.
"You've got this." He whispered as he kissed my cheek and kissed me one more time. 10 minutes later at 9:17pm Nicholas Joseph Payne was born. We got him back about 15 minutes later and Liam was adorable again.
"You owe me later, but you look so cute right now." I kissed his cheek.
"You do too." He kissed mine.
"You guys have the same birthday." I smiled a little.
"Oh, yeah, we do." He smiled a bit too.
"For the record, I plan to make it up to you and more." He added.
"I love you." I kissed him.
"I love you too." He kissed me back. I changed into a teal tanktop and black sweatpants Liam had brought me and then we let Jess and Carter back in.
"C'mere, bud." Liam told him so he ran to his father.
"What?" Carter asked as Liam picked him up.
"It's your baby brother." I smiled a little.
"What's his name?" He wondered.
"Nicholas." Liam explained.
"Why's he so little?" He asked.
"He's still a baby. But he's gonna get bigger quick. You were this small when you were born." I told him.
"Really?" He was surprised.
"Yup. You're the baby Mummy is holding." Liam showed him a picture.
"Woah." He thought it was really cool. I looked down at Nicholas and smiled a bit. I heard Liam take a picture and I raised an eyebrow at him.
"I just had a kid. Really?" I sighed a little as I rested my head on his shoulder.
"You look amazing. Really. If I tweet a picture it'll be a different one." He assured me.
"You sure?" I asked.
"Yeah. This one's just for me." He smiled a little and I kissed him.
"Want me to take Carter for the night?" Jess asked.
"You wanna go with Auntie Jess?" I kissed Carter's cheek.
"Can I hang out with Logan?" He asked.
"Sure." Jess nodded.
"Okay." He nodded too.
"See you tomorrow, buddy." Liam hugged him.
"Bye, Daddy." He whispered.
"Bye, honey." I hugged him too.
"Bye, Mummy." He mumbled and gave me a kiss.
"I'm gonna go get us some dinner quick." Liam kissed my cheek.
"Wait, Daddy!" Carter ran after him.
"What's up, bud?" Liam turned around to face our son.
"Forgot goodbye kiss!" Carter reached up at him.
"Oh, I'm sorry! Come here." Liam picked Carter up and gave him a kiss quick.
"Be good for Auntie Jess, Carter." I reminded him.
"And maybe we'll have a surprise for you when we go home." Liam whispered and I smiled a bit.
"Like what?" Carter asked.
"It's a surprise!" Liam reminded him and gave him one more hug before handing him to Jess.
"We need to tell my parents, Li." I realized.
"I'll grab your computer." He nodded.
"I didn't bring it." I told him.
"When I came I brought your hospital bag and your computer too. I'll grab it." He told me.
"You're amazing." I kissed his cheek as he sat down next to me with my laptop.
"So are you." He smiled and kissed me.
"Hey, Mum." I smiled as she answered the Skype call.
"What's up, honey?" She asked since Nicholas was out of the frame.
"You have a new grandson." I smiled and Liam turned the computer toward me and Nicholas.
"What's his name!" She gasped.
"Nicholas Joseph Payne." I told her.
"When was he born?" She wondered.
"9:17pm." Liam told her.
"He's not very old at all." She smiled a little.
"Nope." I yawned.
"When was the last time you ate, Tor?" She asked.
"11 this morning." I rested my head on Liam's shoulder.
"Tori." Liam was concerned.
"Don't, you guys. Please." I mumbled as I started falling asleep.
"Here, give me him and you get some sleep." He kissed my forehead.
"I'll let you guys go. When should Thomas and I fly down?" She asked.
"Tomorrow?" I suggested and she agreed before hanging up.
"I had the baby, I'm exhausted so if you could come tomorrow that would be great" I texted Lia quick. My nurse came in and took him to the nursery so we could sleep.
"I love you, Tor." Liam mumbled into my hair.
"I love you too, Li." I whispered and we fell asleep.

I woke up around 8 the next morning and Liam was still asleep.
"Come over whenever. Room 328." I texted Lia. I got to feed Nicholas quick and Liam woke up a bit.
"Hey." He smiled a little.
"Wanna hold him?" I smiled a bit too.
"Yeah." He nodded and I leaned the bed up a bit so he was sitting up partially. He rested Nick on his chest and dozed off again. I smiled a little and draped a blanket over them that we had brought for Nick when we were going to go home. Lia walked in just then and hugged me tight as Carter ran over too. She had picked him up on the way and I put him in bed with his father and brother. Liam pulled him into his side and Carter cuddled together with him under the blanket.
"@MarinoVic: my boys are so cute (:" I tweeted with a picture of them.
"How're you feelin?" Lia asked.
"Pretty good. Tired. Sore." I laughed a little.
"I feel your pain. Trust me." She chuckled.
"That makes me so happy to see." I smiled a bit as I looked at my boys.
"Why?" She asked.
"Cause. It's all my boys bonding." I explained.
"Bella and him are less than a year apart." She realized.
"That's awesome." I smiled.
"You guys want more kids?" She asked.
"We want four if we can. But considering how tough it was to get pregnant with Nick I don't know." I shrugged.
"It'll be okay." She smiled and rubbed my back. I looked at twitter and people had gone crazy over my picture of Liam and our sons.
"Look. #BabyPayneNumberTwo is trending." I smiled a bit as I showed my sister.
"That's awesome." She smiled.
"@MarinoVic: Nicholas was born at 9:17pm last night, thanks all for the positive messages (:"
"Have you eaten yet?" She asked me.
"No. I haven't eaten since 11 yesterday morning." I shook my head.
"We're getting breakfast. Let's go." She started dragging me out.
"Hold on, let me tell Liam." I stopped her and ran over to my husband.
"Lia and I are going to get some breakfast. You want anything?" I whispered.
"No, but thanks, love." He mumbled.
"Be back soon, baby." I kissed his cheek.
"I should get up anyway." He sighed.
"No. You three sleep. It's okay." I rubbed his chest.
"You sure?" He frowned a little as Nick started whining.
"Positive. Relax." I kissed him and he agreed. He rubbed Nick's back and he quieted down right away.
"You're awesome. Be back soon, Li." I kissed his cheek and walked down to the cafeteria with my sister.
"How've things with Liam been?" She asked.
"Better than ever, truthfully." I blushed a little.
"Really?" She smiled.
"Yeah. He's amazing. All through when we couldn't get pregnant he was so supportive, he got me tickets to the concert, and overall he's just been amazing." I smiled too.
"How've things been with Chris?" I asked.
"Not great." She looked at the table.
"What happened?" I frowned.
"I cheated. Then he cheated. Now we're getting divorced." She teared up.
"Oh my God, Lia, I'm so sorry. I just went on and on about how great my relationship is going, I feel like a douche. I'm so sorry." I apologized.
"Don't worry about it." She shook her head.
"Who'd you cheat with?" I wondered.
"Tyler." She blushed.
"No way." I gasped. Tyler was her best friend and they had been friends since they were 4, and personally, I had been rooting for them to get together since they were in their teens.
"Yeah. He and his wife just got divorced a couple months ago and we went to a concert together since Chris refused to go with me and we got wasted and hooked up at his apartment. But then it happened a few more times." She explained.
"How many more?" I asked.
"I don't even know." She blushed.
"Are you a thing now?" I was curious.
"Yeah." She nodded.
"And who did Chris cheat with?" I wondered.
"Lyla." She was pissed. Lyla was her best friend in high school so I understood why she was mad.
"Shit. How're the kids taking it?" I wondered.
"They're a little confused but they understand that Mummy moved out and Mummy has a new friend Tyler that stays over sometimes." She explained.
"That's good." I smiled.
"Gio understands pretty well, but obviously Bella has no idea since she's a baby and Lucas doesn't quite grasp that Mummy isn't moving back home and Daddy and Mummy aren't together anymore." She nodded.
"Does Tyler have any kids?" I asked.
"Yeah, he has three too." She agreed.
"Damn." I commented.
"The custody battle for my kids ends later today though. We have the trial at 4 and I'm hoping for joint but if he's being a dick I want full." She said.
"I don't blame you." I told her.
"I do want a specific schedule though. Ty has his kids every week from Saturday to Tuesday, so I want my kids Friday to Monday. That way they'll get to spend time with everyone but still get an individual day with their parent, but Ty and I still get Wednesday and Thursday together." She explained.
"That sounds like a great plan." I smiled and we headed back upstairs.

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