Chapter Twenty Eight

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*March 22nd, 2023*

"Li, I'm gonna go get lunch with Jess! I'll be back in a couple hours!" I yelled to my husband.
"Okay, love, have fun!" He yelled back.
"Love you!" I called back.
"Love you too!" He told me and I left. Jess and I had a wonderful lunch and I felt weird heading home. I stopped at the drug store to get a movie for me and Liam and walked by the pregnancy tests. I hadn't taken one since December so I grabbed a couple and headed back home. I went right into the bathroom and took them. I was nervous and jumped when my timer went off. I took a deep breath and looked at the first test to see two obvious pink lines, with the second test having the same result.
"Liam!" I yelled.
"I'm in the kitchen, what's up?" He yelled back. I ran down and hugged him tight.
"What's up?" He was confused.
"I'm pregnant." I mumbled into his shoulder and he gasped.
"Seriously?" He asked.
"Yes." I whispered as he held me tight.
"That's amazing!" He lifted me up a bit.
"I know! I need to call my doctor." I kissed him.
"Hi, I'd like to make an appointment to see Dr. Morris." I smiled as I called my doctor's office.
"For what purpose?" The receptionist asked.
"I just found out I'm pregnant." I explained.
"Actually someone just canceled their 12:30. Can you make that?" She wondered and I agreed.
"Great. See you then." She smiled and hung up.
"12:30." I kissed Liam.
"Great." He kissed me.
"How far do you think you are?" He rubbed my back.
"Not far. Probably a month." I shrugged.
"That's still awesome. Hell, we've been trying for almost a year." He smiled a bit.
"I know. I'm so excited." I laughed a bit.
"I can't remember the last time I saw you this happy." He noticed.
"The concert, the day our son was born, our wedding day." I listed off.
"True. And you haven't been sick this time either." He kissed my forehead.
"This is definitely much better than last time." I nodded.
"I can tell. Let's eat." He chuckled and I kissed him.

"So number two?" The doctor smiled a bit as she walked in.
"Yeah. It took a while but yeah." I chuckled.
"How long did you guys try for?" She asked.
"About 9 months." I explained.
"Wow, that did take a while." She nodded. She asked us a few questions and started the ultrasound.
"Only one baby, no twins." She started off and Liam and I were relieved.
"You thought about a month, right?" She wondered.
"Yeah." I nodded.
"How about two and a half?" She asked.
"Beginning of January?" I asked.
"Oh, wait, after the concert!" I remembered.
"What day was that?" She wondered.
"January 6th." I told her.
"That matches up. You're about 12 and a half weeks from your last period." She turned the screen toward us.
"So we can't tell what it is yet?" Liam asked.
"Nope. We'll probably check around the same time we did last time." She explained and we agreed.
"Daddy, what's that?" Carter asked as he pointed to the screen.
"That's your baby brother or sister." Liam told him.
"Really?" He was a little excited.
"Your due date is sometime in early October, we'll figure it out later." She smiled and printed a couple pictures for us before we left. I took a picture of it with my phone and sent it to Lia and I knew she was at work so I didn't expect an answer.
Oh my God!! I have lunch in 10 minutes, I'll call you then!! We are having dinner tonight or tomorrow!!"
I called my mum quickly and she answered fast.
"Hey, honey, what's up?" She smiled.
"Guess what?" I asked her.
"What?" She laughed.
"I'm pregnant. Nearly 13 weeks." I smiled.
"Honey, what's amazing!" She got really excited.
"I know! We're both ecstatic. Even Carter is excited." I laughed.
"What do you guys think it is?" She asked.
"I think it's a boy." I grabbed Liam's hand.
"Me too." He kissed the back of mine.
"Me too!" Carter spoke up from the backseat.
"We all think it's a boy evidently." I chuckled.
"Have you guys thought about names?" She asked.
"I dunno. I think we'll stick with the Italian middle name theme but I'm not sure. Maybe his middle will be Nicholas for dad. Or Geoff for Liam's. We haven't thought much about it. We didn't want to get our hopes up and think of names for another baby just in case it didn't actually happen." I looked at my lap.
"He'll have my last name technically, so you can name him whatever you'd like really." Liam mumbled into my hair.
"What'd Liam say?" My mum asked.
"Since technically the baby will have his last name he says I can name the baby." I explained.
"You know you have an amazing husband, right?" My mum smiled a little.
"I do." I smiled and kissed Liam's cheek.
"When are you guys coming here again?" My mum wondered.
"I believe it's the week before my birthday." I told her.
"Won't you be like 19 weeks pregnant at that point?" She asked.
"Yeah." I nodded.
"Will you know the gender by then?" She wondered.
"Maybe. Maybe we'll ask if she can do it before we go." I nodded.
"Mummy, who you talkin to?" Carter asked.
"She's talking to Grandma, bud." Liam told him quietly.
"You wanna say hi to Grandma, Carter?" I asked him.
"Yes, please." He nodded so I handed him my phone.
"Hi, Grandma." He smiled.
"You did?" He gasped.
"Yay!" He got really excited and Liam and I laughed.
"Okay. Bye, Grandma." He grinned and handed me my phone.
"What was that?" I chuckled.
"I told him how your father and I got a new little kitten and he's very excited about it." She laughed.
"We've thought about getting another dog since Brit died a few years ago but we're not sure." I shrugged.
"Yeah I understand. I'll let you guys go, I'm gonna go eat some lunch. Bye." She smiled and we hung up.
"My mum and dad got a kitten and he's excited." I laughed as I kissed Liam's cheek. Carter started falling asleep in the backseat and I smiled a bit at how adorable he was.
"Our son is so cute." I grabbed Liam's hand.
"So are you." He smiled a little.
"I think that's you." I looked up at him.
"Very funny." He teased as he pulled into our garage. I carried Carter upstairs and got him tucked in before walking back down to Liam.
"Names." I sat on his lap.
"I told you, whatever you'd like." He kissed my temple.
"I want you to like the name too. It's not like we're naming a dog that's going to die in 10 years. This baby will have to live with the name for the rest of it's life. It's an important decision." I explained.
"True. What are you thinking?" He asked.
"Since my dad goes by his middle name Thomas, maybe we could name this baby Nicholas and call him Nick. Unless you wanna name it after your dad instead of mine." I suggested.
"I think that's great." He kissed me.
"You get to pick his middle name." I pecked his lips.
"Joseph?" He suggested.
"Nicholas Joseph Payne. Perfect." I smiled and kissed him.
"I love you." He smiled and I straddled him.
"I love you too."

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