Chapter Twenty Two

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*March 16th, 2019*

"I'm so sorry I have to leave, love." He hugged me tight as we stood at the airport.
"Relax. I get to go see you in Dublin next month as long as my appointment goes well the day before." I whispered.
"You're 29 weeks pregnant, Tor, I don't want to leave you." He mumbled.
"Li, I'll be okay. I promise." I cupped his face.
"Let me know how you're doing everyday. If I have to leave you I want to know how you and our little guy are doing when I'm not here." He whispered and I nodded as I teared up.
"Hey, I'm sorry. Don't cry." He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and held me tighter.
"I can't believe you're gonna be gone for 2 months. Shit." I cried into his shoulder.
"It's okay. I'm sorry." He whispered.
"I hate hormones." I mumbled.
"I can feel him kicking." He smiled.
"Yeah he kicks like crazy when I'm upset." I laughed a little.
"I love feeling him kick but I hate when you're upset." He kissed my forehead.
"Go enjoy your tour. Little guy and I will be waiting for you at home. I just thought of another name I like though." I kissed his cheek.
"What is that?" He rubbed my back.
"Carter. Carter Luca Payne." I told him.
"That's adorable. We'll see when he's born if he's a Bryce or a Carter." He kissed me.
"Final boarding call for flight 1790 to Rome, Italy. Passengers Payne and Styles report immediately." A stewardess came on the PA.
"I've really got to go. I'll call you when I land." He pecked my lips.
"See you later, baby. I love you." I kissed him.
"I love you too, Vic. And you too, little guy." He rubbed my belly a bit one more time as the baby kicked.
"See you, my love." He kissed me and ran so he wouldn't miss his flight.

"Hey, Tor, what's up?" Lia called me.
"I'm sitting at home. Li just left." I shrugged.
"Chris has a business trip for the next three weeks and I'm still on vacation from work. How about me and Leo come and stay with you so all three of us have someone?" She suggested.
"Yes." I agreed immediately.
"We can fly out tomorrow?" She offered and I agreed.
"We'll get there at 12pm. Don't worry about driving to meet us, I don't want you driving when you're that pregnant. We'll take a cab there." She told me.
"Fine but I'm paying for the cab." I told her and she sighed but agreed.
"Great. See you tomorrow, sis." I smiled.
"See you then." She grinned and hung up.

*April 2nd, 2019*

"Hey, baby." I smiled as I answered Skype.
"Hey, love. Whatcha doin?" He asked as he ate lunch quickly.
"Folding baby clothes. You?" I asked as I folded a onesie using my stomach as a table.
"Are you using your belly to help you fold clothes?" He laughed.
"Yeah. It's actually great. I hate feeling fat but the shelf is one part of being pregnant I'll miss." I chuckled.
"How's our little guy doin?" He asked.
"He's doing really well. He moves so much." I laughed.
"Really?" He looked a little sad.
"What's wrong?" I frowned a bit.
"Nothing. I'm gonna go." He looked down a little and went to hang up.
"Li, wait." I was concerned but he hung up anyway so I texted him.
"I know you hate that you can't be here but you will be soon. You've got a month left and you'll be home, plus I'll see you in 2 weeks. Just relax, and think about how great it will be when you're home. I love you, baby xx"
"Li (:
Sorry I'm being a dick, love :/ I know, I just hate the fact that I'm not there for you. I'll call you later and I promise I'll make it up to you. I love you too, Vic xx"
"Don't worry about it (: have fun tonight and call me if you can"

*April 17th, 2019*

"I get into the airport at 7am. Okay, love?" I told Liam as I was about to get on my flight.
"Okay. I'll definitely meet you there." He smiled a little.
"Can't wait. I love you." I smiled.
"I love you too, Princess." He grinned and hung up. I walked in line and as I was about to get on the plane a teenager gave me a dirty look.
"You're Tori Marino, aren't you?" She asked.
"I'm Tori Payne." I corrected her.
"You don't deserve to be having his kids." She spat at me and as she turned away she hit me in the stomach with her elbow. It wasn't that hard and I knew my baby was okay but I was pissed.
"We need to talk when I get there." I sent one more text to Liam before turning my phone off.
"Ma'am, are you okay? I saw the girl hit you." The pilot walked over to me once I was in my seat.
"Oh, yeah, I'm okay. It wasn't too hard." I smiled.
"Are you sure?" He looked concerned.
"Yeah. I'm okay. Really." I assured him.
"If you need anything let us know. We have a row with an empty seat next to it, if you'd like that." He offered since I was in a one seat row.
"I don't want to inconvenience anyone." I brushed it off.
"It's no trouble really. C'mon, dear." He laughed as he moved my carryon for me. He held out a hand to me and I needed help getting up so I grabbed his. He led me to a much nicer seat and I was a lot happier.
"Thank you." I thanked him with a smile and he went to go fly the plane. I fell asleep then and woke up as we started landing. I quickly got off the plane and went straight toward baggage. I saw my husband and was so happy I started crying.
"Shit, I missed you." I mumbled.
"You really had me worried. What's wrong?" He frowned as he rubbed my back.
"This girl recognized me as we got on the plane and elbowed me in the stomach pretty hard as she turned around. It's not a big deal." I assured him.
"Are you kidding me?" He was pissed.
"Li, I'm exhausted and I can tell you are too. Let's just go get some sleep before you have to get up for the show." I whispered.
"Where'd she hit you?" He asked.
"Right here." I showed him where she had hit me. I was wearing a hoodie and a tank top underneath so I just showed him over.
"We can discuss this at the hotel, love. I'm exhausted." I was obviously annoyed.
"Sorry. We don't have to right now. Let's focus on sleep." He rubbed my back.
"I'm sorry if I'm being bitchy. I've been super tired lately and the baby has been moving constantly whenever I try to sleep and with all that I'm super annoyed. I'm sorry I'm taking it out on you." I apologized and kissed him.
"Don't worry about it. I understand." He smiled and I did the same before he kissed me and we left. We got in the cab and I grabbed his hand.
"Here." I told him and lifted up my sweatshirt and tank top so he could see where she hit me.
"Vic, you've got a bruise." He noticed.
"Liam, it's fine." I put a hand on his forearm as he ran his thumb over my bruise. He pulled out his phone and took a picture before I could stop him. He decided to do a twit longer so I watched him type.
"@Real_Liam_Payne: You all know we love you, but this is damn ridiculous. We have wives now, yes, but that doesn't mean we love you guys less as fans. I've tried to ignore all the things that have been said to my lovely wife over the years and the words I don't mind because she knows they're not true and I can help her feel better. But when my pregnant wife gets hit in my stomach, it's too far. I am beyond pissed off. Not only was the love of my life hurt, my son could've been hurt. This is ridiculous. We wouldn't have gotten this far without you guys, but family does come first, and my wife and son are my first priority." He tweeted the link and added the picture of my stomach.
"You didn't have to do that." I rubbed his back. Within 5 minutes "#WereSorryToriLiamAndBabyPayne" was trending.
"@Real_Liam_Payne: sorry to get all mean guys. It just freaks me out when Tori gets hurt and I'm not there to help her and when my son is put in danger as well"
"@Real_Liam_Payne: we love you all, just please don't put our wives and kids in danger (:"
"We're here." The driver told us and Liam paid him before we got out and went into the hotel. I read some tweets as we rode the elevator and one made me smile.
"Guys, I didn't like Tori at first either. I do now, whether you do or not is your own choice. But hitting a pregnant woman in the stomach is absolutely ridiculous. Especially when it's Liam's and her baby. That can hurt babies and cause early labor. I seriously hate being a part of this fandom these days. We all look like horrible people because of a few assholes."
I favorited her tweet and followed her before telling Liam to do the same.

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