Chapter Thirty One

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*November 1st, 2025*

I was woken up by my stomach tightening and I flinched a bit.
"You okay, love?" Liam mumbled into my hair.
"Fine, yeah." I brushed it off.
"What happened?" He woke up a bit more.
"My stomach got a little tight. It's no big deal. It's also 2am and you need sleep." I kissed his cheek.
"You sure?" He frowned a little.
"Yeah I'm fine." I rubbed his arm that was resting on my stomach.
"Positive?" He asked.
"Li, I'm fine." I laughed and kissed him.
"Remember, you are full term with twins." He reminded me.
"I know. I'm fine." I chuckled and he kissed me.
"Shit, no I'm not." I mumbled as my stomach tightened again.
"Shit, really?" He sat up.
"Yup. These are contractions. Let's go." I nodded.
"Ser-" He started and I cupped his face.
"I am in labor. Yes. I'll get the boys, you get clothes on and grab the hospital bag." I looked him in the eye and kissed him.

3 hours later we were holding our beautiful baby girls.
"What do you think for her?" Liam sat down next to me in my bed, referring to the baby he was holding.
"Hmm. How about Michelle Isabella?" I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Beautiful. And Grace Elizabeth for her?" He suggested, referring to the baby I was holding.
"Gorgeous." I kissed his cheek.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too."

*February 13th, 2039*

"Mum? Can me and a friend join you and Dad for dinner?" Carter called me.
"Of course, honey! Which friend is this?" I asked.
"You haven't met him yet. We met at uni last year and his family is out of town so I'm bringing him with. His name is Andrew." He explained.
"Okay, dear. Is he allergic to anything or not like anything I should know about?" I wondered.
"Nope. I'm pickier than he is." He told me.
"Sounds good. Head over around 6:30?" I suggested.
"Sure, Mum. Thanks." He smiled and hung up.
"Guys, Carter is coming home for dinner!" I yelled through the house.

"Hi, Mrs. Payne, I'm Andrew." Carter's friend shook my hand. Carter looked nervous for my reaction and I knew something was up.
"Call me Tori." I smiled and Andrew did the same before shaking Liam's hand. We all sat down and Nick pulled his phone out.
"Nick. Phone away or I'll take it." Liam warned and he didn't really take him seriously so Liam got up and took it.
"Mum!" Nick was shocked and looked to me for support.
"Nick, he told you to put your phone away and you didn't. You can text Rachel later." I took a bite of my food.
"Who's Rachel?" Carter asked.
"His girlfriend. They've been together like nine months." Michelle spoke up.
"Seriously? Why the hell didn't you tell me!" Carter gasped and I kicked him in the leg.
"Mickey." Nick groaned. Michelle had been called Mickey since she was a baby, and Grace had been called Gracie.
"I'm gonna go get the salad and some wine. Li, help?" I asked as I got up and Liam followed.
"I'll help too, Mum." Carter followed us in.
"Can I talk to you guys quick?" He looked borderline terrified once the kitchen door shut behind us.
"Of course." Liam nodded.
"I- I uh- I'm gay." He got out as he looked at the ground.
"Really?" Liam was surprised.
"Oh I knew from the second you and Andrew walked in, honey." I rubbed Carter's back.
"If that's what makes you happy we support you completely." Liam nodded and I agreed.
"Really?" Carter was surprised too.
"Of course. We love you no matter what and as long as you're happy I think that's great." I hugged him.
"How long have you guys been together?" Liam asked.
"A year last week." He blushed a little.
"Honey, what took so long to tell us!" I was surprised.
"I was afraid you guys wouldn't be okay with it and wouldn't want to have anything to do with me anymore." He looked at his feet again.
"I know you and I haven't always been the closest, son, but we love you no matter who you love and that's never going to change." Liam hugged Carter.
"Really?" Carter asked.
"Really." Liam nodded.
"Love you, Dad." Carter whispered.
"Love you too, bud." Liam mumbled and I started crying.
"Mum, what's wrong?" Carter asked after they backed out of their hug.
"It makes me emotional when I see you guys like that. 5 years ago you guys didn't get along in the slightest, now you're hugging and saying you love each other and it makes me so happy." I wiped my eyes.
"Oh, love." Liam chuckled and hugged me tight.
"Shush, don't mock me." I laughed as I wiped my eyes.
"How serious are you guys?" I asked as I tried to calm myself down.
"We've discussed marriage and kids and that stuff but agree we won't get engaged for at least another year." He explained as Liam rubbed my back.
"Would you adopt?" Liam asked and he nodded.
"I think that's great, honey. Let's get back out there though." I chuckled. I grabbed the wine and Liam grabbed the salad while Carter held the door for us.
"How'd it go?" Andrew mouthed to him discretely.
"Perfect." Carter smiled as he sat down next to him. I noticed Carter discreetly grab Andrew's hand and I smiled a bit. Nick had to use the restroom and the girls went to find something to show Andrew so I kissed Liam. He was a little surprised but didn't question it.
"I'm sorry about them." Carter blushed.
"Don't worry about it." Andrew chuckled.
"We have some time." Carter smiled a bit and I heard them start kissing too. Suddenly the door to the dining room swung open and we heard Nick.
"Ew, Mum, rea- oh shit." He gasped and we heard the girls gasp too as they walked in.
"Nicholas Joseph Payne, what the hell did you just say?" I raised my voice.
"Nothing, Mum." He blushed but they turned their attention back to Carter and Andrew.
"Were you guys just-" Michelle started.
"Yes, Mickey." Carter cut him off.
"So you're-" Nick started.
"Yes, Nick, I think that's been established." Carter cut him off too.
"Cart, don't cut them off. They probably have a few questions." I reminded him.
"How long have you been dating?" Grace asked.
"It was a year last week." Andrew explained.
"Are you guys gonna get married?" Michelle asked.
"We're not sure yet." Carter chuckled.
"Cool." The girls smiled.
"Nick, what're you thinking?" I noticed he hadn't said anything.
"Nothin. I don't see why it would be a problem. Hell, one of my best friends is gay." He shrugged.
"Everyone's cool with it?" Carter double checked and we all agreed.
"Awesome." I smiled.

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