Chapter Thirty Three

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*June 19th, 2043*

"Mum?" Michelle walked into the kitchen where I was.
"Is Dad home?" She asked.
"No it's me and you at the moment. Why?" I wondered.
"It's me and Cam's anniversary today." She started.
"Yes?" I nodded.
"And I was wondering if-" She trailed off.
"You two could have sex tonight?" I finished for her. She couldn't lie to me so I would've known whether she told me or not.
"Yes." She blushed.
"How long have you been dating?" I cut some tomatoes up.
"2 years." She explained, smiling a bit.
"Do you really love him?" I turned to face my daughter.
"I do. Did you love Dad when you lost yours to him?" She asked.
"Actually your dad wasn't my first." I blushed bright red.
"Who was!" She gasped.
"I never told your grandparents this and I never told your father either but my first was your uncle Niall when I was 16 and he and I got absolutely wasted one night and ended up sleeping together. I also slept with the guy I dated before your father. " I got even redder.
"Anyway, yes. You can. But that doesn't mean it can be a regular thing now. You don't get to move out for at least another 6 months and even then I would prefer you not move straight in with him." I changed the subject.
"Grace and I are gonna move in together after we turn 18." She nodded.
"I can't believe you slept with Uncle Niall." She cracked up as Liam walked in and we both froze as Liam processed what our daughter had just said.
"You screwed Niall?" He raised his voice as he turned to look at me.
"You headed off to your date?" I asked Mick and she nodded.
"Have fun." I hugged her.
"You had better be safe." I whispered and kissed her cheek before she left.
"You had sex with my best friend?" Liam shouted.
"Liam-" I started.
"I can't believe you cheated on me!"
"Tori-" He kept yelling and I slapped him.
"Will you freaking listen to me!" I yelled.
"Fine!" He yelled.
"I didn't cheat on you. I slept with Niall when I was 16, we were both wasted, it happened the one time and never again. We kissed once before you and I started dating and we both agreed that would never happen. Okay?" I pushed him up against the wall and made him look at me.
"Really?" He asked.
"Yes!" I nodded.
"I'm sorry." He hugged me.
"This time you should be." I mumbled.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too." I kissed his cheek.
"Hey, none of the kids are home." I remembered.
"Anything cooking?" He asked and I shook my head.
"Then you are all mine." He smiled a little and scooped me up.
"I'm gonna break you, put me down." I laughed and he spun me around so my legs were around his waist.
"You don't weigh anymore than you did 30 years ago." He made me look at him and I shrugged.
"Tor, really. You're even more beautiful than the day we met." He rubbed my back.
"I don't think so. But thank you." I went to kiss him but he stopped me.
"Come here." He turned me so I was on his back and carried me upstairs. He put me in our bed and climbed on top of me.
"What?" I chuckled.
"You need to believe me that you're beautiful. Seriously." He kissed my neck.
"Li." I sighed as I pushed him away a bit.
"Relax." He looked me in the eyes before kissing my neck again.
"Li- shit." I moaned.
"You wanna let me show you how much I love you?" He rested his forehead on mine.
"How are you even sweeter than you were 30 years ago?" I smiled a bit and kissed him.
"I don't know." He smiled a little.
"If by showing me how much you love me, you mean sex, then of course." I kissed him.
"Great." He grinned and kissed me.

"Mum, Dad, Kyle and I came here for dinner!" Grace yelled as she walked upstairs. I was still kind of asleep so I didn't quite process it. We were both covered so I wasn't concerned.
"Mum?" Grace opened our bedroom door. Liam was on his back and I was too with my head rested on his chest while his left arm was over my left shoulder and I was holding his left hand with mine. He was resting his head on mine and the sheets were up to my armpits.
"Shit, gross, ew. Sorry, Ky." Grace apologized as she dragged her boyfriend back out.
"Shit." I mumbled as I rolled over so my face was buried in Liam's shoulder.
"Who was that?" Li asked.
"Grace and Kyle." I kissed his cheek.
"Shit." He mumbled into my hair. We got dressed quick and I continued cooking with Liam's help. He wrapped his arms around me from behind and we were being really flirty.
"They really love each other." Kyle smiled a bit as they stood in the doorway. Liam whispered something dirty in my ear so I blushed and smacked his arm a bit. He kissed my neck a little and I laughed while I pushed him away a bit because it tickled.
"Yeah they do." Grace smiled and kissed Kyle's cheek.
"Sorry, kids, dinner's gonna be like half an hour." I apologized.
"That's okay." They both agreed and my phone rang.
"Hey, Mum, can Drew and I come over for dinner?" Carter asked.
"Yeah, sure. Grace and Kyle are here." I agreed.
"We were kinda hoping to just talk to you and Dad at some point, could that still happen?" He wondered.
"Of course." I nodded.
"It'll be done in half an hour, sweetie, see you then." I told him and hung up.
"Carter's coming over for dinner with Drew." I told them all.
"Sounds good." They smiled.

"Grace, Kyle, why don't you guys go get started on dishes?" I suggested and they knew it was just because we wanted to talk to Carter and Drew.
"Sure. C'mon, baby." Grace smiled and kissed Kyle before they walked into the kitchen.
"So you guys know how we want kids, right?" Carter asked.
"Yeah." Liam nodded.
"We're gonna be parents." Drew smiled.
"You're adopting?" I wondered.
"No. One of our friends is willing to be a surrogate for us." Carter explained.
"That's awesome! When're you guys gonna start?" I smiled.
"We already did." Andrew told us and Carter pulled out a picture.
"The one on the left is mine, the one on the right is Drew's." He showed us the ultrasound picture. I gasped and got really excited while Liam laughed at my reaction.
"How far?" I asked.
"6 weeks." Drew explained and I was thrilled.
"Come here!" I hugged them tight. My phone rang then so I answered it while Liam congratulated the boys.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Mrs. Payne? It's Cameron." He sounded terrified.
"What's up?" I asked.
"So it was me and Mick's anniversary and you obviously know what happened but afterwards we were laying in my bed watching a movie and she started having a seizure." He was really scared.
"Did you call the paramedics?" I stepped into the other room.
"Yeah I'm at the hospital waiting in her room right now while they do some tests." He explained.
"I'll be there in 10, okay?" I told him as I pulled on shoes.
"Okay. Room 418." He told me and hung up.
"Li!" I called for him as I pulled on a jacket and grabbed my keys.
"What's up?" He walked into the kitchen.
"Mick had a seizure. You stay here with the kids, I'm gonna go stay with Cameron at the hospital for a bit. Okay?" I explained.
"Shit. Keep me updated, okay?" He hugged me tight.
"I will." I kissed him. We walked back out to the boys and Liam kissed me one more time.
"Drive safe, okay?" He whispered as he hugged me tight.
"I will. Bye, babe." I pecked his lips.
"Bye, Princess, love you." He rubbed my back.
"Love you too." I whispered and he kissed me before I left.

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