Chapter Eleven

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*October 7th, 2014*

"Tor, fly to Ireland. ASAP." I heard Lia's husband Christopher over the phone.
"Why?" I asked.
"She's in labor." He explained and I gasped.
"Li, book tickets to Ireland!" I yelled to Liam as I started packing. Lia had wanted the baby to be born in Ireland even though she and Christopher were Canadian citizens so the baby could have dual citizenship like all of us did. Luca, his wife, and his kids had dual Irish and Italian citizenship, Bella, her husband, and their kids all had French and Irish citizenship as well, so Lia and I both planned to do the same with our kids.
"What? Why? I just got home from tour." He groaned a little.
"Lia is in labor and I will not miss seeing my nephew as a newborn. Either I can go by myself and leave you here or you can join me there, your choice." I warned him.
"Okay! I'll book two tickets." He agreed.
"Shit, where are we gonna stay?" He yelled to me.
"Mum and Dad said you can stay with them at the hotel, they got you a room." Lia told me as she grabbed the phone from Christopher.
"Okay. We'll be there in about 4 hours to see you and my new nephew." I smiled and she agreed before hanging up.
"So why does she want the baby to be born in Ireland exactly?" Liam asked.
"So they'll all have dual citizenship. I want my kids to have it so I'll want our kids born in Ireland." I explained to him.
"Our kids?" He smiled a bit.
"Oh, shit, I didn't- I mean- I don't want to pressure you- I-" I stuttered and he laughed a bit before cutting me off by kissing me.
"Relax. We have been together nearing 2 years. We need to talk about that stuff soon anyway." He kissed me.
"True. Why don't we discuss it on the plane?" I suggested as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Sure." He smiled and I kissed him.
"Our flight leaves in an hour and a half. We need to hurry and get to the airport." He pulled away a bit after a few minutes of kissing.
"True. Let's go." I pecked his lips.

"So. Marriage? You wanna get married someday?" He wondered after we got comfortable in our seats.
"To you or in general?" I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Does that change your answer one way or another?" He mumbled into my hair.
"No it doesn't, but I was just curious what your question was." I kissed his cheek.
"Let's start with in general." He rubbed my back.
"Yes. I do want to get married someday. You?" I cuddled into his side.
"Yes I do want to get married at some point. Now how about us?" He hesitated a little.
"I would be the luckiest girl in the world if I got to marry you." I kissed him.
"And I would be the luckiest guy in the world if I got to marry you." He smiled and kissed me back.
"I love you." I smiled a bit.
"I love you too." He rested his head on mine.
"I'm tired so I'm gonna sleep. Are you gonna?" I whispered.
"I'm not tired." He shook his head.
"I won't hang all over you then. Wake me up when we're about to land please." I kissed his cheek again and leaned on my elbow away from him.
"Hey, come here." He pulled me back over to him as I put a headphone in one of my ears.
"What?" I looked up at him.
"Just cause I'm not sleeping doesn't mean we can't cuddle." He whispered.
"You sure? What if you have to get up to pee or something?" I furrowed my eyebrows a little.
"I just did before we got on the plane. I'll be okay. Just relax and sleep." He chuckled and kissed me.
"You want music or no?" I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Sure." He kissed my forehead. I put my other headphone in his ear and he groaned.
"I hate listening to myself." He complained.
"You want me to sleep well?" I wondered.
"Of course." He nodded.
"I sleep best when I fall asleep listening to my amazing boyfriend sing." I mumbled and he sighed a bit.
"Okay. If it makes you sleep better I'll deal with it." He sighed but I knew he still wasn't thrilled.
"I love you." I chuckled and kissed him.
"I love you too." He kissed me.

*January 22nd, 2015*

"Why are you yelling at me about it! So I checked her out a little, big deal!" Liam yelled.
"Liam, seriously? You were checking her out so much, not to mention flirting with her! What the hell!" I shouted.
"Why are you freaking out so bad! I could have literally any girl I want and I still pick you!" He shouted back.
"We're done." I walked into our room and started packing a suitcase.
"What?" He was confused but I didn't answer.
"Answer me, why are you doing this!" He yelled as he tried to stop me from zipping it up.
"Because you're not the man I fell in love with! The man I fell in love with was sweet, caring, respectful, wasn't cocky, and didn't check out other girls. Look who you've turned into, Liam. I'm done." I wiped my eyes and pulled out my computer to book a ticket.
"Where are you going?" He got really quiet.
"Ireland. My flight leaves in an hour." I grabbed my bag and started walking out.
"Vic, don't. Come on. Please. I'm so sorry." He apologized.
"Liam, move." I sniffed.
"Vic, please." He begged.
"No. You've had multiple chances. I'm done." I shook my head and walked by him. I called a taxi and Niall walked out as I was getting in it.
"Where are you going?" He ran over.
"Ireland. I just broke up with Liam." I cried and he hugged me.
"Want me to go with?" He rubbed my back.
"You don't have to." I assured him.
"I want to. I'll be right back, book me a ticket please." He kissed my forehead and ran back into his flat to go get something. I booked him one and he ran out a second later with a jacket.
"Let's go." He walked over and we got into the cab.
"So what happened?" He asked.
"He checked out this girl earlier and went on about how he could have any girl he wanted but still picks me and it really bothers me. He's not the man I fell in love with anymore." I sniffed.
"Oh, love." He frowned.
"I'll be fine. I'll find a way to get over him." I shrugged.
"You'll be okay."

"Tor, what's wrong?" Patrick called me.
"What?" I sniffed as I stopped crying.
"What's wrong?" He sounded really concerned.
"Why're you calling me, Patrick?" I asked, my breathing messed up from crying.
"I saw online you and Liam had broken up and I wanted to make sure you're okay." He was genuinely worried.
"Does it sound like I'm freaking okay, Patrick?" I asked.
"Want me to come over? I know you're upset but I want to help." He hesitated.
"I'm fine." I shook my head.
"I'm coming over. I'll bring ice cream." He smiled a little and hung up.

He showed up a little later with my favorite ice cream and movies.
"You've really changed." I noticed.
"I was a douche to you and I feel terrible." He apologized.
"Okay. Come in."

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