Chapter Thirteen

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*November 1st, 2016*

"@MarinoVic: @Real_Liam_Payne Yes"
"Really? You mean it?" He called me.
"Yes. I need to end it with Patrick but then I'm gonna come see you. I miss you like hell, Li." I nodded.
"I'll come see you. I ended it with Jill last week." He assured me.
"Book your ticket now so I know when to meet you at my place with our favorite movies and ice cream." I smiled a little.
"I'll be there at 6pm." He did the same.
"See you then, Li." I grinned.
"See you then, Vic." He smiled and hung up.

"Are you seriously ending it with me!" Patrick yelled.
"I'm sorry, Patrick! I just can't do this!" I nearly broke down.
"There's another guy, isn't there!" He shouted.
"Tell me!" He pushed me into the wall.
"Don't lie to me, bitch!" He threw me onto the stairs. I felt something in my shoulder crack and I was in serious pain.
"It's Liam, isn't it!" He yelled.
"It is! Really? You leave me for him twice?" He shouted and kicked me.
"Patrick, please-" I started and he kicked me in the stomach. He stomped on my ankle and I started crying. He continued kicking the crap out of me for nearly half an hour until he yanked my ring off my finger and left my flat. I slowly crawled over to my phone, but it took a while because I was in so much pain.
"What is the nature of your emergency?" The responder asked.
"I just broke up with my-" I started coughing and groaned in pain.
"Ma'am, are you okay?"
"I broke up with my fiancé and he just beat me for over half an hour. It hurts to breathe and I can't move my right ankle and it hurts to move my left shoulder." I managed to get out.
"What's your address?" He asked and I told him.
"We'll have an ambulance there as soon as possible. Stay on the line with me until they arrive." He old me and I agreed even though I was getting a little woozy.
"Ma'am?" He asked but I faded out.

"Oh my God." I heard someone familiar gasp.
"Is she going to be okay?" He asked as I faded back in.
"Too soon to tell, sir. She's got what seems to be a couple broken ribs, a broken collarbone, a broken ankle, and she's coughing up blood. It's not looking great. Who are you?" The paramedic asked him and I felt my stretcher getting lifted into the ambulance.
"I'm Liam Payne. I'm her- I'm not quite sure how to explain it. I guess new fiancé?" He climbed in too and grabbed my right hand. I squeezed his hand and opened my eyes.
"Yeah, he's my fiancé." I nodded and Liam squeezed my hand back.
"Try not to talk. We think you have a punctured lung." The paramedic told me.
"So what exactly happened?" Liam asked him.
"The dispatcher said it was a case of domestic abuse." He explained and Liam looked down at me.
"Patrick again?" He asked and I nodded carefully.
"He freaked at me when I ended it with him and beat the shit out of me for like half an hour." I whispered.
"Shit." He sighed.
"How did Jill take it last week?" I wondered.
"She knew it was coming." He shrugged.
"That's good I guess." I kissed the back of his hand.
"Okay. We're here. Let's go." The paramedic told us and they wheeled me into the hospital.
"You need x-rays so we're gonna do those now." They told me and I agreed so Liam sat in my room while I got them done.
"Li, come here." I said quietly once I got back.
"Yeah?" He walked over and I grabbed his hand.
"Keep your hand right here." I put his hand on my left hip and put a hand on the back of his neck. I pulled him in and kissed him.
"Can you believe we haven't kissed in nearly 2 years?" I mumbled and he kissed me again.
"I can't. Hell, I just turned 23. You're gonna be 22 in 6 months. We thought we were going to be together still at this age and engaged." He shook his head and I kissed him. The doctor came in a minute later and we pulled away.
"Your ankle is definitely fractured. You'll need a boot for it. Your collarbone is bruised as well so you'll need to take it easy for a couple days, you don't have a punctured lung, but you'll be in here for the next two days for observation, so once you get released you'll only need the boot." The doctor explained.
"When will I be okay enough to start working out again?" I wondered.
"Probably a week if you're careful but no legs. No sex though until the boot comes off in about 6 weeks." He told me and I nodded.
"We need to set your ankle so we're going to do that shortly." He said and I agreed.
"Do you want me to go or..?" Liam asked after the doctor left for a minute.
"Not unless you want to. Come here." I mumbled and hugged him. He was being very careful and I squeezed him tight.
"I have your ring with my stuff at your flat so I'll give it to you then." He kissed me.
"Sounds perfect." I smiled and kissed him back. The doctors came in and Liam grabbed my good hand.
"I'm sorry, how do you two know each other again? I've forgotten." The doctor blushed a bit.
"He's my fiancé." I squeezed Liam's hand and he did the same to me.
"Warning, this is going to hurt." The doctor warned me as he was about to set my ankle.
"Okay." I nodded and he carefully grabbed my ankle.
"I'm gonna call Niall quick, love." Liam whispered as I hugged him. He pulled out his phone and continued hugging me while the doctor was about to do my ankle.
"Hey, Niall. Yeah I'm in Ireland. Cause-" He started but was cut off by a cracking noise from my ankle and me groaning in pain. They put my ankle in a splint quickly and gave me some painkillers so Liam started talking to Niall again.
"Here, let me talk to him." I told him and he handed the phone to me.
"Hey, Ni." I smiled.
"Why is Liam there?" He asked.
"We're getting back together." I hesitated.
"What?" He gasped.
"Is this reaction good or bad here, Niall?" I wondered.
"Good! I'm glad you guys are! You've both been miserable without each other. You sound like shit though, what's wrong?" He wondered.
"I'm in the hospital." I explained quietly.
"Why?" He immediately asked.
"So a couple months ago when Liam came here we fought and he basically proposed to me but I said no and he told me to think about it. My tweet saying yes this morning was my accepting that. I had to go break it off with Patrick and I think you know where this is going." I trailed off.
"What's wrong now? What'd he do?" He sighed a little.
"Fractured ankle, bruised collarbone, and nearly punctured lung." I looked at my lap.
"I'm gonna fly out there." He decided.
"Ni, it's fine. I've got Liam." I assured him as Liam grabbed my hand.
"Hold on, you're engaged to him?" He finally processed all of what I had told him.
"Yes?" I hesitated again.
"I'm flying out there. I'm worried about you, Tor." He insisted.
"Fine. Tell me when you get to town and I'll text you my room number." I nodded.
"See you in a little while." He told me and hung up.
"He's coming." I told Liam.
"Okay." He kissed me.
"Would you happen to have a picture of my ring?" I smiled a little and he laughed. He went through his pictures and came to a picture of a beautiful vintage engagement ring.
"Holy shit, Liam." I gasped.
"This wasn't the ring you gave to Jill, right?" I double checked.
"Of course not! Hers was a sapphire that has since been returned to the shop I bought it from. I put much more thought into yours and I know this is what I want for my life." He assured me and I kissed him.
"I can't believe it's been two years." I rested my head on his shoulder.
"I know. Vic?" He carefully rubbed my back.
"Yeah?" I kissed his cheek.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too." I whispered and he kissed me.

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