Chapter Fifteen

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"I missed that." I laughed as I cuddled into his chest.
"Me too." He smiled a little and kissed me.
"I'm gonna get my boxers, you want me to get your clothes so you don't have to get up?" He kissed my forehead.
"Yes please." I kissed his cheek. He grabbed his boxers and threw me my bra, underwear, and a shirt of his.
"Thank you." I smiled. I pulled them on quick and I was freezing.
"Why're you cold?" He chuckled.
"I don't even know. I'm so cold." I shook a bit and he climbed in bed.
"Come here." He pulled me in tight and rubbed my back.
"Shit, you're freezing." He whispered.
"I know." I laughed.
"You know what we should do?" He tried to warm me up.
"Hmm?" I wondered.
"Take a picture together. It's been two years." He told me.
"We should! Here, here's my phone." I grabbed my phone and handed it to him.
"Alright, my love, come here." He laughed and kissed my cheek. We took a picture together and we looked amazing.
"That's going to be my lock screen." I smiled and kissed him.
"Love, the fans want us to do a twitcam." I noticed as I went on Twitter.
"Should we?" He wondered.
"I think we should. But you would have to put pants and a shirt." I reminded him and he groaned a bit.
"Fine." He sighed a bit and I laughed.
"I love you." I rested my head on his shoulder.
"I love you too." He kissed me. He got clothes on and I put spandex on before grabbing my laptop. Liam started getting everything set up so I tweeted.
"@MarinoVic: @Real_Liam_Payne and I will be doing a twitcam in about 3 minutes, folks (:"
Liam tweeted the link and pulled me into his side quick.
"I love you, don't worry about the people that will tweet hate toward us, and after this we can cuddle and have a movie night, okay?" He mumbled into my hair.
"Okay." I kissed him.
"One more kiss." He smiled and kissed me before starting the twitcam.
"Hey, guys!" Liam smiled. I had scooted away so I wasn't right next to him but I was still close to him.
"We know you guys have had some questions so we wanted to answer those for you guys." I added with a smile.
"'What happened to Tori's ankle?'" Li read from the list of tweets.
"I can't say much about what happened, but I have a slight fracture in my ankle so I have to wear this boot for about 6 weeks." I explained.
"'Are you two together?'" I read and Liam discretely rubbed my back.
"Yes, we are. I broke up with Jill last week and Tori broke up with Patrick earlier today." Liam nodded and the tweets blew up. I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and everyone freaked.
"'If you broke up with Patrick why are you still wearing the engagement ring?'" I read and Liam and I froze a bit. I looked up at him and he nodded.
"We're engaged." He hesitated a bit. There was some hate that came in but it was heavily outweighed by people asking to see the ring and wanting to know how Liam proposed.
"It was really sweet and private and romantic. He came to visit me here in Mullingar and after we got back from the hospital he went to his bag of stuff and grabbed a ring box. He kissed me and grabbed my hands and got down on a knee and asked me. It was really sweet." I kissed his cheek.
"Show them your ring, love." He kissed my temple.
"Oh, right." I blushed and held my hand near the camera. They all went crazy and Liam pulled me into his side. There was a knock on the front door and we were both confused.
"Pizza." I reminded him and he ran to go get it.
"I love you." I laughed as he handed me some.
"I love you too." He smiled and kissed the top of my head.
"'Are you guys going to get married soon?'" I read off of the screen.
"No, I don't think so. We've discussed it before and we wanted to wait until both of us are 23, so that's at least another year and a half for her, but she has always wanted a November wedding so it'll probably be in two years." Liam chuckled.
"You remember that?" I smiled a little.
"Of course I do." He shrugged.
"Why?" I wondered.
"Cause. It's something important to you so I remember it." He explained.
"Girls, I'm sorry I've stolen this wonderful man from all of you, because you would all be incredibly lucky to have him." I turned back to the twitcam. I got a little bit of hate and I realized how nice it had been not getting any of that for nearly two years.
"What's wrong?" Liam whispered in my ear.
"The hate just reminded me how nice it was not getting any for two years." I explained only loud enough for him to hear as I looked at my lap and teared up a bit.
"Love-" He started.
"No. I'll be out here." I wiped my eyes and got up. I heard him sigh a little but I kept walking.
"Guys, you all know the lads and I couldn't be more thankful for all of you and everything you've done for us but seriously the hating on our fiancées and girlfriends and wives needs to stop. It's gotten ridiculous. We love these women more than anything in the world and it hurts us too when you hurt them. I'm very sorry to those of you who haven't played a part in the hate, but because of those who do, I probably won't do twitcams much anymore, if at all." I heard Liam tell everyone and end the live stream before walking out to me.
"I'm sorry I walked out like that." I looked at my lap.
"Don't worry about it, love. It's not your fault." He kissed my temple.
"We never told your parents." I realized.
"True. Let's call them." He kissed me. He pulled out his phone and called his parents.
"Hello, sweetie, what's up?" Karen smiled as she answered.
"I have some news for you and Dad." He explained.
"He's right here, what's up?" She wondered.
"I'm engaged again." He told them and Karen sighed a bit even though she tried to hide it.
"To Jill?" She didn't sound very happy.
"No, you'll like my new fiancée much more than the last." He smiled a bit as he rubbed my back.
"Who is it?" She asked.
"Hello, Karen." I smiled and she gasped.
"Tori?" She gasped.
"Yep." I chuckled.
"You guys are back together?" She clarified.
"Yes." Liam smiled and I kissed him.
"You guys should come visit soon." She suggested.
"Christmas is in about a month, how about we spend it there this year?" He suggested and I agreed.
"That sounds lovely, dear. I'll let you guys go though cause it's getting late." She decided and we hung up.
"Your hands look swollen, Li." I noticed.
"I'm okay." He shrugged.
"You're having symptoms that you had when you had kidney problems a few years ago." I reminded him.
"I am okay. I promise. I just haven't been feeling as great cause I've got a cold. I promise I'm okay." He assured me. I kissed him and he picked me up.
"You need to stay off your ankle. Let's go to bed." He whispered and I nodded. We climbed in bed and it was so nice to be together again we fell asleep right away.

I woke up around 2am to use the bathroom so I put my boot on to prevent hurting it further. When I walked out I saw my fiancé having a seizure and I gasped. I called the paramedics and ran to Liam.
"What is the nature of your emergency?" The man asked as I rolled Liam onto his side.
"My fiancé is having a seizure." I tried not to cry and he asked for our address so I gave it to him.
"Have you rolled him onto his side?" He asked and I rubbed Liam's back.
"Yes." I nodded.
"And rubbed his back?" He double checked.
"Yes. I babysat a girl with a seizure disorder and got trained in what to do." I explained.
"The ambulance should be there in about 5 minutes." He assured me and I agreed. The ambulance showed up almost exactly 5 minutes later and got Liam on the stretcher. I got to ride with and I was quite obviously shaken up.
"Has he had a seizure before?" One paramedic asked.
"No, but they did warn him if he stopped taking his medication for his kidney it could happen." I explained quietly.
"How long has he been on the kidney medication?"
"About 3 years I think." I told them.
"We're nearly to the hospital. They're going to do some tests on him but you can wait in his room until they bring him back." The paramedic told me and I nodded. I got to Liam's room and there was a couch near where the bed would go.
"Dear, get some rest." A nurse walked in a bit later.
"I'm fine. I need to call his parents anyway." I brushed it off.
"Plus, I want to be awake when he wakes up." I explained.
"He's in what is called the postictal phase right now, but if he wakes up with a migraine which can happen, he'll receive medication for that which will make him fall asleep again. Plus since you guys were sleeping he might just be sleeping at this point anyway." She was really concerned about me.
"I'm fine. Is he going to be getting his kidney meds?" I asked.
"Yes. He already has an IV with them." She nodded.
"How about we make a bit of a deal." She suggested.
"You call his parents and go to sleep after, and I'll make sure you're awake before he is." She offered.
"I don't know." I hesitated.
"I promise." She promised and I caved.
"I'm going to call his parents quick." I told her and she nodded.
"Tori? What's up?" Karen yawned and I felt terrible for waking her up.
"I am so sorry to wake you up at this ungodly hour but there's something you'll want to know." I started as my voice shook.
"What's wrong?" She asked immediately.
"I woke up to go to the bathroom about half an hour ago and when I walked back out Liam was having a seizure. They're running some tests on him right now." I told her as I started crying.
"Oh my God." She gasped.
"I know. I need to get some sleep too but I just can't focus on that right now." I sniffed.
"Get some sleep. Now. You're like another daughter to me, and he'll understand if you're sleeping when he wakes up. We'll be there as soon as possible." She assured me and I agreed before hanging up. I waited until they brought Liam in and decided I'd go to sleep then depending on what I was told.
"He did get some migraine meds so he should be out for at least 4 or 5 hours." She told me. The doctor and a couple other nurses were in there at that point and it was obvious I was pretty distraught.
"He's going to be okay. He just hasn't been taking his meds regularly and his kidneys weren't functioning properly. Relax." Another nurse rubbed my back.
"Get some sleep." She told me and I caved. I climbed onto the couch next to Liam's bed and they were at about the same level so I grabbed his hand before falling asleep.

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