Chapter Twenty Three

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*May 10th, 2019*

"Happy birthday, love." Liam called me with a smile.
"Thank you, sweetie." I smiled back.
"I'll Skype you later, I promise. Have fun with Jess today." He told me.
"I will. Thank you, babe." I grinned.
"I'll text you as much as possible but once the concert starts I don't know how much I'll be able to." He frowned a bit.
"Don't worry about it. Really. Focus on work." I frowned too.
"I'll text you." He chuckled and we hung up.

"Ow, shit." I groaned a little as Jess and I walked into my house around 7:45pm. We had just finished dinner and she was going to stay at my place.
"What's wrong?" She asked, concerned.
"My stomach just got pretty tight." I brushed it off.
"How much has it been happening?" She asked.
"The last few hours but it just started really hurting." I explained.
"I need to pee. Be right back." I told her and went to the bathroom. Right when I sat down my water broke and I gasped. I walked out and saw Jess had gone into the kitchen.
"Jess." I managed to get out right before I got another contraction.
"Yeah?" She asked without turning around.
"My water just broke." I said through my teeth.
"Oh shit." She gasped. We got in my car and she drove so I texted Liam.

*Liam's POV*

My phone vibrated while we were all talking on stage and I figured it was Tori so I looked at it discretely.
"Vic (:
I know I normally don't text you during shows but this is important..." My phone trailed off so I had to unlock it.
"Liam, stop textin your wife!" Louis jokingly scolded me and everyone laughed.
"Lou, hold on." I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at the text. Louis walked over to me and threw an arm around my shoulders as I unlocked my phone.
"important. My water just broke, we're on the way to the hospital. You should be able to make it if you hurry." The rest of the text said.
"Oh shit." I muttered to myself and Louis gasped as he read it too.
"What's up?" Niall asked.
"Guys, I need to go. Tori is in labor and I really don't want to miss my son being born." I told everyone and the guys hugged me while Paul booked me a ticket. I got to just go straight through security and to my gate because I had pre check. I was freaking out but had to turn my phone off.

*Tori's POV*

I sat in labor for three hours and I was hoping Liam would walk in any second but he didn't.
"You're ready to push, dear. You want anyone in here with you?" My doctor asked since Jess and my parents and Liam's parents were there too.
"My mum." I told her and she ran out to get my mum.
"You've got this, sweetie." She grabbed my hand.
"God I wish Liam was here." I groaned as I got another contraction.
"I know, honey. You've got this. He's almost here." She assured me. I pushed for about 20 minutes and my son was born at 11:12pm. They checked him out and at 11:35 I got him back. Liam ran in a second later and went straight to me.
"I am so sorry, love. I can't believe I missed our son being born. And I missed your birthday." He mumbled as he hugged me tight.
"Relax. It's still my birthday currently anyway." I whispered.
"No I abandoned you when you needed me and-" He started rambling as he paced around.
"Liam, relax. Come here." I told him as I picked our son up out of his bassinet that was next to my bed.
"You're not mad?" He was a little surprised but hadn't turned around yet.
"Of course not. It's not your fault. If anything, I should've texted you sooner." I told him.
"Now come here." I repeated and he turned around. He gasped a little and I chuckled.
"Sit." I patted the edge of my bed so he sat next to me. He pulled me into his side and I kissed his cheek.
"I think he looks more like saying a Carter. What do you think?" I looked up at him.
"I agree. Carter Luca Payne?" He looked back down at me and I nodded.
"Here. Hold your son." I kissed his cheek and handed Carter to him. I saw it sink in for him and it was the most amazing thing I had ever seen.
"Holy crap, I'm a dad." He realized with a smile.
"You guys pick out a name?" The nurse asked.
"Carter Luca Payne." I told her and she printed out wrist bands for Liam and I and an ankle band for Carter. I yawned a bit after she left and Liam frowned.
"Get some sleep." He kissed my forehead.
"You sure?" I mumbled as I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Positive. You deserve it. Plus I can show him to our parents and Jess." He rubbed my back.
"Thank you." I kissed his cheek and fell asleep.

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