Chapter Four

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"Tor, it's 5am. Get up." Lia shook me awake.

"Thanks." I mumbled. I got up and fixed my hair before putting on light makeup. I threw on jeans and a random shirt and decided to call it good.

"Tor, what shoes are you gonna wear?" Lia asked.

"My converse. What time is it?" I yawned.

"5:35." She mumbled as she tried to wake up.

"Shit! I haven't eaten or gotten any coffee yet!" I cursed. I ran downstairs and saw my mum finishing stirring a cup of coffee.

"Here, it's just how you like it." She handed it to me.

"Thank you so much." I kissed her cheek.

"And your favorite kind of muffin." She handed me a chocolate chip muffin.

"Thanks, Mummy." I hugged her. I drank my coffee pretty fast and ate as fast as I could. I ran upstairs and heard my mum let Liam in just as I finished getting my shoes on. I grabbed my backpack and everything and ran downstairs. My siblings were all waiting downstairs and I got really emotional saying goodbye.

"I'll see you in Milan." I hugged Luca and tried not to cry.

"Yes you will. Don't cry, sis." He hugged me tight.

"I will see you in Paris." I hugged Bella.

"Yep. Don't cry." She hugged me back tight.

"And I will see you in London." I hugged Lia, but unfortunately was unsuccessful in my mission not to cry.

"Yes you will." She started crying too.

"Bye, Dad." I hugged my dad too.

"Tor, cab is here." My mum spoke up.

"Dammit. Bye. I love you all." I kissed their cheeks and hugged my mum too before I had to go.

"It's okay, love." Liam rubbed my back as we walked out to the cab.

"I'm fine." I wiped my eyes as he put our bags in the trunk.

"Where we headed?" The driver asked when we climbed in.

"Train station." Liam explained and rubbed my back.

"I'm so glad to be back." I smiled as we walked into Liam's flat.

"Me too. Now you, love, are all mine." He kissed me with a smile.



*May 11th, 2013*


We had an amazing time on my birthday and it was so fun.

"Hey, Ni, wanna come over to Liam's for some lunch?" I asked and he agreed.

"With or without Cass?" He asked.

"Preferably without but whatever." I explained.

"I'll be over in like half an hour?" He offered and I agreed. I made some pasta quick and Liam wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"I'll excuse myself to bring my plate in here and you can tell him then. I feel like he'd take the news better from you." He whispered and I nodded.

"Just relax. You're shaking. He's not going to react that bad." He turned me around and hugged me tight. Just then there was a knock on the door and I jumped.

"Relax." He kissed me and went to answer the door. Lunch went pretty well and Liam grabbed my hand under the table since we were sitting next to each other.

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