Chapter Three

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*May 8th, 2013*

"Tor!" Patrick ran to me at the train station. We were still together but I knew I had to end things at some point. I had Liam and Niall with me and I saw Patrick glare at Liam as he ran over to me.

"Don't glare at him." I smacked Patrick's arm. Liam and I still had our arrangement going on and no one but us knew.

"I need to go see my parents, you're welcome to come, but Liam and Niall are going to see Niall's folks." I told Patrick.

"I'll go. It's cool." He smiled and I nodded.

"I'll see you guys later." I hugged Niall before moving on to Liam.

"And I'll see your sexy ass later too." I whispered with a laugh and he did the same.

"I might end it with him today but I don't know. Since Niall is staying here for the next two days and we leave tomorrow morning though I'll be staying with you and we'll have that day and a half for just us." I kissed Liam's cheek and he agreed. Patrick and I left for my parents' house and I was really excited to see them and my siblings who were visiting from the various countries that they lived in. My brother Luca (the oldest of us four, he was 30) lived in Italy with his wife and three kids. My eldest sister Isabella (the third oldest of us, she was 26) lived in France with her husband, and they had both decided they didn't want kids. My other sister Lia (the third oldest, she was 23) lived in Canada with her fiancé.

"Tori is here!" I heard Lia yell. I hurried out of the car and ran to my siblings who all smothered me with hugs. My mum and dad joined in and all of us went inside.

"Have you eaten?" My dad asked.

"Yeah I ate on the plane. I'm full." I told them.

"I'm guessing you want to relax a bit so we'll go get dinner." My mum explained and they all left. Pat kissed me hard and I started feeling guilty. He started putting his hand down my pants and I pulled away.

"What? Too far?" He asked and I shook my head so he continued slipping his hand further down.

"I slept with someone." I blurted out as I shut my eyes.

"You did what?" He yelled.

"I'm sorry." I teared up.

"When!" He shouted.

"February was the first time." I looked at the ground.

"When in February! And how many times!" He got in my face.

"The first day of tour. I don't even know how many times." I started crying. Next thing I knew he slapped me.

"You're a whore." He spat and hit me again.

"Get the hell out." I wiped my eyes. He stormed out and I went upstairs to my room.

"Shit, Liam, pick up." I tried to stop crying as I called Liam. He answered pretty quick and immediately was concerned.

"Did you tell him?" He asked quietly.

"My family left for dinner and he stuck his hand down my pants and I blurted it out. He screamed at me and slapped me twice before I made him leave." I sniffed.

"I'm gonna kill that bastard." He growled.

"Why?" I asked.

"He hurt you. And he stuck his hand down your pants." He mumbled.

"You okay, Liam?" Niall asked him.

"Yeah, I'm gonna go take this outside quick. Excuse me." Liam smiled and walked outside.

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