Chapter Fourteen

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He drove over to my parents' house and I kissed him before we got out.
"Don't be nervous." I kissed his cheek. We got out of the car and walked up to the door. We both took a deep breath and walked in.
"Oh my gosh!" My mum ran over and hugged me.
"What happened to your ankle?" She asked.
"Patrick. But he and I aren't together anymore so it's all good." I explained.
"Are you two-?" She gasped, referring to Liam and me.
"He called me earlier, I told him he has our permission." My dad spoke up.
"Really, Dad?" I was surprised.
"The happiest you've ever been your entire life was when you were with him. I wasn't gonna stand in the way of that, Tor." He assured me.
"Thank you." I hugged him.
"Wait, permission? Are you engaged?" She was shocked.
"Yes? I thought that was what you meant." I blushed.
"Oh my gosh!" She hugged me tight before hugging Liam too.
"Ring?" She asked and I showed her.
"That's gorgeous!" She gasped and I looked up at Liam.
"Wait, is Tori here?" I heard Lia gasp as she ran down the stairs.
"Oh my God!" I gasped and walked as fast as I could over to her.
"Shit, I missed you." She whispered as she hugged me.
"I missed you too." I mumbled.
"Why's Liam here?" She asked.
"We're back together. We're engaged actually." I explained and she squealed.
"That's amazing!" She hugged me tight.
"Ring?" She pulled back from our hug and I showed her.
"That's perfect for you." She smiled a bit as she looked at it.
"I know. It's amazing. Now where's my nephew?" I smiled a little.
"Leo, come here, sweetie!" She yelled up and my little nephew trotted down the stairs.
"Hey, buddy!" I smiled and he ran to me.
"Luca and Bella are flying in tomorrow. We were gonna surprise you." My mum told me.
"Thank you." I thanked her as I held my nephew.
"Li, come here." I told my fiancé and he walked over. He rested a hand on my back and I smiled.
"I haven't seen him since he was born." He realized.
"That's right!" I did the same.
"Tor, what happened to your foot?" Lia gasped.
"Oh, I broke up with Patrick and he ended up breaking my ankle." I explained.
"Holy shit." She muttered quietly so Leo wouldn't hear.
"So how'd you two get engaged?" She wondered.
"We had been fighting a few months ago and I ended up yelling I wanted her to marry me and she said no because we were both already engaged but I told her to think about it." Liam started.
"And this morning I really thought about it and realized I really love him so I tweeted him 'yes' and tried to to end it with Patrick and this happened. After we got home from the hospital Liam went back to his stuff and properly got down on a knee and asked me." I smiled a little.
"How'd he ask?" She asked.
"We kissed for a minute and he went and got the ring and walked back over to me. He grabbed my hands and kissed me and got down on one knee and asked me to marry him." I squeezed Liam's hand.
"I'm sure you two want to go have some fun so I'll take my son from you." She laughed.
"We can't for 6 weeks. I'm gonna go crazy." I groaned.
"Oh that sucks." She cracked up.
"Shut up! It's going to have been almost two years by the time we can!" I complained.
"Did you ever with Patrick or Jill?" She asked both of us.
"Let's not talk about this." Liam spoke up and I agreed.
"Why not?" She wondered.
"We don't want to hear about each other sleeping with other people." Liam explained.
"Agreed." I nodded.
"We do want to spend some time together though so I'll see you tomorrow." I hugged her.
"See ya. Congrats." She smiled and we hugged my parents before leaving.
"Let's go to the shops or something." I suggested.
"Sounds great. But tomorrow we're staying in and you're taking it easy." He kissed my temple. He drove us over to the shops and we sat in the car for a minute.
"Do we want to hold hands and basically announce we're back together or wait?" I asked.
"They're gonna find out eventually, right?" He shrugged.
"Honestly, it's up to you. You're the one who's going to get shit from this, love." He grabbed my hand.
"I know. There are still some people that want us together though, love. I get tweets everyday from people that think we were perfect for each other." I rubbed the back of his with my thumb.
"We are." He smiled a little.
"I love you." I rested my head on his shoulder.
"I love you too. Let's do it." He rubbed my back. He got out of the car and helped me out.
"Thank you." I kissed his cheek.
"Where do you wanna go?" He whispered.
"I don't care. Wherever you want." I shrugged.
"I don't care. Let's just pop in here quick." He noticed a cute little store.
"Tor, look." He chuckled as he noticed a sweatshirt for my favorite football team (Derby, just like Niall).
"Oh my gosh that is so cute." I gasped as he handed it to me.
"I need this." I laughed.
"I'll buy." He tried to grab it from me.
"Uh, no. I am." I pulled back.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't, and it can't be because it's for you." He told me so I stuck my left hand in his face with my engagement ring.
"Nope. Not a valid reason." He shook his head.
"You suck." I pouted a little as I rested my head on his chest.
"I know." He laughed and grabbed the sweatshirt from me.
"I love you." I whispered.
"I love you too." He kissed me discreetly.
"I'm gonna get a Dublin sweatshirt too and then we can head back to your flat or continue shopping, whatever you feel up to." He whispered.
"I'm good to keep shopping if you want to." I rubbed his back.
"Sounds great." He smiled. We went over and he paid for our things quickly.
"Oh my God, you're Liam Payne." The girl gasped.
"Are you two back together?" She wondered as I fixed Liam's hair a bit.
"Oh my God, that's an engagement ring!" She freaked.
"We've got to go." I smiled and Liam grabbed the bag from her.
"Let's just go have a movie night." He suggested.
"Can we get some Starbucks quick?" I wondered.
"Of course." He nodded.
"Thank you. I need caffeine." I laughed and he did the same.
"Me too, love, don't worry." He chuckled. We walked over to Starbucks and we saw a couple paps show up.
"Hello, how can I help you?" The barista smiled. Liam ordered his drink and somehow remembered mine too.
"Thank you." I kissed his cheek.
"For what?" He wondered.
"Everything." I grabbed his hand.
"Like?" He asked.
"This, the sweatshirt, the ring, your help, everything." I told him and he kissed me.
"Of course I'm gonna help. I love you and I would be a dick if I didn't." He rubbed my back.
"White chocolate mocha." The barista called out and I grabbed my drink. Liam had already gotten his so we headed back to my car. We were followed by paps most of the time and they were being really obnoxious. Liam opened my door for me and helped me in before climbing into the drivers side. They kept taking pictures of us so I flipped them off and Liam drove away.
"They piss me off." I muttered as we pulled up to my building.
"I know. You know, you can still leave me and just get rid of all this." He said quietly.
"Liam, look at me." I told him but he didn't.
"Seriously, love, please." I begged and he finally looked at me.
"I'm not going to leave you, especially because of those assholes. I love you more than anything." I kissed him.
"I love you too." He kissed me.
"Let's go watch some movies." He smiled and kissed me again.
"Sounds great." I smiled. We went up to my flat and he put in a movie while I got us popcorn and blankets. I made sure my ankle was propped up but otherwise I was cuddling with Liam. He randomly pulled out his phone and took a picture of my boot.
"@Real_Liam_Payne: my baby's foot
:( feel better, my love xx @MarinoVic"
"You're so sweet." I smiled and kissed him. The kiss went on and I knew we needed to stop.
"I can't for like 6 weeks." I reminded him between kisses as he ended up on top of me.
"Shit. Okay." He groaned a little but got off of me.
"I can take this off for sleeping, maybe we can make out then or farther if we're careful." I kissed him.
"I agree." He smiled a bit.
"I do think we should talk a bit though." I told him as he pulled me into his side.
"About?" He kissed my forehead.
"The last two years, our past relationships, that stuff. While it's awkward we do need to talk about it." I looked at my lap.
"I completely agree. Don't worry." He kissed me.
"So did you and Jill ever-" I started.
"Yes. I won't make you say it. But to be completely honest we didn't for the last like 6 or 7 months. We both knew it wasn't going to work out but neither one of us made the move to end it until I finally did last week." He assured me.
"Was our sex at least better than yours with her?" I wondered and he laughed a bit.
"Tons better. I promise." He chuckled and kissed me.
"Now how about you and Patrick?" He asked.
"Yes we did. But after he started getting abusive again I wouldn't let him even get close to me in that way so I guess it's been about a year." I nodded.
"And how did it compare?" He wondered.
"Ours is way better, I assure you." I straddled him and kissed him.
"Don't tease me like that, love." He moaned a bit as I kissed his neck.
"I'm sorry, it's just so fun to do." I teased as I continued.
"When we can't have sex for 6 weeks, getting me all worked up is cruel." He groaned a little.
"It's nearly 9pm, we could go to bed and I could take the boot off. We can as long as you do most of the work." I fixed his hair a bit.
"We haven't eaten dinner yet though." He reminded me.
"If we order pizza that usually takes about an hour. We'd have time." I shrugged and he agreed. He ordered one quick and I kissed him hard. He scooped me up carefully and carried me to my room.
"I love you." He mumbled as he set me down.
"I love you too." I pulled his shirt off. I sat down and took my boot off carefully while he unbuttoned his jeans. I pulled my jeans off and he climbed on top of me.
"You sure you're okay?" He asked.
"Positive." I kissed him.
"Tell me if you're not, okay, love?" He whispered.
"I will. I promise." I told him.
"Are-" He started.
"Liam, honey, we haven't been together like this in two years. I'm okay. I miss being with you." I cupped his face and he kissed me.
"I miss being with you too." He kissed me. He pulled my bra off and kissed down my stomach.
"Shit." I moaned. I slid his boxers down and he slid my underwear down before pulling the sheets over us.

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