Chapter Twenty Five

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*May 10, 2022*

"Happy birthday dear Carter and Mummy, happy birthday to you!" Liam sang as he brought us a cake.
"Thank you, honey." I kissed his cheek.
"I love you." He smiled and kissed me.
"I love you too. Can you believe he's three?" I asked as our son looked at the cake.
"I can't. Do we want more kids?" He rubbed my back.
"I know I do. Do you?" I fixed a chunk of his hair and kissed him.
"I-" He started but was cut off by my phone ringing.
"Hey, Lia, what's up?" I smiled.
"Guess whose husband just got transferred to London!" She yelled and I gasped.
"No way!" I squealed a little.
"Yeah! We move next week!" She got really excited.
"That's amazing!" I was excited too.
"And I just found out this morning I'm pregnant again so this has just been great." She smiled and I got even more excited. She had another boy named Lucas (after Luca) about three months after I had Carter.
"Girl this time?" I asked.
"Yeah. And we decided her middle name will be Victoria." She smiled a bit.
"That's awesome. We'll see you guys in a week then and I promise we'll help." I grinned and we hung up.
"Chris got transferred here so them and Lia are moving here." I smiled and kissed Liam.
"Lia :)
Is this near you guys?" She asked with their new address attached.
"That's two houses over from us!!" I sent back and she freaked.
"They're moving in two houses over." I grinned and Liam kissed me.
"Mummy, can I have cake?" Carter asked.
"Oh, of course, sweetie!" I cut him a small piece and dragged Liam into the kitchen.
"Do you want more kids or no?" I pecked his lips.
"I do. He's three now, it'd be almost four years difference." He nodded.
"I agree." I kissed him.
"Do we want to start trying soon?" He hugged me.
"I haven't taken my birth control the last couple days." I shrugged. I had been really busy looking after Carter and it had slipped my mind.
"Maybe tonight?" Liam hesitated a little.
"I think that's a great idea." I kissed him.
"It's a good thing my parents are gonna watch him while we're at dinner." He smiled.
"Really?" I gasped. We had just been planning to take Carter with us for my birthday dinner so I was excited.
"They're gonna get in in a few hours." He nodded and I kissed him.
"You're perfect, you know that?" I mumbled and kissed him again.
"Sure." He laughed and kissed me.
"Tomorrow will be eight years since we really started dating." I realized.
"Holy shit." He mumbled.
"I'm 27. Oh my God." I mumbled into his shoulder.
"Hey, I'm gonna be 29 in three months." He laughed and I blushed.
"Relax." He chuckled and kissed me again.
"Why don't we have some fun once he goes down for his nap? I'd much rather do that than do it later with your parents in the house." I suggested as he lifted me up onto the counter.
"Sounds great." He kissed me. I started to talk again and he pulled away as he laughed a bit.
"I know. I'm overthinking. Sorry. Back to kissing." I blushed and kissed him.
"I love you." He chuckled and kissed me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him in tight.
"Mummy, can I have apple juice?" Carter asked.
"Of course, honey." I pulled away and Liam set me down. I got our son some juice and he was really happy.
"God, can you believe that's our son?" Liam mumbled into my ear as he hugged me from behind.
"He's amazing." I kissed Liam's cheek.
"Shit, our baby boy is three." I realized quietly and Liam laughed a bit.
"I-" He started but stopped when my phone rang.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Is this Victoria Payne?" A man asked.
"Yes, may I ask who this is?" I was worried.
"I'm Officer Francois from the Paris police department. I'm sorry to tell you this, but your sister Isabella has been in an accident." He told me and I tensed up like crazy.
"Is she okay?" My voice wavered and Liam was really concerned.
"She's in a coma currently. Another officer is calling your parents so you guys can decide what you want to do." He told me and I agreed before he hung up.
"What's wrong?" Liam rubbed my back.
"Bella is in a coma." I teared up and his eyes widened.
"Come here." He hugged me tight.
"Any idea how she's doing?" He mumbled into my hair.
"If she's in a coma what the hell do you think." I spat.
"Shit, I'm sorry." I apologized once I realized how mean I had sounded.
"It's okay. What do you think we should do?" He wondered.
"I think we should stay here for tonight, have Carter's party tomorrow, let him have his birthday and enjoy it, then if my family wants to go to Paris we can go in two days after Carter's party." I suggested.
"Sounds great." He kissed my forehead. My phone rang just then and I answered it while Liam continued holding me tight.
"Sweetie, did you hear?" My mum sniffed as she answered.
"Yeah." I nodded as I wiped my eyes.
"How's David holding up?" I asked.
"Honey, you didn't hear?" She was surprised.
"No." I shook my head.
"He was killed on impact. They were in a car accident and he got the worst of it." She explained.
"Jesus." I mumbled into Liam's shoulder.
"Oh, shit, Tori, it's your birthday!" She remembered.
"Mum, really, don't worry about it." I wiped my eyes.
"And it's Carter's. Shit." She cursed.
"It's okay, Mum. Stuff came up. Are you guys gonna fly to Paris today?" I asked.
"Probably not. When do you think you'll be able to?" She wondered.
"Liam and I were thinking in 2 days. Carter's party is tomorrow and we don't want to make him cancel that. It's his first party where he's been able to invite friends from daycare." I explained.
"Sounds like a good plan. We'll tell Lia and Luca, you focus on enjoying you and your son's birthday." She told me and I agreed before hanging up.
"Paris in two days. They're gonna tell us when their flight is for and let us know what's going on." I mumbled into my husband's shoulder.
"Okay. Relax for today though. We just decided we want to have another baby plus it's your birthday and our amazing son's." He kissed my cheek.
"True. If Bella doesn't make it, can we please name our next daughter Bella?" I asked.
"Isabella or Bella?" He asked.
"Bella. I want our girl to be named after her but not exactly after her. You know?" I asked.
"I get it. And I completely agree." He agreed.
"You're amazing." I kissed him.
"Thanks." He chuckled.
"I love you." I whispered.
"I love you too." He kissed me. He held me tight and lifted me up a bit.
"Eh don't." I groaned.
"Why?" He chuckled.
"Cause. I'm huge right now. I'm like 15lbs over what I was on our wedding day." I shrugged.
"First of all, that was after you lost 5lbs because of morning sickness. Second, you've had a kid. It's amazing you're only up 10. Third, honestly like half of that ended up in your boobs so it's nothing to worry about, especially since you still have abs and a perfect ass." He raised an eyebrow.
"You're amazing. Let's go spend some time with our son." I kissed his cheek.

"So. More kids?" We sat down in bed after dinner. Carter had decided he didn't need a nap that day so we hadn't gotten a chance.
"Yeah. How many kids do you want overall?" He asked.
"I think 3 or 4 is a good number." I explained.
"I agree." He kissed me.
"Do we wanna try for baby number two?" I looked up at him.
"I do. Do you?" He rubbed my back.
"I do too. The most important question is can we keep it quiet since your parents are here?" I kissed him.
"I can if you can." He smiled a bit and kissed me.

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