Chapter Six

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"Who does Hanna sit by on the plane?" Morganne asked me at the airport the next day. 

"You normally but today by herself. It's all us couples and then you two." I explained. 

"Wait, are you two like an official couple?" She smiled a little. 

"Yeah. But shut your face and don't tell anyone. We're not going to the public about it yet." I told her. 

"Want me to make sure Hanna doesn't pull anything with him?" She wondered. 

"Let's see how bad she gets. If she flirts with him and he doesn't flirt back she'll probably get the point and I'll be happy. It's kind of a test for him too. She's freaking gorgeous so if he picks me over her I'll know he really does have feelings for me." I shrugged.

"You're gorgeous too, don't kid yourself. She's a dumb bimbo sometimes. You're smart, pretty, and you can sing damn well. Plus between us, you can play guitar even better than her and it's your third best instrument. I still got you beat on drums, but not by much. Seriously you kick ass." She chuckled. 

"Plus your range is way better and you can sing a billion times better than any of us." She added. 

"Thanks, Mor." I hugged her tight. We talked for a bit until Liam hugged me from behind. 

"Hanna is already flirting with me." He mumbled. 

"Dammit." I looked at the ground. 

"Don't worry. I won't do anything with her. I promise." He whispered and I shrugged. 

"Morganne, is Hanna looking?" Liam asked her and she shook her head. He spun me around and cupped my face. 

"I'm not going to do anything with her. You're the girl I want, not her. Personally, I think you're way more gorgeous, a way better singer, a way better musician, and a way better person than she is. Okay? I'm never going to mess up my shot with you." He assured me and kissed me. 

"I- you're freakin amazing." I kissed him, stopping myself from saying I loved him. 

"So are you." He smiled and I kissed him again. 

"Liam, go talk to the boys. I need to talk to Tor." Morganne told him and he kissed me before running off with the boys. 

"You almost said you love him." She chuckled. 

"Shut up!" I gasped. 

"You almost did!" She realized. 

"I was just kidding! Shit!" She gasped and smacked my arm. 

"He's just so sweet and I do have feelings for him and I think I might.. you know.. but I’m not sure." I blushed. 

"He loves you. You can tell just by how he looks at you." She smiled a bit. 

"Shush!" I shushed her and we joined everyone else. 


"What were you girls talking about?" Liam asked once we got on the plane. 

"Nothin. She was giving me crap about us and stuff." I shrugged. 

"About?" He was concerned. 

"Stuff like Jess. How serious we are, the ‘L' word, that stuff." I explained. 

"And what did you tell her?" He rubbed my back. 

"I told her we've been dating a few days so we're not terribly serious but we are to an extent and we haven't said it." I told him. 

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