Chapter Nineteen

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*October 11th, 2018*

It was 3 weeks until our wedding and I was really excited but felt really sick. 

"Liam (:

"Hey, love, I'm gonna be another couple hours. They're picky about this album. I'm sorry :/"

"It's okay, love, I feel like shit anyway. I'll probably be asleep when you get home." I texted him back. 

"Liam (:

You want me to see if I can leave early? I don't want you alone if you don't feel well." 

"Don't worry about it. I'm fine. Don't let me get in the way of recording, love (: xx"

I was freezing and tired and I felt sick to my stomach so I just assumed it was the flu. My mum called me just then and I answered. 

"Hey, Mum." I mumbled. 

"You're sick. What's wrong?" She noticed. 

"My stomach hurts, I'm freezing cold, I'm exhausted, my head hurts, and I've lost weight the last few days cause I have no appetite." I explained as me and Liam's cat laid down next to me. 

"Tor, you would really make me feel better if you'd go to the doctor." Her voice wavered. 

"Why?" I was really nervous. 

"Those are the symptoms they warned us about after you went into remission. They said feeling that way could be a sign that the leukemia is back." She sounded extremely worried. 

"Shit. Okay. I will when Liam gets home." I nodded. 

"Go as soon as possible. By the way, your father and I fly in in two weeks." She added and I agreed before we hung up. I called Liam and he answered right away. 

"My mum asked me how I'm feeling and when I told her she said these are the symptoms they warned us about after I went into remission because they're signs the leukemia could be back." I tried not to cry. 

"Shit. I'm leaving here now. They can deal with it." He muttered and told the lads he was leaving. 

"I'll be there in 10 minutes. Be ready to go to the doctor." He told me. He walked in about 12 minutes later and I hugged him tight. 

"I'm so scared." I mumbled into his shoulder. 

"Me too. Let's go." He whispered and we went to the hospital. They drew some blood and we waited for the results. 

"Waiting for the blood test results. Thank you for convincing me to go, Mum xx"

"God, I'm freaking out." I told Liam. 

"I can tell. You're shaking really bad." He rubbed the back of my hand with his thumb. He finally got me calmed down a bit when the doctor walked in and I freaked out again. 

"First of all, some good news. You're still in remission." She smiled and Liam hugged me tight. 

"Wait, what else is there?" I realized after a second. 

"You're pregnant." She explained and Liam and I tensed up. 

"We can do an extremely quick ultrasound now to estimate how far you are?" She offered and I agreed immediately. They took us to a different room and I laid down. 

"So all this is just like morning sickness stuff?" I asked. 

"Yep. It should pass soon, but if it doesn't, come back and we'll get you some meds to make sure you aren't sick on your wedding day." She told me and I agreed. She started the ultrasound and I squeezed Liam's hand. 

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