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"Any word yet?" I ran in to her room.
"They said she woke up and had a migraine so they gave her some meds. She'll be back in here soon but she'll be asleep." He explained quietly.
"I know it's nerve wracking. Trust me." I assured him.
"No you don't." He mumbled.
"I do actually. The night Liam and I got back together, which I guess is nearly 25 years ago now, he had a seizure in the middle of the night. I was waiting just like you were waiting to hear my fiancé at the time was going to be okay." I sat down next to him.
"Shit, I'm sorry." He put his face in his hands.
"It's okay." I rubbed his back.
"Has she ever had one before?" He wondered.
"No." I shook my head.
"Why did Liam have one?" He asked.
"His kidney issues." I shrugged and realized maybe Mick had the same issues Liam did.
"I haven't seen much of her lately. Was she puffy? Has she been super tired? Feeling sick?" I asked him.
"Yeah. She knew she was getting sick she just didn't know why." He nodded.
"Shit." I muttered.
"What?" He asked.
"That's exactly how Liam felt." I mumbled into my hands as they rolled her back in. I went over to the doctor and explained what her father's issues were and if she had the same thing.
"Unfortunately, she does. Fortunately, it's not as bad as your husband's and if she takes a small daily dose of the same medication your husband does she'll be perfectly okay and perfectly healthy." She reassured me.
"She'll be waking up soon." She added before walking out.
"She'll have to take meds every day but she'll be okay." I told Cameron and he agreed.
"So what are your intentions with my daughter?" I asked him.
"I know she's young but I do hope to marry her some day." He told me honestly.
"When do you want to move in together? Get engaged? Married?" I wondered.
"Move in together at least after she's 18, probably about a year from now. Engaged, probably 3 or 4. She's just so young right now. Married, we discussed and she doesn't want to get married until she's 23 so you've got a while on that one." He explained.
"Good." I smiled.
"How old were you when you and Liam started dating?" He asked.
"Dating the first time, I was 17. Second time I was 21. We got engaged then too and got married when I was 23. Then Carter was born when I was 24." I explained.
"Wow. Nice." He nodded.
"Why'd you break up?" He wondered.
"He got really cocky and he wasn't the guy I had fallen in love with. So I ended it. We both got into other relationships and about two years later he came to visit me in Ireland which is where we got back together." I told him.
"How'd that happen?" He was curious.
"He visited me in Ireland a few months before and ended up telling me he still loved me and wanted me to marry him but I said no because we were both already engaged. He told me to think about it so a couple months later I realized I really did love him so I tweeted him and told him yes and he flew here where he formally asked later that day." I rambled a bit.
"Mum?" Mick mumbled.
"I'm here, honey." I jumped up and grabbed her hand.
"What happened?" She asked.
"You had a seizure, sweetie." I told her.
"What? Why?" She woke up a bit more.
"You inherited a mild case of the kidney issues Dad has. You'll be okay, you just have to watch your drinking and take meds every day." I explained.
"So I'm gonna be okay?" She double checked and I nodded. She hugged me tight and I was surprised.
"Why're you hugging me?" I chuckled as I rubbed her back.
"Cause. You're getting along with Cam." She mumbled into my shoulder.
"He was very polite and respectful and he and I even bonded a little. You okay if I head home? Carter and Gracie are both there for dinner with Kyle and Drew. Plus I'm sure you don't want me hovering." I laughed a bit.
"Go ahead, Mum. Have fun." She smiled and I said goodbye to Cameron before heading back home.
"How is she?" Liam asked as I walked in.
"She's okay. She has basically a mild version of what you do. As long as she takes a smaller dose of what you do she's gonna be perfectly okay." I explained.
"Shit." He let out a sigh of relief and hugged me tight.
"Grace and Kyle went to Kyle's for the night and Carter and Drew went home." He explained.
"Okay." I rested my head on his shoulder.
"You okay?" He rubbed my back.
"No." I mumbled.
"Why not?" He kissed my forehead.
"Cause. Our daughters are in serious relationships, one has health issues, we're gonna be grandparents, two of our kids are engaged or married-" I started getting a little worked up.
"Shh, princess, relax." He whispered and calmed me down.
"I remember when they were born and they were so little and now they're all grown up and married and in relationships and I can't believe it went so fast." I got worked up again and started crying into his shoulder.
"Mum, Dad- Mum, what's wrong?" Nick walked in the front door.
"She's realizing how grown up you and your siblings are. What's up?" Liam explained as he rubbed my back and I continued crying.
"I just came by to let you guys know Rachel and I broke up." He looked a little upset.
"Why?" Liam frowned.
"She told me she cheated on me and I broke up with her on the spot." Nick shrugged as he looked at the ground.
"I'm sorry, bud, and I'm sure your mum is too. You'll find another girl that's even better for you." Liam assured him.
"Thanks. Mum, it's okay. All four of us have grown up to be great people, you guys have done an amazing job raising us." Nick assured me and left.
"He's right." Liam kissed my forehead.
"I know. I just hate that our babies are growing up." I nodded.
"I know, love." He nodded.
"I mean Nick is at uni, Carter already graduated, the girls are going to uni next year, Carter is married and having kids, it's all gone so fast." I rested my head on his chest.
"I know. But soon, it'll just be us here. And by then, we'll have grandkids we can watch while our kids are working." He whispered.
"Shit, we're gonna be grandparents. Our baby is having a baby." I teared up again.
"I keep making you cry. Let's go to bed and cuddle and relax. Okay?" He mumbled into my hair.
"Okay." I sniffed.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too." I mumbled. He kissed me and we walked upstairs. We walked into our room and cuddled together in bed.
"I've been so emotional lately for no reason and I apologize." I kissed his cheek.
"It's okay." He rubbed my back.
"You're awesome." I rested my head on his chest.
"You remember how we met?" I kissed his cheek.
"Through Niall at that first tour rehearsal." He nodded with a smile.
"Who'd have thought we would end up married with 4 kids." I laughed.
"I know. I never thought we'd End Up Here."

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