Chapter Thirty

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*May 11th, 2025*

"Love, I'm on my way home. You guys need anything?" Liam called me.
"Pregnancy test?" I hesitated.
"What? Why?" He was nervous.
"Cause. My cycle isn't exactly normal but I never go three and a half months without one." I explained.
"Okay. Yeah. I'll get one. Anything else leading you to believe you are?" He asked.
"I've been bloated and I think that might be part of it too. And my appetite has been practically non existent which happened with both kids." I told him.
"Okay." He nodded. He hurried home and I took it quick.
"How long?" He asked as I walked into our bedroom and sat on his lap.
"5 more." I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Mmkay." He rubbed my back.
"I kinda want it to be positive." I mumbled into his shoulder.
"I kinda do too." He smiled a little.
"Really?" I wrapped one arm around the back of his neck.
"Yeah. I mean it's a little earlier than we intended but we didn't have any issues getting pregnant this time if it's positive. That's great. Who knows, maybe we'll finally get a girl." He smiled and I kissed him.
"I love you, Li." I kissed his nose and smiled a little when he scrunched his face up.
"I love you too, Vic." He kissed my chin and I made a face at him.
"God, you're beautiful." He smiled a bit.
"Shush." I blushed.
"You really are." He kissed my cheek. The timer went off and I ran to the bathroom. I saw two clear pink lines and got really excited. I practically tackled Liam on our bed and looked down at him.
"What?" He laughed.
"It's positive." I kissed him and started leaving little kisses all over his face.
"That's amazing!" He smiled.
"How far do ya think?" He asked.
"I think about 3 months." I explained.
"I'll call my doctor quick." I kissed him and he flipped us over while I called my doctor.
"Can you make it here in 15 minutes?" The receptionist asked and I agreed.
"See you then." She smiled and hung up.
"Let's go. Appointment in 15." I kissed Liam.
"Awesome. Carter, get your shoes on please!" Liam yelled to our oldest son.
"I can't believe we got pregnant so easily." I smiled.
"Yeah, especially after how hard it was to get Nick. It's practically a miracle we did." He grinned but I saw his happiness falter for a minute.
"What's wrong?" I frowned.
"Nothing." He shook his head.

*Liam's POV*

I couldn't help but wonder if she had cheated on me. It had taken us nearly a year to get pregnant when we were seriously trying for Nick so it was a nagging thought in the back of my mind. How could she have randomly ended up pregnant out of the blue when it took so much not even 2 years prior.
"Liam, really, what's wrong?" She frowned.
"Have you ever cheated on me?" I flat out asked quietly.
"No! Where the hell did that come from!" She gasped.
"Considering how long it took us to get Nick it makes me wonder if I'm not the father of that baby." I looked down a bit.
"Liam Payne, you did not just accuse me of being unfaithful." She pushed me off of her.
"Vic-" I started.
"No. Screw you. Go to hell." She spat and got up. She started throwing clothes into a bag and I stood up while she texted someone.
"Vic, what are you doing?" I was really worried.
"Going to stay at my sister's." She checked her phone.
"Please-" I started pleading.
"Liam, no! You accused me of cheating! What kind of a person do you think I am!" She yelled at me.
"It was just a question!" I tried to defend myself.
"No. I'm going to my appointment at the doctor and I'm staying at Lia's." She grabbed her bag and headed for the door.
"Tori-" I began.
"No!" She shouted and walked right out of our house.
"Dad, I got my shoes on." Carter walked in quietly.
"Shoot, did you hear that?" I frowned a little.
"Mhm." He looked at his feet.
"C'mere, buddy." I told him and he ran over.
"Why's Mum mad?" He asked as I picked him up.
"Cause I was a little mean. I'm sorry you heard that, bud." I whispered as he hugged me.
"How about you, me, and Nick go get some ice cream? Would that help you cheer up?" I rubbed his back.
"Yeah." He smiled.

"Dad?" Carter randomly asked.
"Yeah?" I asked as I helped Nick eat his ice cream.
"When's Mum coming home?" He asked.
"I don't really know." I shrugged.
"I miss her." He looked down at his lap.
"Me too. She'll be home soon though." I assured him.
"Okay." He nodded.
"How about when Nick goes to bed we watch Toy Story 4?" I offered. He looked really sad and I hated seeing my kids upset.
"Really?" He looked happier.
"Sure. And we can eat some popcorn too." I smiled.
"Yay." He smiled and we headed home.

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