Chapter Twenty Four

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*May 13th, 2019*

"Babe, I've got to go, it's 4:30." Liam shook me awake gently.
"Okay. Shit, I need to get up and feed him." I cursed.
"I just fed him. Go back to sleep. He won't wake up for at least 3 hours." He kissed my forehead.
"Thank you, baby. I'll see you tomorrow." I hugged him.
"See you tomorrow. I love you." He kissed me.
"I love you too, Li. See you tomorrow." I gave him one more kiss and he left before I fell back asleep.

I woke up a little later to a phone call and groaned a bit.
"Hello?" I mumbled as I answered the phone.
"Sorry if I woke you up. It's Morganne." I heard my former best friend apologize.
"Why the hell are you calling me at 6am when I have a newborn." I groaned.
"You had a baby?" She asked.
"Two and a half days ago." I sighed.
"So you wouldn't be up to lunch today to talk?" She asked.
"Considering my husband just left for the day, not particularly." I shook my head.
"Oh. Okay. When do you think you'll be up for it?" She sounded disappointed.
"Am I going to get yelled at again? Slapped? Called a whore?" I asked.
"No. I want to apologize, truthfully." She explained.
"I'll make you a deal then. If Jess can come, we can do lunch here at my house." I told her.
"Really? I don't want to bother you. Especially if you got up every few hours last night."
"Luckily for me my husband took care of that. If you get Jess to agree then we can here." I told her again.
"I'll call her. Thanks, Tor." She smiled and hung up. I put my phone back on my nightstand and fell asleep.

I was woken up shortly after to my son crying and I sighed a bit. I got a decent amount of sleep so I was okay with it.
"Oh, sweetie." I frowned when I walked in and saw him crying. I changed his diaper and he calmed down as I held him but he started whining as I tried to put him down.
"Honey." I frowned. I grabbed his blanket and my phone before heading downstairs. I saw it was 7am and decided I was hungry. My phone rang a few minutes later and I was confused when I noticed it was FaceTime.
"Hey, babe." Liam smiled as I answered.
"Hi, baby. You have wifi on the plane?" I asked and he agreed.
"When did you feed him?" I asked.
"4:15." He told me.
"Okay. I need to feed him." I sighed a little.
"Have you eaten?" He frowned a little.
"Li, do not start that now." I told him as I grabbed a bottle from the fridge.
"Tor, you need to eat." He reminded me.
"Liam-" I started protesting.
"Tori, you need to eat." He was concerned. I was pissed so I hung up and ignored it when he tried to call me back. I fed our son and someone knocked on the door as he fell asleep on me. I went over to answer it and saw it was Jess.
"Hey!" I smiled and she hugged me.
"How's it going?" She asked as I let her in.
"Pretty good. Liam left this morning though for the last tour show." I shrugged.
"How's Carter doin?" She asked.
"He's doin great. But he felt the need to wake Mummy up at 7:00am." I laughed a little and she did the same.
"So did Morganne call you?" She asked.
"She did." I nodded.
"What do you think?" She wondered.
"I told her if you came too we can have lunch here." I explained.
"I want to come. You sure you're up to it?" She double checked.
"Yeah. The bad bleeding stopped, I'm getting some energy back, he's starting to sleep better, it's going pretty well. Liam has been really great." I smiled a little.
"That's awesome. Did Morganne say why she wants to have lunch?" She asked.
"She wants to apologize or something." I yawned.
"Here, give me my nephew." She chuckled and I was nervous.
"Why?" I narrowed my eyes at her as I rubbed my son's back.
"So you can go take a nap, shower, eat, stuff like that. You're super thin. Eat something." She told me and carefully grabbed Carter from me. I ate some cereal quick as she played with Carter and I smiled a bit.
"I'm gonna go shower. You're a lifesaver." I told her and headed upstairs. I took a long hot shower and it was glorious. I did my hair and was pulling jeans on when Jess yelled for me.
"Tor, come here!" She yelled. I threw on a tanktop and sweatshirt and ran down. She was changing his diaper and showed me it was dark.
"Oh shit." I gasped a little.
"I'm gonna take him in. I'd rather be safe than sorry." I told her and she agreed. I got Carter in his car seat and Jess drove us to the hospital. They saw us right away and I texted Liam.
"He had a bloody diaper, I'm worried, we're at the hospital and I'll let you know."
"Li (:
Oh shit. Keep me updated please. I'm so sorry I'm not there, love"
"I will"
The doctor came in and smiled when he saw us.
"What's brought you in today?" He asked.
"She was watching my son for me while I showered since my husband is out of town and she yelled for me after I got out so I came down and he had a bloody diaper." I rambled a little.
"We're gonna take a blood sample quick and see if we can figure out what's wrong, since your husband has kidney issues. If that doesn't tell us what's wrong we'll do a urine sample too through a catheter." He told me and I agreed. The nurse came in a minute later and needed to get a blood sample. She tried his ankle and didn't get any blood, but he started crying. She tried another spot and luckily got some that time even though he cried harder.
"Shh, honey, it's okay." I mumbled as I held him against my chest. He finally calmed down and started falling asleep.
"I have good news and not so good news." The doctor walked in.
"Good news?" I asked.
"He doesn't have the same kidney issues as your husband." He started and I was relieved until I remembered there was not so good news.
"And the not so good news?" Jess wondered.
"We don't know what is the issue so we need to do a catheter." He explained and I nodded.
"Can you call Liam and tell him what's going on? I wanna stay in here with Carter." I asked Jess and she agreed before stepping out. They did what they needed to Carter and I got to hold him again. Jess walked in with Liam on the phone and handed it to me.
"Hey, baby." I told my husband.
"How's he holding up?" He asked.
"He's doin okay. He's been poked a couple times and got a catheter so I guess I'm surprised he's not crying worse." I shrugged.
"How're you holding up?" He wondered.
"I wish you were here." I looked down at our son.
"I wish I was too. My flight gets in around 10pm your time so I'll go straight there." He explained.
"Don't worry about it. Go home and get some sleep. You're gonna be exhausted." I shook my head.
"Mrs. Payne? Oh, I'm sorry." The doctor walked in.
"Sorry, I shouldn't be on the phone in the first place. Yes?" I asked.
"We're gonna go ahead and admit him since he does have a fever and is dehydrated." He told me and I sighed a little but agreed.
"What's up?" Liam asked and I could tell he was stressed.
"They're admitting him since he has a fever and he's dehydrated." I told Liam and he sighed a bit.
"Okay." He nodded.
"Baby, please relax. You stressing isn't gonna help anyone and it's gonna make your kidney issues worse." I reminded him.
"Love, I know, but it's stressful when you and our son are there in the hospital and I'm here and can't do anything to help." He frowned.
"Relax. I'm sorry about earlier. You're right, I do need to eat. I love you and I hate when we fight." I apologized.
"I love you too. How's our little guy doin?" He asked.
"He's about to get an IV so probably not great." I shrugged.
"Liam, let's go!" I heard Harry yell.
"Harry, seriously, hold on." Liam told him.
"I know you're freaking out too but just relax. You getting stressed isn't gonna help him. I'll be there tonight I promise." He turned back to me.
"What's wrong?" Harry asked him.
"My son is in the hospital." He sounded upset.
"Oh shit. Sorry. What's wrong?"
"Not quite sure. That's what's stressful." Liam explained and Harry agreed. They gave Carter an IV and he started crying again.
"That him?" Liam asked.
"Yeah. He just got an IV." I nodded.
"I'm so sorry I'm not there, babe." He apologized.
"It's okay." I assured him.
"Mrs. Payne?" The doctor walked back in a few hours later.
"One sec, honey. Yes?" I told Liam and turned to the doctor.
"The tests were negative for a UTI and other infections. We're gonna need to take another blood sample and do more extensive tests." He explained.
"Okay." I sighed.
"Li, did you hear that?" I asked my husband.
"Yeah. You talk to him for a minute, I need to get in the car so we can go to the venue." He told me and I agreed before he hung up.
"You want to hold him?" The doctor asked and I agreed. I picked Carter up carefully and they drew more blood. He started crying again and it killed me a little to hear him cry like that.
"You can sit on the couch with him if you're careful of the IV." The nurse told me and I agreed. It was after noon by then but I was not about to leave Carter so I could go eat. I sat on the couch and held Carter so his IV wasn't messed up. Jess went to go get us some food and Carter cuddled into me for a whole. It was really comfortable and I ended up falling asleep after putting him back in his crib in case anything happened.

"Tor, wake up." Jess shook my arm. I saw the doctor there and got up.
"What time is it?" I asked her.
"7pm." She told me.
"We got his results back. He has jaundice and is gonna have to go under the lights. It'll probably take 6-8 hours and we'll keep him through the night to make sure he's okay." He explained.
"So he goes under the lights and he's okay tomorrow?" I asked.
"Yeah." He nodded and I was so relieved. I knew Liam was on his plane by then so I didn't text him about it.
"He does need to eat though so we can feed him and then get him under the lights." He added and I agreed. I fed him quick and gave him a kiss quick before they put him under the lights. Jess and I went and got dinner in the cafeteria because I was absolutely starving. We took about an hour and I told her to go spend some time with her own family.
"It's okay. I'm sure he'll understand." She assured me.
"Go." I laughed. We ended up talking until about 9 but she left then. I sat for a while on my phone until Liam walked in. I gasped and ran to him. He picked me up as we hugged and I wrapped my legs around his waist.
"How's he doin?" He mumbled.
"Just jaundice. He's gonna be under the lights for a while but after that he's gonna be okay." I kissed his cheek.
"Oh thank god." He mumbled into my hair.
"I'm so sorry about earlier." I whispered.
"Don't worry about it. I'm just concerned about you. I love you more than anything and I want to make sure you're okay." He rubbed my back and I kissed him.
"I love you too." I mumbled into his shoulder. He held me tight for a little while and I randomly kissed him.
"You know what's kinda funny?" I laughed a little.
"What's that?" He chuckled.
"I'm taller than you when you hold me like this." I told him and he laughed a bit too.
"Hold me up like another 4 inches and you'll see what it's like for me being so much shorter than you." I suggested and he did it.
"Damn, you are a lot shorter than I am." He realized.
"See." I laughed a bit and bent down to kiss him as I cupped his face.
"This is kinda fun for me though cause I get to look at your amazing boobs." He laughed.
"Oh shush." I blushed and he brought me back down so we were the same height again.
"I love you." He kissed me.
"I love you too." I smiled and kissed him.
"Let's relax for a bit. He's okay, he still has a while till he'll be done, and you look exhausted." He pecked my lips so we sat on the couch together. I cuddled into his chest and it made me feel so safe.
"I love having you back." I mumbled and he held me tight.
"I love being back." He whispered.
"I forgot how much I loved cuddling like this." I laughed quietly.
"I love being able to hold you." He smiled a bit.
"And I love feeling safe." I kissed him. I put my arm around him too and he pulled me in right before we fell asleep.

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