Chapter Eight

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*December 1st, 2013*

"Hey, Li, I don't feel great so I'll probably sleeping when you get home." I texted Liam and laid down on the couch. 


What's wrong? :("

"My throat hurts, my head hurts, my stomach hurts, I have a fever, and I'm coughing. I feel like shit." I texted back. 


I'll be done in an hour, do you want me to stop and get anything on the way home?"

"You remember that movie we rented a year ago when Niall went back to Ireland for a night?"


The Proposal?" 

"Yeah, can you maybe pick that up again? I need to get my mind off feeling like shit."


Of course. You want anything else?"

"Nope. Thank you, baby (:" 


No problem, love (: feel better and I'll see you in a little over an hour xx"

Our cat Lily jumped up onto my stomach and laid down. I curled up with my blanket and pillow and the cat before falling asleep. 

"Hey, love, I'm home." Liam kissed my forehead. 

"Hey, babe." I mumbled. 

"You feelin better?" He wondered. 

"Not really." I sighed. 

"If you don't feel better tomorrow you need to go see the doctor." He whispered. 

"Why." I groaned quietly.

"Because. You haven't been feeling well and I'm worried about you." He told me and I scooted over so he could sit next to me. 

“I’m fine.” I shook my head.

“Vic, you made me go when I had kidney problems and it would've gotten really bad if you hadn't. I'm gonna make you go if you don't feel better tomorrow because we don't know what it is and it could be bad." He mumbled into my hair as he pulled me onto his lap. 

"Fine." I sighed. 

"I love you." He rubbed my back. 

"I love you too. Let's watch the movie." I kissed his cheek and went to get up. 

"I'll get it." He stopped me and got up to put the movie in. 

"Shit." I got up and ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. 

"Tor." He frowned as I threw up. 

"Dammit." I cursed when my throat started hurting worse. 

"What's wrong?" He asked immediately. 

"My throat hurts like hell." I flushed the toilet and started brushing my teeth. 

"Let's go now. Please. It's making me really nervous, Vic." He begged after I finished. 

"Fine. Go get me a tanktop please." I agreed and I heard him run to our room. I unlocked the door and he handed it to me so I took my sweatshirt off and pulled the tanktop on over my bra. We drove to the hospital and I was really nervous while we waited for the doctor. 

"I'm sure it's nothing too serious." Liam assured me. 

"Ms.. Marino? What brings you in today?" The doctor walked in. 

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