Chapter Nine

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"Liam, there's fans outside again." I sighed as they woke me up.
"Tor, what do you want me to do?" He groaned.
"I don't know, make them leave so we can sleep?" I rolled over away from him.
"It's not that easy." He sighed.
"I just had surgery and I would really appreciate having a good night's sleep. I'm sorry if that's too bloody much to ask for." I got up and walked out of the room.
"Vic." He ran after me.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"The flat." I pulled on a jacket and shoes and grabbed the keys to my car. I had bought a car after I got my driver's license in the UK so it was nice having that freedom.
"No you're not." He stopped me.
"What gives you the right to tell me what I can and can't do?" I yelled.
"The fact that you just had surgery!" He shouted and I walked out. I got in my car and luckily the fans all moved. I drove a little way to lose them and went to the flat.
"Tor, what's wrong?" Morganne heard me get home and came over.
"Liam and I just got in a fight and I needed to get away." I wiped my eyes.
"What about?" She rubbed my back.
"I had my tonsils out around 5:30 and once we got home we went to bed but around 10 there were fans outside being so loud I couldn't sleep. I asked him to try to get rid of them but he went on about how it isn't that easy blah blah blah and we ended up yelling so I came here." I sniffed.
"Go get some rest. And make sure you drink lots of water. I didn't when I got mine out and I was miserable." She told me and I thanked her before going into the flat. Liam called me a few times but I didn't answer.

My phone alarm woke me up at 6 and I got up so I could shower and not be late.
"Tor, you up?" Morganne knocked on the front door.
"Yeah I'm about to get in the shower!" I agreed and she walked away. I was perfectly on time to the meeting and I was the third one there out of the eight of us. Liam showed up last and looked exhausted.
"Liam, did you even sleep last night?" Paul frowned.
"About an hour." He shrugged.
"Why?" Paul gasped and Liam looked at me for a second so I looked away.
"What happened between you two?" Paul pulled us off to the side.
"I had my tonsils out yesterday and when we got home we went to bed but after an hour fans outside were too loud and I asked him to try to do something about it and he got pissy at me for asking so I left and went to the flat." I croaked, my voice sounding terrible.
"And I was worried sick and she wouldn't answer my calls which is why I didn't sleep." Liam explained.
"Are you gonna make me play relationship counselor here?" Paul chuckled.
"Tori, apologize to Liam for not answering his calls." He told me.
"I'm sorry." I looked at my feet.
"Liam, apologize to Tori for being an asshole." Paul told him.
"I'm sorry for being an asshole." He apologized.
"Now kiss and make up." Paul laughed and walked away.
"I'm sorry, baby." I hugged him.
"I'm sorry too." He kissed my forehead.
"You guys go ahead and go get sleep. This meeting isn't terribly important and you can make it up next week when you've actually slept decently." Paul told us.
"It's okay." We shook our heads.
"It wasn't a question. Go sleep." He told us and we caved.
"Tor, I'll drive your car back." Morganne told me and we agreed and left.
"I'm sorry, Vic." He kissed the back of my hand as we drove back to the house.
"I am too. I should've at least answered your calls." I cuddled into his side.
"It's okay." He rubbed my back.
"We should make out a little when we get back." I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Yes we should. And then we sleep." He kissed my forehead.
"Yeah I slept like shit last night. I've had you to cuddle with basically every night for the last almost year and I didn't have you last night." I nodded.
"Same. What're we doing for Christmas? Are we staying here, going home?" He asked.
"I would like to go home to Ireland. You can go home or stay here or if you'd like you could come back to Ireland and celebrate with me and my siblings and parents and cousins and everyone." I shrugged.
"Which would you prefer?" He asked.
"If you want to go home, you should, but I would love if you came with me." I kissed his cheek.
"Maybe we could do Christmas with your family and New Years with mine." He suggested.
"Sounds perfect." I smiled and he did the same. My phone rang just then and I saw it was my mum. Liam answered it with the car blutooth and I kissed his cheek.
"Hello, Mum." I smiled.
"You sound like crap." She chuckled.
"I know!" I laughed.
"So what're you doing for Christmas? Are you staying there?" She asked.
"We were just talking about that actually." I told her.
"We?" She wondered.
"Liam and I." I explained.
"Okay, did you decide?" She agreed.
"We're gonna do Christmas there in Ireland with you guys and New Years with his family in Wolverhampton." I told her.
"Yay." She smiled.
"Just no sex in my house." She warned me.
"Mum, that was one time! And you didn't find out until two weeks later!" I blushed.
"Don't let it happen again! You'll probably be sharing with your siblings and their spouses though so you won't be able to. We only have two spare rooms plus the attic and the other two are for your cousins and aunts and uncles." She reminded me.
"Dammit. Mum, I'm gonna buy you and Dad a house." I decided.
"Absolutely not, Tori." She shook her head.
"Yes, Mum. You guys have been living in the same tiny 3 bedroom house since before Luca was born. I'm buying you a new house." I insisted.
"Victoria, no." She resisted.
"Mother, yes." I told her.
"We're going to discuss this when you're here. I'll see you in 3 weeks, pumpkin." She smiled.
"Bye, Mum." I blushed.
"I love you!" She teased, knowing Liam was in the car as well.
"I love you too, Mum, bye." I hung up, getting even redder.
"I love you." Liam whispered as he rubbed my back.
"I love you too." I kissed his cheek.

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