The Vrotheris and Stark

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Hundreds years before King Gaelin Vrotheris, current ruler of a kingdom called Lockhart. The Vrotheris are known for their magic abilities, white magic to be precise. The royal family made an agreement with the old and wise white witch to grant them the power for the sake of safety of their family and their people from the Night King and the House of the Dragon. The Vrotheris always believe that the legend of Night King is real. In order to keep the family and their people safe, making a deal with the witch is the path they chose.

All those years they kept it as a secret, none of the outsider know that the family wield such power. The people of the Westeros may tell the multiple version of the story but after years and years people forget about it, some believe that it was just a made up story. Somehow when King Gaelin was born, he turn out to be just a normal man. No magic abilities but born with wise mind and kind heart. The people of Lockhart assume that the end is near since their current ruler did not bear such magic to protect them.

King Gaelin married Queen Luthien, his second cousin. They are blessed with beautiful princess called (y/n) their only child. But unfortunately Queen Luthien died gave birth to (y/n) and since then it was only King Gaelin and his daughter that are left. (y/n) was blessed by the White witch power. She has the elemental power, telekinesis and the ability talking to animal. The King start to notice her power when she was only 6, she accidentally burned the royal garden because she was upset. Years has passed, (y/n) grown into beautiful and loving as her mother, wise and kind as her father.


That morning, the princess spent her time reading a history book. The history of different houses, their sigil, the map and the names of the Lords and the Lady. There was sound of footsteps echoed in the library. Abi enter the library, she was looking for the princess since the King were asking for her. She keep her pace fast and steady and keep on walking deeper into the library. There she saw a woman with long beautiful (h/c) sitting on the floor with piles of heavy books scattered on the floor. "There you are my lady. I was looking for you all over the place". Abi wipe her sweats that running on her forehead. The princess raise one finger to her, asking Abi to give her a minute to finish whatever the things she currently read. After a while the princess look up and say "Yes Abi, what is it and please call me (y/n)".

Abi just gave her small smile she then kneeled down and put away a couple of books so she can sit besides (y/n). "The King were asking for you. In the throne room". The princess sighed and rolled her eyes. "Do I have to?"

Abi then took the book from (y/n) hand away. She is now standing and the heavy history book is in her hands tugging it close to her body. "You have to (y/n). When the King asked for you he sound serious. Please go now, I dont want to get punished." Said Abi. (Y/n) finally get up and fix her dress. "Fine and you know he wouldn't dare punish you." The princess said to Abi, she gave her a small smile before making her way to the throne room.

As soon as the guard saw the princess they quickly open the heavy throne room for her. The guard, and the wise men bow to her as soon as she came in. "Leave us" said King Gaelin. The wise men, the hand of the king and the guards left the throne room immediately. When the room finally clear the princess ask "Yes papa, do you have important thing to say to me? That you asked Abi to look for me?" The princess asked, the King know that his daughter loves to read and she doesn't like her reading time being disturb.

"My sweet (y/n) I know that face. Im sorry for disturbing you on your reading time. I have something important to say to you." King Gaelin smiled when he saw her daughter face slightly annoyed. He then continue. "Do you know Lord Eddard?"

"The Lord and the warden of the North in Winterfell. Eddard Stark." She said, she then wait for her father to continue. "I've decided to marry you to his first born. We talked about it for moons." The King said. The princess looks confused. "What? No papa. You cant make me marry someone that I dont love. I don't know him. He might be an old bachelor, double my age maybe. No papa, I do not agree with this." She protest. She clutched both of her hands and there was a hint of smoke, in a matter of time there will be fire on both of her hands. But the King remained calm and say "my (y/n/n), this is the right thing. With this marriage the bond of our alliance will become more stronger."

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