Vital Threats

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(y/n) outfit for the battle

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(y/n) outfit for the battle. (I forgot to add this photo in previous chapter so here it is.)

When Jaime witness Cersei death, he took his own life in front of King Robb and Queen (y/n), his last word was there's no use for him to live anymore if Cersei are gone this leads to Tyrion the only Lannisters left.

(y/n), Robb and Vaeril walk to the assembly yard where all of their men including the Unsullied and Dothraki are already there. From here they can hear the Dothraki cheering out loud for the victory, the unsullied remain calm, the northerner and Lockharts were there standing still waiting for the King and Queen's order. Suddenly there's a loud growl from the sky where Drogon flying in the sky proudly with the Queen at the back, the dragon finally land on the nearby area.  Danaerys dismounted from Drogon, she walk gracefully and she seem proud of winning the battle. She then took her place not far from where (y/n) stand. When the Dothraki see their Queen, they cheer loudly to Danaerys.

"Blood of my blood, you kept all your promise to me. You killed my enemy in iron suits. You tore down their stone houses. You gave me the Seven Kingdoms. Unsullied! All of you were torn from your mother's arms and raised as slaves. Now.. you are liberators! You have freed the people from King's Landing from the grip of tyrant! But the wars not over. We will not lay down our spears until we have liberated all the people of the world! From Winterfell to Dorne, from Lannisport to Qarth, from the Summer Isles to the Jade Sea! Women, men and children have suffered to long beneath the wheel. Will you break the wheel with me?" Danaerys said, her voice were loud enough for all her men to hear.

Robb look at his wife, Danaerys word clearly meaning that this is not the last war for she will literally plan on to conquer the Westeros. Before (y/n) and Robb could talk to Danaerys, Tyrion were already at the Queen's side. "You freed your brother, you committed treason." Danaerys said without looking at him. "I freed my brother and you slaughtered the city." With that Tyrion pull his pin from his tunic and toss it away, literally telling the Queen that he didn't want to be the Hand of the Queen anymore. Those act made her blood boiled, she then ask her men to take Tyrion away. Tyrion slowly turn his back from Danaerys, he took a quick glance to Jon then to Robb and his wife, he then shakes his head defeatedly.

"We talk about this Danaerys." (y/n) speak, Danaerys turn to look at the couple before turn her gaze at her men again. "I changed my mind." She bluntly replied, Robb were about to say something but stop by his wife. "Tyrion...what you will do to him?"

"For such treacherous act, death is the answer." Danaerys said to (y/n), she look at her in the eyes as she said it. She then turn her back and walk away from the King and Queen in the North. "So you chose war." Robb said, this make her steps stop. "I thought I made it clear." She arrogantly replied to Robb, and when (y/n) heard that she almost lost control, she was so close to throw a fireball to Danaerys but she knows that she have to keep herself together. "My brave and loyal men, there is nothing left for us here. We will march back to our home tonight." She shouted so that her men will hear her order. She walk past by the Unsullied followed by her loyal knight, Vaeril, and as soon as she past her troops all of them following the queen and make their way out from the Red Keep. Robb see his wife giving order to the Lockhart, he glance at his brother Jon for a seconds. "Are you coming with us....defend the North."

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