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That evening, the same day of (y/n) death, Ser Nieven were there in the throne room where the queen body lay peacefully in a glass coffin. Nieven keep blaming on himself, if he stands for his opinion none of this would happened. He's the one that found out about Abi's plot, he suspected Abi long before the Queen, Nieven knows about it all way before the Winterfell trip. He look to the Queen lifeless body, he look to the queen's left hands where her betrothal ring are. He felt sorry for King in The North loss. What took him by surprise was when he saw the queen's fingers starts to move, then he see her struggling to open her eyes.

"Your grace?...." When she heard that, (y/n) slowly and finally can open her heavy eyelids the first person she saw was  Nieven. Nieven without hesitate help her to get out from the coffin. "Guards!! Called the maester and Ser Vaeril!" Nieven yelled across the throne room.

The maester and Ser Vaeril didn't believe what they just heard, they quickly went to the throne room and there she was their queen sitting on the chair she look weak and pale. "Your Grace." Ser Vaeril and the maester bow to her and the first thing she said was "Send raven to King in the North..tell him I'm...alive." She smiled when she said her last word 'alive'. She knew the risk and the consequences of drinking the deadly nightshade poison but she put her trust to the maester that the potion that he made will bring her back. When she's thinking about it, it was sad that her father didn't have a chance to survive. The maester been working on the cure ever since when he found out that her father was being poisoned and after so many trial and error he finally found the cure and (y/n) the one are first to have it.

The next morning Robb have a meeting with the Lords at the tent, together with Lady Catelyn. The meeting were interrupted by one of the knight saying that there's a raven from the Lockhart. His heart couldn't take the heartbreak anymore, he look to his mom and Lady Catelyn gave him a small nod encourage him to take the letter and read whatever the news it might be. He anxiously break the wax seal and open the scroll. The atmosphere in the tent was quiet  giving Robb a moment to peacefully reads the letter. After a moment, his eyes teary he put his hand on his chest before smiled widely, he look to his mom first then the lords. "It's a miracle, she's alive. Queen of Lockhart alive." The letter did explained the details but it was only for him and Lady Catelyn to know how the impossible happened, he left the Lords and the others thought it was a miracle some said her journey just started that she had a purposed why she came back.

The meeting went well Lord Bolton Robb's bannerman said that he will help him take the Winterfell back from Theon. He said that he can trust his bastard son named Ramsay to do that which Robb and Lady Catelyn approved. When he heard about the news that his fiancé is alive he writes back  saying that they will marched to the South to visit Lockhart. He do missed her and he couldn't hold it anymore not after the crazy news he got yesterday. He mentioned that he wanted to marry her when he got there and talks about war plan.

(y/n) received the letter from the north a day after she sent the letter, she reads the letter, Robb's handwriting bring her joys especially when he wrote how much he misses her and that they will have the wedding here. As sweet as Robb is, she found that this man are not that great at being romantic. She founds its funny rather than disturbing when the end of his words he talks about war. 

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