The Gathering

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 (y/n) Vrotheris outfit for the visit.

The journey to Kings Landing went well with the help of Theon Greyjoy's ships for he pledge his loyalty to King Robb and Queen (y/n) earlier right before they march to Kings Landing

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The journey to Kings Landing went well with the help of Theon Greyjoy's ships for he pledge his loyalty to King Robb and Queen (y/n) earlier right before they march to Kings Landing. (y/n) and her husband already arrive at Dragonpit together with the Theon, Lady Brienne, Jon Snow and the others. After quite some time, they finally see a troops of Lannister's men walking towards the Dragonpit and there she was, Queen Cersei walk elegantly with Ser Gregor by her side.

Queen Cersei walk straight to her sit, her brother Ser Jaime then took a sit besides her. Queen Cersei look at (y/n) intensely, eyeing her up and down. Queen Cersei always see (y/n) as a threat to her and seeing her sitting there with King Robb by her side makes her even disgusted with the idea of those two rule the north. She really wished that the both of them were killed at the Twin but instead Lord Walder and Lord Roose Bolton were killed then they took the Riverrun under their rule.

"King in the North and Queen of Death are here and where's the so called Queen Danaerys? I'm getting tired of waiting her here." Said Queen Cersei arrogantly, when (y/n) heard Cersei address her as the Queen of Death it didn't bother her much because she already used to it. Soon they heard loud growl from the sky, a gust of wind created by the flap of the dragon's wing. Sir Jaime and Cersei looks alarm and keep their guards up. Ser Jaime then stands and walk to see for himself the dragon that been flying in the sky, Jon and Tyrion look at Queen Cersei then to the dragon. Cersei were terrified of it but she try her best to control and remain unbothered but only she knows how much the beast made her heart race.

"She like to make dramatic entrance." Ser Vaeril whisper to (y/n), his tone clearly shows how annoyed he is of Queen Danaerys. (y/n) didn't said anything, her gaze were at Danaerys and the dragon then Robb whisper to his wife's ear "Well, we should've ride Dezeo nor Mildur."(y/n) look to her husband in the eyes and says "Be humble, we want people to love us, not to fear us." (y/n) words hits Robb in his heart, he smiled then squeeze her wife's hand. "You're right my love."

The dragon landed on the dilapidated building, the old structure crumbling down because of Drogon's weight. The dragon roared to where they were standing literally letting them know who's in charge. Danaerys slowly dismounted from the dragon's back then walked towards them and sat down without any word. Then Drogon taking leave and fly back joining Rhaegal in the sky. Cersei give Danaerys her annoyed look then says "We've been here for some time."

Danaerys unapologetically says "My apologies." Danerys then signal Tyrion to purpose their intentions to Queen Cersei but before he could he was interrupted by Theon's uncle, Euron Greyjoy. Euron threathen Theon regarding his sister to add that he also made fun of Tyrion. Those act made Jaime and Cersei mad, which soon Euron take his words back and sit at where he belong then listen to what Tyrion wanted to say.

Tyrion then look at his sister then he steps to closer to stand in the middle of the tent. "We are a group of people who do not like one another as the recent demonstration has shown, we have suffered at each other's hand, we have lost people we loved in each other's hands if all we wanted was more of the same there would be no need for this gathering. We are entirely capable of waging war against each other without meeting face to face ." Tyrion speech were cut by Queen Cersei. "So instead we should settle our differences and live together in harmony for the rest of our days."

"We all know that will never happen." Tyrion replied but then the Queen reply back "And why are we here?". "This isn't about living in harmony, it's just about living. The same thing is coming for all of us , the general you can't negotiate with an army that doesn't leave corpses behind on the battlefield. Lord Tyrion tells me a million people live in this city they're about to become a million more soldiers in the army of the dead." Jon Snow speaks on behalf of King Robb and Queen (y/n). "And I wonder why the Queen of Death herself didn't ask her men to stop?" Queen Cersei speaks unapologetically with her mocking tone, which send Euron Greyjoy laugh. Jaime look at (y/n) and her face remains calm he knows that (y/n) are strong, witty, and intelligence he admired her for not act like a child just like her sister did just now. Robb touches (y/n) hand slowly rubbing her hands calming her down, she then look at Queen Cersei in the eyes giving her a death stare. Danaerys heard what Queen Cersei said just now and judging by how (y/n) look at her she sure that if no one says any words then something bad might happen. Danaerys look at Jon she gave him a look so Jon could say something to ease the tension between his sister in law and Queen Cersei. Of course Cersei's word made him mad but they need Queen Cersei helps in order to win the battle, so he keep his tone neutral  "This is serious, we wouldn't be here if it weren't." Said Jon.

Queen Cersei just smile to Jon literally didn't belived what Jon just said. "I don't think it serious at all I think it's another bad joke. If my brother Jaime is informed me correctly you're asking me for a truce?" Queen Cersei look at Danaerys and quickly she responed "Yes, that's all."

"That's all? Pull back my armies and stand down will you go on your monster hunt or while you solidify and expand your position hard for me to know which it is with my armies pulled back until you, the Stark and Vrotheris return and march on my capital with 6 times the men." Cersei speaks without looking at Danaerys.

"Your capital will be safe until the northern threat is dealt with. You have my word." King Robb replied, he were silence all this time and he decided to speak up. Queen Cersei then look to his left where King Robb and Queen (y/n) sit. "The word would ever be usurper." Cersei replied.

"There is no conversation that will erase the last 50 years, we have something to show you." Tyrion said then he gave Sandor a signal to bring forward the creature that been kept in a crate. They waited Sandor to open the crate, Jaime grew impatient he was so curios what's inside the crate and so does Cersei. As soon as Sandor open the lid of the crate and pushes the crate forward with his foot, the white walker jumped out from the crate and run forward to attack Cersei. Jaime were stand there frozen, his childhood story about the monster that he thought were just a myth is actually exist and stands there before him and Cersei. Sandor pulled the chains around the creature, ripping it to the ground. The creature then jumped back to attack Sandor but his reflect were fast he swing his sword and chopped the creature body in two.

The Queen's maester, Qyburn picked up the arm of the dead to inspect it. He were fascinated by it and before he could take a close look to it, Jon request to have the dead's hand. He hold the creature 's hand in the air and said "We can destroy them by burning them." Jon nods at (y/n), then she look at her husband and Robb gave her a small encouraging nod. (y/n) stand, she threw a fireball effortlessly  to the creature's hand and with that it burned and kills it right away. Queen Cersei and Jamie look at (y/n) then to the creature, they look so surprised of what (y/n) just did. They always heard about the Queens ability and they always thought that its just a made up story so that people fear of her but after they just witnessed they believed that (y/n) are more than just a story.

Jon smiled to (y/n) then he look at Cersei's face, she indeed look shock by what she just witnessed. "And we can destroy them with dragon glass." Jon speaks as he pulled a dagger from his side, plunging it into the creature's chest. "If we don't win this fight, then that is the fate of every person in the world." Jon added. He then look at Cersei confidently and says "There is the only one war that matters, The Great War and it is here."

"I didn't believe it until I saw them, I saw them all." Danaerys said. Jaime turn to look at the mother of dragons, he ask "How many?" Danaerys then reply "100 thousand at least." When Jaime heard that his face turns blank, he realize that this war are far more important than the war between them. The thoughts of the armies of the dead that are about to come and end the living enough give him a solid reason to join the Stark, The Vrotheris and The Targaryen in this battle of between the living and the death.

"If those things come for us, everything we suffered would have been for nothing, everything we lost would have been for nothing. The ground accepts the Starks, the Vrotheris and the Targaryen truce until the dead are defeated they are the true enemy." Queen Cersei speaks ending their gathering.

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