Final Words

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The army of Lockhart and Northerner already set their camp on the field for the past 2 days, but still Danaerys and her army are not yet to be seen. That afternoon Robb and (y/n) together with the other gather in one of the tent to brief about their war strategies once more. "Tormund, I appreciate you came this far to give us support." Robb said to the leader of the wildlings. Tormund came with an enough troops all the way from the North to support Robb and it means a lot to them. Tormund are upset that his friend Jon, decided to side with the Silver haired Queen. "When it comes to the King in the North asking for an aid, I will come no matter what." Tormund assures the King then to the Queen.

"The Silver Queen and her armies might be arrived at dusk or late night, we have to stay ready every minute and every hour. Tormund, I trust you to lead your people stick by your Queen's order. I will lead the first and second troops of Northerner and Lockharts." Robb ordered. "Aye" Tormund said.

"My King, I will be with Dezeo to keep an eye of Danaerys. I will keep the ground safe for us." (y/n) added. Before Robb could say anything, they were disturbed by one of the knight informing that the Silver Queen and her armies finally arrived. "Your grace, they're here." He said as he tries to catches his breath. With that Robb quickly went out from the tent to look for himself, from this distance he saw an armies of The Unsullied marching, the Dothrakis riding their horse proudly and lastly he saw Jon riding his horse with the Dothraki. Soon (y/n) join Robb at his side and that very moment they heard a loud growl from the sky, there she is Danaerys proudly riding Drogon. 

That night......

Robb, (y/n), Tyrion together with their Kings Guard Vaeril and his crew came to pay Danaerys a visit. When they arrived they were usher by the Dothraki to their Queen's tent. As soon as they get there, Danaerys were already waiting for them and Jon were sitting by her side as one of her advisor. "Robb and (y/n) have a sit." Danaerys speak, and with that the unsullied prepare two chairs for the couple. Tyrion stands beside Vaeril, her eyes were fixed to him for a while. She did not surprise that Tyrion now served Robb and (y/n). Tyrion look at her back, he feels confident and fearless because he's now under the ruler that he truly believes in and a ruler that he can rely on. "Danaerys, it's not too late to pull this all off. " Robb calmly talk to the Silver haired Queen. Robb's word didn't make her trembles, she smiled to the King while calmly pouring a wine to Robb's and (y/n)'s goblet. "Please have a drink." She said as she held his hand out offering Robb to drink but before Robb could take the goblet, Vaeril step closer and took the goblet instead. He took a handkerchief from one of his pocket and wipe the mouth of the goblet slowly before inspecting it. Then he bring the goblet close enough so that he can sniff the wine, he swirl the goblet slowly several time before sniffing it for the last time. 

"It's safe, your grace." Vaeril said as he place the goblet on the table before excuse himself. Danaerys roll his eyes when he saw what Vaeril did, she's not like Cersei. "It's safe. I don't do dirty way." She said as she bring her goblet up asking the King and Queen of Lockhart to join her. "I thought both of you came here to finally bend the knee, but no."

The weather were a bit windy that night, soon they heard a loud thunderstorm outside. Tyrion look at Jon, he slowly shakes his head to Jon literally asking Jon to change his mind and support Robb instead. The tent suddenly went dark when the strong wind blew of the candles, in just split seconds the candle lit back with the help of (y/n). Her hands still on fire, she purposely shows it off to Danaerys literally warning her to not messed with her. Danaerys saw it, it's a lie if she didn't feels threatened by the Queen of Death. She try her best to stay calm and act normal but Jon know what Dani feels. Jon reached out to hold Danaerys's hand under the table and when he does he give it a light squeeze. "Dani..." Jon pleads. (y/n) sees how much Jon loves Dani and how precious she is to Jon. (y/n) stand from her sit and say "My husband and I will never bend the knee. If you want Lockhart and the North, over my dead body. These matter can be talk but since you thirst for fire and blood, I will give you what you want. Tomorrow at dawn" said (y/n).

Robb stands from his sit and say "Come, my love" as he place his hand on his wife's waist. With that the King and Queen of Lockhart leave the Silver haired Queen's tent to head back to their tent. Soon Jon and Danaerys heard their horse galloping through the field. Danaerys slowly walk out from her tent, she saw the horses farther and farther away from her tent and disappear into the darkness of that night. The weather suddenly change, she looks up and there's a star and the bright moon. There's no sign of thunderstorm and lightning, then her eyes were fixed to the Lockhart's tent her thoughts went to the Queen (y/n). She just realize that the Queen are the one who change the weather.


(y/n) lay on top of Robb's chest, she close her eyes as she try her best to fall asleep. As much as she wanted too, the idea of the war tomorrow make her feel anxious. "Love, are you awake?" she asked her husband, she slowly look up and there he was already looking at his beloved wife's sweet face. "I am, what's wrong?" He asked as he caress (y/n)'s face, she leaned into her husband's touch. His hand feels rough yet warm, his touch are her comforts when she can't sleep. "I don't want to lose you, ever." She said, her eyes starts to water and when she try to hold it a tears start to roll down to her cheeks. She then slowly pulling away from Robb and wipe her own tears, giving her back to Robb. "Hey, hey, I will always be right here." He said as he set his hand on her lower waist while his other hand touch (y/n)'s face so that he can see her face. "I promise you, I will always here right by your side. Always." Robb assured. He kiss her forehead, her nose then he give a quick kiss on her lip. "I love you Robb." She said before kissing him passionately, he kissed (y/n) back and hard. Robb pulled away for a seconds just to say "I love you (y/n)" before kissing her again. Robb then eagerly took of his own clothes before undoing his wife night gown. 


(y/n) sleep peacefully on their shared bed, Robb kissed the top of her head lovingly before slowly step out from the bed. He puts on his pants and shirt before making his way out from the tent, he decided to take a night walk just around the camp. "Your grace" one of the guards greets him as he pass through his advisor's tent. He then walk further more to the ends of the camp but before he reached the last tent his arm was pulled hard by someone to the back of the tent. Before he could  fight, the man quickly pulled his hoods off. "Shushh it's me Jon."

"What are you doing!" Robb try his best to lower his voice. "I came here to talk, but now please follow me." He said to Robb. Robb were hesitate at first but somehow he gives in he follow Jon's lead. They were just a few meters away from the Lockhart camp, Jon keep checking on their surrounding afraid if one of Robb's guard sees them. "Now speak." Said Rob. "Rob please, stop this madness." Jon whispered. "Asked your mad Queen to stop." He scoff, he can't believe that Jon dragged him all the way here just to say those stuff. What happened with Jon that he once knew, what the silver haired queen did to him to make him look this fool. "Robb.." but before Jon could continue Robb cuts him off. "You are the rightful heir to the throne, not her. I believe you will make a great ruler, you have my support to claim.  It's never too late to make things right. And If you're too afraid to take what's yours, you will witnessed your Queen turn the world into a place that have nothing but dust and blood. (y/n) and I will stop her from doing that with or without you. This my last words for you. " Robb then leave Jon alone with his own thoughts.

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