Eternally Yours

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"Love, can you do me a favor?" He asked his wife lovingly, at that moment (y/n) were busy reading a book that she brought from her home. She give her a husband a signal meaning that she need a seconds to focus on her reading, Robb crack a smile when his wife did that. He knows (y/n) so well, she's that type of person that needs a full concentration when reading and he finds it adorable when she squint her eyes to focus more on reading. After she's done with the chapter, she took a scrap of paper that are on the table to mark down the pages before giving her husband the attention he needs. "Yes, what is it?" She asked, Robb look at his journal for a second then back to his wife. He put his personal journal away before slowly walk to the table across him where (y/n) is. He pull the closest chair before taking a sit, sitting opposite his wife.

"If I can't make it through this war.." Before he could continue (y/n) stop him from saying something that she doesn't want to hear. "Don't say that." She said. Robb acted that way ever since last week, he keeps talking about what if he couldn't survive the war and those made (y/n) upset and anxious. In 2 days they will be facing Danaerys and what Robb said just now doesn't help her to relax at all. (y/n) walk away from the table to the other side of the camp soon Robb followed her, he knows that his wife didn't like those topic but somehow he needs to say something to her about his favor. "My love, please hear me out..." He softly said to her as Robb approach her. He runs his hand to her waist lovingly before slowly turning her body to face him. "What is it Robb? What exactly you want to say? What do you want me to do?" She asked defeatedly as she look to his eyes lovingly. Robb took a deep breath, he caress her face lovingly before tucking a strand of hair to the back of her ear. "We don't know what's going to happen at the battle field, I hope we win that war. I try to think positive about all of these, but the idea of death keep running in my mind lately and I can't help it. If I can't make it, I want to be bury in Lockhart. Where the big tree with pink flower are...the"

"Cherry blossom tree, at royal garden in Lockhart." She corrected him, Robb gave a small nod to her before he continue "When I my destiny is to die during the war, I want to be bury in Lockhart so that I can always be close to you even when I'm not here physically. I know you love flowers and such, so whenever you come to visit me there I will shower you with those beautiful pink flowers. To make sure you know that I'll always with you for every breath, for every steps you take and I'll be watching you. My love for you is endless, it will never change." He said, his voice were soft and full of love. When he said those word, (y/n) shed a tear but there's a small smile on her lips. She cried because the idea of losing Robb will be the worst chapter of her life, and she smiles because what Robb just asked her to do are something that she can't imagined someone would asked. Of course its unusual for someone to asked to be bury at the garden where all the flower are but the idea behind all of those are something that she will treasure.

~end of flashback~

After the funeral ceremony, people slowly leaving the royal garden. Of course Sansa, Arya and the northerner wants their King to be buried at Winterfell where all their ancestor are since Robb is a Stark and Winterfell are his home. After (y/n) explain that was the King's request, no one questions about it further more. The only person left in the royal garden with (y/n) is Jon, he stands just a few steps behind the Queen. In (y/n) hand is Robb's journal, she never reads what Robb's write in it. She's not ready to read whatever inside it, her heart are still broken by his death. She brings the journal close to her chest as she shut her eyes gently and enjoyed the morning breeze. The morning breeze hits her face and that very moment she felt something soft hits her face. She opens her eyes then she look at the big cherry blossom tree, the branch were moving because of the wind soon she was showered with cherry blossom. She weakly smile when she remembered what Robb said to her before ' I want to be bury in Lockhart so that I can always be close to you even when I'm not here physically. I know you love flowers and such, so whenever you come to visit me there I will shower you with those beautiful pink flowers. To make sure you know that I'll always with you for every breath, for every steps you take and I'll be watching you. My love for you is endless, it will never change. '

Jon slowly make his way to the Queen, he admires the flowers then he took a quick glance at her before looking at the tombstone. "Beautiful isn't it?" The Queen suddenly speak, during the ceremony she didn't speak at all. Only Tyrion and Sir Nieven give a speech on her behalf, she's emotionally hurt to the point that she doesn't have the energy to give a speech about her husband. "Indeed, your grace." He said. Jon address her with formality, before he called the Queen just by her name but after what they've been through he decided to keep it formal by addressing her right. "Robb said to me that whenever I come here to visit, he'll shower me with cherry blossom flowers to make sure I know that he'll always be at my side." (y/n) voice cracked at her last word, but she try her best to keep it together.

"I'm sure he's with us right now....I wish I could turn back time, none of this would happened....Perhaps Dani will live too." Jon know on one knee, he place his right hand on the tombstone and says "Robb, I'm sorry. I should have listen to you and your wife but I was blinded by love, you are nothing but kind to me you love me as your own brother. You did your best, you'll always be the King in the North....I love you brother." He said, he stayed like that for a moment before slowly standing up.

When he look at the Queen, her eyes were red probably holding herself from crying. "I'm so sorry (y/n)." Jon said. He accidently says her name, at that moment she couldn't hold it she shed a tears her knee feels weak but before she could fall to the ground helplessly, Jon hold her and give her a warm comforting embrace. The Queen return the hug, she cries as much a she wants that morning. It's a lie if she didn't blame Jon for her husband's death and she's trying her best to react rationally because after all its Danaerys's soldier that killed her husband not Jon.

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