Great War

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(y/n) decided to wear one of her royal armor which is in red and gold, she decided to wear red armor since those were her father's favourite colour on her. She wears the armor proudly and as a remembrance of her father and may his spirit are together with them in this great war to protect their homeland.

From here (y/n) could see Danaerys's army are already on their battle position, the loud growl of the Queen's dragon can be heard from where she stands

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From here (y/n) could see Danaerys's army are already on their battle position, the loud growl of the Queen's dragon can be heard from where she stands. The Dothraki chants gives the Queen of Death goosebumps, she glance at her husband at her side. Robb looks confident, he clenches his jaw tight and his gaze were focus on the the Silver Queen who proudly siting on her dragon's back, ready to burn all the Lockharts and the Northerner.

Robb then make his way to the frontline, he stands firm and at that moment Robb gives a such powerful words to the army, every word that came out from his lips sends chill to (y/n). (y/n) gracefully walk to her husband, she carefully hold both of Robb's hand and slowly bring it closer till her lips touches her husband rough yet warm hand. "I love you. Please be careful my king" She said as she slowly let go of Robb's hand before wrapping her arm around his body to give him an embrace that she might miss later. Robb hugs her back, he kiss the top of his wife's head it stays for awhile as he close his eyes, sniffing the sweet scent of (y/n). He then slowly pat her back before slowly pulled away and give her a sweet loving kiss, enough for her to know that Robb loves her dearly without actually saying the word. The thing that she loves about Robb is that he's not ashamed of showing how much he loves her, touch is his love language. "I love you, my love (y/n). Stay alive for me, I beg you." He said as he slowly caress her face. (y/n) lean to his touch as she give him a small assuring smile. "I will."

The Silver haired Queen's dragon let out a loud growl while blew a great fire to the sky. They took it as the sign that its time to begin the great war between the Targaryen Queen and the King and Queen of North. (y/n) slowly let go of Robb's hand before making her way to the last troops where her dragon, Dezeo is. At that exact moment they heard the horses start galloping through the middle of the field along with the loud cheers of Dothraki. With that Robb's army start to march forward together with the elite knights guarding Robb, the King. (y/n) saw Danaerys command her dragon to fly high to the sky and with that (y/n) climb to Dezeo's back and command the dragon to approach the Silver haired Queen. The weather that day are cloudy and that is one of the challenge, it makes her harder to find Danaerys and her dragon at this height. Suddenly she saw Drogon take a full speed and flew lower so that it can burn all of (y/n)'s army. 


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