Love or Fear

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Robb, (y/n), Jon and their men finally arrived at Dragonstone. Their arrival was warmly welcomed by Tyrion the Hand of the Queen. The atmosphere were different, ever since they arrived there are no sign of the Queen. Later that day Tyrion finally told Robb and (y/n) about what had happened, they were ambush by Euron Greyjoy men and they took Missandei as a hostage. But the sad part is, Missandei were beheaded in front of Danaerys and the others literally challenging and displaying her power to Danaerys.  Danaerys mourned for her death, because she was one of her loyal advisor and her friend.

Later that night Jon decided to check up on Danaerys in her chambers. When he arrived the Queen sits near by the fireplace, she looks so tired. Her lips were dry, she has a dark under eyes that shows that she didn't get enough sleep. "What did I say what happened if you told your brother and (y/n)?" Danaerys asked.

"I don't want it that's what I told them" Jon explained. "But (y/n) betray your trust. If people know the truth about me, people in Westeros will love you than love me. I don't have to love you, I only have fear." There was a silent moment between Jon and Danaerys. "I love you. You will always be my Queen." Jon said. Danaerys stands up and walk closer to Jon and say "Is that all I am to you? Your Queen." She says as she lean closer and kiss Jon, but Jon were not into it. He pull away turning her down. Danaerys look at him for a while but still Jon didn't look back at her instead he just look down. "Alright then, let it be fear." Danaerys said. With that Jon look at her, those words are something. He know that Danaerys are up to something and he can tell that just by her words.

The next day..

That evening in the council room, Danaerys finally shows herself with Tyrion by her side. (y/n) noticed that Jon didn't stand beside her but instead he took a place by Robb sides. "We will march to Kings Landing tonight. I will burned the guard tower down with my dragon, after that your men and mine can march to attack." Danaerys speaks, her voice were monotone as if she was emotionally numb.

" The people who live there, they're not your enemies. They're innocents, like the ones you liberated in Meereen!" Tyrion protest he didn't agree with the plan, soon his words were supported by Robb and his wife (y/n). "Your sister knows how to use her enemies' weaknesses against them. That's what she thinks our mercy is. Weakness." Danaerys said, she then look to the Queen of Death in the eyes. This issues really made (y/n) and Robb upset that the Queen didn't care about the innocent lives. "I beg you my Queen." Tyrion pleads hoping that Danaerys change her mind. 

"Danaerys, this is wrong you know it. Slaughtering innocent lives are wrong, you always fight for it. I heard about what you did in Essos it indeed a honorable thing to do. The innocent in the Red Keep they deserved a chance to live under new ruler. A ruler that will treats them right, give them a chance." (y/n) finally speaks, she was so mad about Danaerys plan. She sounds just like mad Queen and this are not okay. Jon look at (y/n) as she speaks sense to Danaerys, he really hopes that his sister in law can change Danaerys mind. "I will not let you slaughter the innocent, Cersei and his men that we want to attack not the others." Robb add. Grey Worm look at Robb then to his Queen, literally asked the Queen for his next order. "Cersei gather all the innocent to the Red Keep thinking that it will stop me from taking what's mine? I will do anything to take it back, its not my fault if they were killed its their ruler faults for fail to protect their people...Greyworm, ready the Unsullied. Tonight you sail for King's Landing." Danaerys said. She look to (y/n) in the eyes, she knows that the King and Queen in the North are not agreed with this.

"Jon tell our men to prepare themselves for the Unsullied will join them at Kings Landing." Robb told Jon. Jon nod his head then excuse himself to send a raven to their men. "Vaeril meet me after this." (y/n) speak in Vrotheris language, she and Robb then leave the council room leaving Danaerys and Tyrion alone.

The knights of Lockhart were busy preparing themselves, they set up their tent at the beach area when they arrived. (y/n) and Robb are not agreed with Danaerys plan with that they both setting up their own plan to take down Kings Landing without harming the innocent. "Vaeril, I want you and your men to attack anyone that harms you especially the Lannister's men. Try your best to protect the innocent, bring them to shelter if that possible. The northerner will help you too, I will ride Dezeo and guard all of you from the sky and I will prevent Danaerys from burning the city down." (y/n) speaks in her home language so that no one will understand except from Vaeril and Robb. Robb are good at Vrotheris language now after being years with (y/n). Vaeril slightly bow to you and Robb before excuse himself to brief the others.

(y/n) and Robb still at the beach watching their men busy packing all their stuff. "Go with them Robb, lead them." (y/n) speaks. Robb turn his head and look at her questioningly. "How about you?...Come we sail together with the rest." He said, (y/n) turn to look at her husband. Robb looks worried with her safety, and the idea of sailing alone without his wife are not it. "They need their King to lead them. I'll stay here tonight. I will try to speak to Danaerys about this matter. You will see me with Dezeo tomorrow." She said, as she took Robb's hand in hers and slight gave it a kiss. "Come here." Robb said as she pulled her into warm loving embrace. Robb's scent always help her to relax, somehow his scent feels like home. "I love you so much (y/n), I couldn't imagine my life without you by my side." Robb said between the hug, he then kiss the top of (y/n)'s head softly before letting her go so that he can look to his wife's beautiful (y/e/c) eye. "I love you more than my own life Robb" She said, her eyes starts to water. Robb smiled to her, he caress her cheeks lovingly before slowly pulling her close as he leans closer to kiss his wife passionately. 

The kiss was passionate and slow, after a while they both pull away. "My love, if anything happen to me know that I always love you, I wanted you to know that how lucky I am to have you as my wife, you're great Queen and a mother to a motherless child. If.....if the gods bless us with child then they would be so lucky to have you as their mother. You teach me how to love my enemies, you teach me how to be a better person and you teach me to forgive people and let them see their mistakes by your kindness....." Robb stop in the middle of his words, his eyes starts to water but before the tear rolling down to his cheek he quickly wiped it off. "If this is our last day together, if I couldn't survive in any case......please always be true to who you are (y/n/n). Like you always told me choose love not fear, remember that.....I love you so much." Robb words made (y/n) shed a tear, the idea of losing Robb are a great nightmare. " Please, don't say that. You will live, we will rule our kingdom together till our hair turns grey...please..." (y/n) cries, Robb pulled her into his warm embrace he close his eyes and there's a tear rolling down his cheek. He kissed her fore head several times before giving her a last kiss on her lips before finally joining Vaeril and the others. (y/n) with her heavy heart letting his husband go to a different direction, he didn't turn his back but still she still stand there watch his husband slowly stepping into the boat. At last he turn to look at (y/n) he gave a small wave and (y/n) mouthed 'I love you' to him.

Those were hard for both of them, deep inside her heart this final war to avenge their family are such a difficult one. They're not only facing the Lannisters but also Danaerys as well if the Queen decided to change her mind to rule all the Westeros, conquering her homeland Lockhart and his husband home Winterfell.

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