New Ruler

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2 weeks has passed since the great war between the Targaryen, The Starks and Vrotheris now Queen Danaerys are dead the last Targaryen are gone forever from this world , at least that's what the people in Westeros thought. Theon's sister, Yara Greyjoy she's one of Danaerys allies and when she heard about the war how (y/n) Queen of Lockhart and North killed Danaerys with her own hands build rage within Yara's followers. She know how powerful Queen (y/n) is so instead of declaring a war to avenge Queen Danaerys's death, she remains silence and holds a grudge against (y/n).

(y/n) stands at the balcony area not far from the throne room, her gaze were on a group of knights that are patrolling the east wing of the castle then she look at another side there was Vaeril, the head of the elite knight. Looks like he's giving order to a group of knights, his face were intense as usual cold and emotionless face. Yes that's what people see but the Queen know how warm and kind that man actually is. Soon she heard a heavy footsteps from behind, she knows who's the owner of the heavy steps after a couple more steps it stops. "Your grace." Jon said.

"Jon." She replied back. "Tyrion said that your grace wanted to see me." He nervously said, his eyes slowly meet her eyes. Motionless face, he can't read what's on the Queen's mind is she going to kill him? Or is she going to cast him away back to castle black because she's sick of seeing him since he used to be Danaerys's man?

"We will head to King's Landing first thing in the morning, to settle the unfinished matters. Sansa and the others will arrive at dawn and we'll march together with the rest."

"Understood." He replied with short yet simple answer. "Are you ready for people to know the truth?" She questioned him, this time Jon knit his brows. "I'm not sure about that." He said, ever since the beginning he claims that he doesn't want the throne every time people that knows about his identity asked him to claim the throne. If before he doesn't want it because his love for Dani, how about now? Robb and (y/n) believe in his capability to rule the 5 kingdom, yes 5 kingdom since the North already officially announced that they're one of the independent kingdom other than Lockhart. 

Kings Landing....

All the lady and the lord of Westeros already arrived, they were all gathered in the Dragonpit waiting for the arrival of Queen of Lockhart and the North. "I don't know how long we have to wait here." Yara voiced out to the others but the rest of them seems unbothered, they remain silent and just wait in patience. Soon they hear the sounds of horses galloping down the street, the first troop came into the entrance first, the knights were proudly riding their horse with a medium size of Lockhart kingdom flag, the Vrotheris house flag and the Stark house flag. After the first troop, the second troop came in lead by their Queen, Sansa on her right, Jon on her left, Vaeril and her advisor at the back. All eyes were on the Queen some of the Lord were sorry for the Queen's lost and some of them are holding their grudge to the Queen. Vaeril, the Queens guard dismounted from his horse then he quickly make his way to the Queen and help her to dismounted from the horse. 

As she slowly make her way to the tent, all the lords and the lady stands and gave her a slight nod showing her respect as one of the powerful ruler in Westeros. She saw an empty seat that are placed in the middle of the lords and ladies, she took a sit and only after that the others do the same. "My apologies for unintentionally delaying our meeting. Rough journey." She explained to the rest.

Tyrion make his way to stand in the middle of the gathering, he looks nervous so to cover it he clears his throat before he starts to speak. "As we all already know we gather here to discuss and choose the next king nor queen to rule..."

"We already had a great ruler but sadly murdered by someone who envy her." Yara spatted, she looks at Queen (y/n) from this angle she looks unbothered by her comments, she looks emotionless not a single words escape from her lip. Its true then this Queen are indeed the Queen of death, she look dead, not showing any emotion, rumour said that she killed Danaerys emotionlessly, her husband's death indeed gave such an impact towards her. "The last Targaryen are dead. Like how we're going to choose the next ruler? I believe all of us here secretly wants the Iron Throne." Said one of the Lord whom sit next to Yara. "I choose Queen (y/n) to rule. " The new prince of Dorne said. Yara look at him dead in the eyes, totally disbelieve what the prince just said. "Danaerys is not the last Targaryen, the truth is she was not the rightful heir to the throne." (Y/n) said. Those words made all the lords and the lady confused. 

(y/n) then look at Tyrion she nods her head signaling that its time to tell the truth about Jon. "I know all of you might think this is just a made up story but its not. The rightful heir to the Iron Throne is Jon. He's never been a bastard, he's a Targaryen." Tyrion said. "What kind of fairytales are this?!" Yara said, she sounded mad.

"Sam." (y/n) said as she give a signal to Sam, he then untie the large leather bag that he brought earlier. He took out a large old book from the bag and he quickly flip through the pages until he find the page that he already marked before. He then read all the content of the page out loud so that all the people can hear the truth. After Sam done, Brann confirmed and explained further more about what Sam just said from the history and Jon's real name. They can't question Brann since he's the third eye raven, he knows all the knowledge in and out of this world.

Tyrion then slowly steps closer to Jon and says " I know you don't want it, I know you don't care about power. But I asked you now, if we choose you will you wear the crown? Will you lead the 5 kingdom with the best of your abilities? From this day until your last day?" Jon remain silence, he look to the Queen of Death seeking for somewhat approval. "Robb believe in you and I believe in you." (y/n) assures him. (y/n) and her late husband, Robb always been believe in him for they know how genuine and pure Jon is. Not everyone understand him, not everyone accept him just because he was known as a bastard and people look at him ill. But the Queen of North and Lockhart still believe in him up until now, sometimes he doesn't understand why (y/n) still accept him after what he had done. 

Jon then look at the others he took his time to answer. "I will lead the 5 kingdom with the best of my abilities." Jon finally answered. " Aegon also known as Jon of House Targaryen, I say aye." Tyrion said. He then look at the others, one by one they agree and support Jon as the new king but only (y/n) didn't say her word yet. "Aye." She said as she cracked a small smile to Jon. (y/n) smile for the first time of that day, she believes that this is the right choice then her mind travel to think about the past and the possibilities. What if Jon claim the thrones earlier? What will happened to them? Will Danaerys went riot about it? And her last thought was, Robb must be still alive ruling their kingdom together perhaps have their own little family now.

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