Last Gift

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That day indeed a bright sunny day, the birds chirping outside, the sound of children's laughter are beautiful melody to her ear, the smell of fresh bake bread from Esmeralda's house are absolute perfect combination of a perfect day at least for now. The Queen decided to pay her people a visit, Vaeril were there too always by her side no matter what. The Queen's smile, the queen's sweet laugh, her beautiful (e/c) eye that will lit in joy when she talks to the children, and how giving she is to the people those made Vaeril fell in love to the Queen. His feelings towards the Queen remains the same, how he wish he could wipe the tears on her face when she cries in the middle of the night, how he wish he could give her comfort and his love but it's not that easy. 

It's been three moons since the tragedy, Vaeril noticed some changes in the Queen she looks much chubbier than before, she must have eating well that's what his thought. He smiled to himself as he watches the queen communicating with children, they love her. "She seems happier now" one of the knight commented, the knight caught him smiling as his gaze were focus on the queen. "Aye." Short and quick reply, Vaeril didn't want to add more to his answer, deep down he knows that the queen are still coping with her husband's death.

That evening (y/n) were in the council room together with her advisors and other wise men. They were discussing about the new plan that the queen proposed which is providing free education for all children and the adult that in need regardless of their background. The meeting soon were disturbed by one of the guard knocking on the door before he came in informing that Sansa are here in Lockhart.

Sansa greeted by the queen herself, when she sees her sister by law she puts on a warm smile then invite her for a hug. The last time she saw Sansa was in King's Landing which is 3 moons ago. "I missed you." Sansa said as she return the hug, it stays for a while before they both pulled away. "I missed you too, Sansa. How's home?" (y/n) said as she rub Sansa's cheek playfully, she always sees Sansa as her little sister its just like yesterday when she's just a little girl and now look at her finally a woman and a lady of Winterfell. "Home, cold and cozy. The people misses you." She claimed with a smile on her face. "Lovely, let's get inside we can continue there." (y/n) replied, she spontaneously locks her arm to Sansa's and inviting her into the palace.

That night it was a welcoming feast for lady of winterfell, modest yet fun feast. After Jon's coronation Arya decided to go for an adventure, she claimed that living a life as a lady are not fits to her idea of ideal life. The party goes on till late night, the queen decided to call it a night so she retreat to her once shared chambers. This is her first time being in the chambers after Robb gone, before she sleeps in another chamber. It's hard for her to get a good sleep without thinking about Robb when she stays in that chambers hence she decided to stays in another chamber.

She lit  the candles in her old chamber where she once share with Robb, she slowly walks to the bed area. It's still the same bedsheet, its in all black. She slowly runs her hand to the sheets, it's silky smooth she smiles as the old memories run through her mind.


It was lazy morning, she can feels the sun light hits her face through the window but that doesn't bother her to enjoy her sleep. She was sleeping on her stomach, a cold morning breeze hits her bare shoulder which made her shudder and soon she felt Robb's rough hand massaging her head gently before slowly moving down to her neck then to her bare back. It stays there for a while, rubbing her back in small circle then she felt a warm kiss on her left cheeks. Robb's over grown moustache tickles her, she can't help but smile while her eyes still close. "Good morning, love." As soon as she opens her eyes there he was, her husband already awake with smile on his face and a messy bed hair.

~end of flashback~

She smiled bitterly to that memory, morning without Robb are different. Morning are her favourite before because she gets to wake up with her dearest husband on her side that never fails to show her love, never fail to show her how beautiful life is, never fail to show her hope when she never feels like to continue.

Her hand then moves to touches the wolf blanket, the only thing that reminds him of Winterfell that's what he claimed. She hold the blanket close to her as she lean down to sniff it. Robb's masculine scent still there, she felt a hot liquid rolling down her cheeks but she didn't bother to wipe it off. She then slowly position herself to lay down, Robb's blanket still in her embrace she close her eyes while sniffing to the blanket. 

Suddenly there's a knock on the door, it was a gentle knock. "(y/n) can I come in?" it was Sansa. (y/n) slowly sitting down as she quickly wipe her tears away. "yes. Come in." With that Sansa open the door before slowly closing it and when she turn her body, she knows that (y/n) are not alright. "Are you alright?" it was obvious that the queen are not but she asked it anyway, she makes her way to approach her. "Yeah, it's just a dust." She shrugged it off as she wipes her tears more, she knows that (y/n) misses Robb. "I missed him too." Sansa said, and with that the Queen cries more she couldn't hold it anymore, she couldn't pretend that she's okay. Sansa brings her into a comforting hug, as much as she tries to comfort her sister by law but she was defeated by her own emotions too. A tears running down her cheeks, and they both stay embracing each other for a while.

When they were both finally calm down, they both pulled away. "Oh Robb look what you have done to us." Sansa jokes, which made the queen cracked a smile. "I didn't sleep in this chambers after he passed, this is my first time being here." (y/n) explained as she runs her hand on the sheets once more. "I can't sleep in this chambers, all of our memories are here." She continued, Sansa just stays silence for she's ready to be the queen's listener.

"Anyway...are you alright?" (y/n) asked for Sansa's wellness. "I about you? No offense but you seem chubbier." She commented, (y/n) grin when she heard that comment. "About that, my appetite has been on the rise lately....but sometimes in the morning it's a bit off, feeling nauseous and wanting to vomit." She shared.

Sansa look at her face for a while, she took her time to think of what she wanted to say. "When was the last time you bleed?" Sansa asked, the queen stops to think for a while. "3 moons ago?.....before war." 

"(y/n)! You're pregnant!" Sansa sounded excited, she smiled to (y/n) but somehow the queen herself didn't know she is pregnant. " But..." She was confused and in her own thoughts for a while, then it all connects when she remembered the night before the war. They made love that night. At that moment, she cries again it was a mixed emotion. She's happy that she's pregnant, there's Robb's child in her, she's happy that she will be a mother. After years of trying to get pregnant and today is such a wonderful news. She's sad that Robb are not here to see his child, he's not here to raise the child together, he's not here to teach his child how to ride a horse like he always planned...It's indeed a gift that Robb promise, but she never thought it would turns out differently. Robb may be gone forever but his little one are here, in her womb at least that will cures and mend her heart. A child of Robb and an heir to the throne.

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