The Boltons

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Arya and the hound finally arrive at Riverrun it was a massacare, she saw Lady Auriel talking to one of the knight. It seems like they just won a war, she slowly sneaking away from the hound to meet Lady Auriel. "Lady Auriel!" she yelled, the knight turn her head almost immediately to this one young lady. "Who are you?" Lady Auriel asked, Arya understand that she might not recognize her with such a short haircut and pair with dirty yet old tunic. "It's me Arya Stark, Robb Stark sister." She assure Lady Auriel, hoping that she remember her. "Do you mean King Robb? His grace lost sister?" Arya didn't know Robb are a King now, when she heard Lady Auriel address his brother as her King, Arya cracked a cheerful smile and nods to the brave knight. Lady Auriel examined Arya's face after she took a closer look she remember her, the only different is she's a teenager now. "I'll talk to you later." Said Lady Auriel in Vrotheris language to the knight.

"Come with me my lady" Arya look around, she saw the hound were hiding at the alley he nod his head to Arya meaning that it's a farewell. Arya gave him a smile and nods back before following Lady Auriel to the King's tent. (y/n), Robb and Lady Catelyn were in the King and Queen's tent, (y/n) told both of them about her power, her secret plan between his men and about when she discover her gifts and why she never told or show anyone other than her own people. Lady Auriel came to the tent unannounced, which makes (y/n) turn to look at her hoping that Lady Auriel bring any news about Bolton. "Your grace, my lady." Lady Auriel bow to the King and Queen before slowly stepping aside to show someone that been standing behind her. When Robb saw Arya, his eyes lit he couldn't believe his eyes he really thought that his sister were dead. "Mother! Robb!" Arya ran towards her mother first then to her brother, giving them both a warm hug. (Y/n) give thanks to Lady Auriel for bringing her to the tent. "I'm glad you find your way here little warrior." (y/n) comment, Arya turn her face to look at (y/n) before giving her a tight hug. "I miss you Arya." (y/n) says, with that Arya's hug her tighter because for her (y/n) are the one that believes and support her that she is strong and capable of doing anything she want and (y/n) also the one that make her strong to face any challenge ahead.

Arya pulled away from (y/n) embrace then look at her then to Robb. "are you guys husband and wife now?" She asked bluntly which sends (y/n) to giggles "Yes we are." Said (y/n) and with that Robb pull his wife closer and kiss her temple in front of Arya.

After the traumatic incident they spend the night at the Riverrun fields, Walder's Frey wives and his children are staying in the castle. They spare them, for they didn't involve in assassination attempt to the King and Queen. Robb told the remaining Freys that they are now under the rule of  Lockhart and the North Kingdom after what Walder did.

That morning (y/n) woke up to the sound of the siren and horse galloping outside her tent. Robb jolted up when he heard the siren, "Stay." Says Rob, he put on his shirt then bring his sword along, (y/n) ignore her husband she quickly get ready and follow her husband out from the tent. "Your grace, we found the traitor." Ser Vaeril pushes Lord Bolton forward, he stumbles upon his feet and hit his face first to the ground. "Get up" Robb command Lord Bolton stand up and face him. He slowly find his way to stand up right since both of his hand are tied, there were bruised all over his hand and his face. "Why did you do it?" (y/n) step closer to her husband and asked Lord Bolton himself why he betrayed them. Lord Bolton laugh before spit to the ground, mocking the King and the Queen. "Why not, why would I follow the King that don't know what he wants and the pathetic Queen to add that the Lannisters willing to pay me double for your head."

Says Lord Bolton, he didn't even care anymore of what the King and the Queen might think of him. "Your bastard, what they do to Winterfell? They didn't just cast the Greyjoy away aren't they but instead he help you to take Winterfell for your own benefits" Robb asked him, hearing that Lord Bolton laugh hysterically. "It took you so long to realize it, my King in the North." He mocked Robb again which made (y/n) couldn't hold herself anymore. Her right hands were on fire ready to blast him on his face. Arya saw the Queen's power for the first time, she heard about the story about the Queen's power and how she saved Robb and her mother from getting killed by Walder Frey's men from one of the Winterfell's knight the night before.

Robb saw (y/n) hands were on fire, he calmly asked her to put it down. "Lock him away before I lost control. Lock him until your King decide his fate." (y/n) says to Ser Vaeril, he nods his head respectfully before drag Lord Bolton away from the King and Queen's side. That afternoon, Robb decided to sentenced Lord Bolton to death. He beheaded Lord Bolton himself witnessed by the Vrotheris and the northerner.

That evening when they're about to leave, Nieven received another letter from Castle Black. It was from Jon, he says that Sansa are safe that she now staying with him in Castle Black for awhile until (y/n) and Robb came, he also says that Ramsay, took the Winterfell for himself and he kept Rickon as a prisoner, Jon also asked for them to come as fast as they can before its too late. (y/n) told Robb about the letter that Jon sent and the very same day they depart from Riverrun straight to Winterfell.

"Vaeril, ride fast to Lockhart, we need more men for the upcoming fight with the dead. Come back with your griffin and Dezeo. They were resting far too long. Ride safe, my friend." (y/n) talk to him in their own language. With that Sir Vaeril and two of his loyal crew ride fast leading the rest and ride to the east where Lockhart are while (y/n) and the rest ride to the north. Apart from (y/n), Dezeo will listen to Ser Vaeril and why's that, its because Ser Vaeril are the Queen childhood friend apart from Lady Auriel. Basically Ser Vaeril were there since day one when (y/n) starts to tame the dragon and to what he surprised he can do it to but only if he mentioned (y/n) name first before touch nor command Dezeo.

While the Vrotheris and the Northener on their way to Winterfell they received such a shocking news about the young King's death. People said the King Joffery were poisoned by his own uncle Tyrion Lannister. Then replaced by his brother Tommen Baratheon, but he didn't rule that long when the King himself commit suicide and now Queen Cersei sit on the throne.

Robb did asked Jon and the rest to meet them on the south of Winterfell by sneaking their way through Wolfswood and took the long passage since its much safer and least suspected. After days and days of journey the troops finally arrived at the Winterfell field, Jon, Sansa, Bran and the others were staying at Barrowton under House Dustin protection before. Ramsay saw the King in the North and his beautiful Queen (y/n) by his side, the bastard Jon and lastly Sansa his beloved wife that he missed. They were on their horse in the middle of the field waiting for him to come and negotiate. Ramsay took his horse and bring along his men to the field, he saw how big the troops is compare to his men but still he didn't want to embarrassed himself by yield before the war starts.

"My beloved wife, I've missed you terribly. Thank you for returning Lady Bolton safely" said Ramsay to Robb then look back to Sansa. Sansa gave him a disgust look, (y/n) eyeing Ramsay and the others afraid that if there's any trick behind all of this. "ahhh Queen (y/n) you look deliciously beautiful, I'm starting to feel jealous how lucky Robb are having you for every night. Maybe he could lend you to me just for one night?" Ramsay chuckles, but he stop when he saw Rob unsheathed his swords. "Watch your tongue Ramsay."(y/n) calm her husband down, Ramsay saying all that stuff just to hurt Robb's ego. She advice her husband to stay calm, they here to negotiate and hopefully bring Rickon back safely without any blood shed.

"How do we know you have Rickon?" (y/n) asked Ramsay bravely, she didn't not afraid of this man but instead he should afraid of her. "The Queen finally speak, such a lovely voice... Well.." Ramsay signal one of his men to give them Rickon's wolf head. He throw it to the ground as if its nothing. Robb clench his jaw when he saw the wolf's head. "You're going to die tomorrow Ramsay, sleep well." Sansa said before she rides fast leaving the others. "She's a fine woman, your sister. I look forward to have her back in my bed. And to all of you, my dogs are desperate to meet you and I haven't feed them for seven days they're ravenous. I wonder which part they wanted to try first, your eyes, your balls? We'll find out soon, in the morning then, your grace." Ramsay said he purposely enhance the words your grace to mock (y/n) and Robb. He gave his wicked smile to (y/n) before rides fast to the castle. "What a child." (y/n) shakes her head before slowly rides back to the tent.

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