Anything for My Loved Ones

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That evening (y/n) decided to check on her people to see whether they doing alright or not. She then walk to the big drain that she made for the battle before, the once empty drain were now full of water. She look at the water where she can see her own reflection, then she look at both of her hands examine it. She use her power to manipulate the water and the water in the drain began to churn, she slowly lift both of her hand and move it gracefully. Danaerys and Tyrion watch Queen (y/n) from the highest building area where they can see (y/n) clearly. They watch as (y/n) create a shape of a dragon from water using her power, and the children gather around her and they were all in awed watching  the queen as she makes the water dragon moves. (y/n) are so kind to the children, and Danaerys wonders why she and Robb doesn't have a child yet. (y/n) then try to control her new ability which is turns something into an ice, somehow it was easy for her to do it. The dragon were froze into an ice sculpture, she look so happy when she did it so does the children. Tyrion glance at Danaerys she look so jealous of (y/n) the way she reacts as if she was threaten by the Queen in the North. Danaerys then walk away leaving Tyrion alone at the building with his own thoughts.

"There you are, I've been looking for you." Robb said slowly as he steps closer to where the children gather, his wife were in the middle of them. When the children aware of their King presence they politely excuse themselves and ran into the big gate area to play along with the others. "Miss me?" (y/n) asked with a smile, Robb smiled back before pulling his wife closer. "Always." He said then kiss her forehead lovingly, he then caress her cheeks with his right hand while his left hand rest perfectly on her waist. "I can't wait for all of this to end." (y/n) says, she look at her husband lovingly. She was tired of all the war all she wants is peaceful life with her husband. "I know....We will rest peacefully after Cersei are gone, as long as she still rules and sits on the Iron Throne we will not rest until its all done. We will win this fight with the help of Danaerys." Robb assured his wife, but when he mentioned the Dragon Queen name she distant herself from Robb. "I'm not sure about that Robb, you see how she talks how she acts. She's not a person that want us to rule our own kingdom peacefully, she wants to rule all the Westeros...not now but she will, soon after Cersei gone." Her voice were slow enough for Robb to hear, she then look around afraid if someone might eavesdrop. 

"I've seen it. I've been thinking about it too, but what if she can tolerate?" Robb replied. He slowly steps closer to his wife. "Hey look at me." Robb said, but (y/n) still with her face down. Robb slowly touches her chin so that he can see (y/n)'s face. "I will promise you no matter what happen, I will always keep you, Sansa, Arya, Brann and the others safe. I will not let anyone hurt our family again, no more. Enough is enough." Robb says as he look into her eyes. When she heard it, (y/n) cracked a small smile when she thinks about it again Robb is only a normal man with no special abilities but try his best to protect her. She couldn't put it into a words of how much she love this man. "And I promise I will protect you, our family and the others too." She replied back, which sends Robb a smile.

 The next morning...

Queen Danaerys and her men depart first to Dragonstone, all of them travel with ships while Danaerys with her dragons. Robb and his wife (y/n) travel straight to Lockhart first then they will travel and gather their army at Dragonstone before strike the Kings Landing with Danaerys.

Jon travel together with his brother and when he arrived at Lockhart he was amazed by how beautiful Lockhart is. The great thorn gate caught his attention, it was tall and big just like the gate that (y/n) build at Winterfell. When the big gate are opened the people of Lockhart were so happy to welcomed the arrival of their king and queen, some of them offers flowers and the children were so excited to see them. Then Jon heard a loud growl in the sky. He looked up to the sky there was Dezeo flying in the air together with the griffins and their rider, the elite knights. 

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